I'm really craving PIZZA....HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Figure out what about the pizza you crave. I realized what I craved most- the burnt cheese. Take some cheese, put it on a pan and burn it in the oven. I know it sound gross, but the flavor stops the craving. I quit flour about a month ago. The cravings for bread, dough, etc. eventually go away. Now I crave cheese and meat (and alcohol).
  • Blozzer
    Blozzer Posts: 6 Member
    Words of wisdom
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    I don't know about other places, but I find Papa Johns' makes it easier to make the pizza at least a bit better. I usually order online so I don't have to worry about making myself heard across a phone line. I usually order a thin crust so I don't get quite as many calories per slice from the bread, alone. Then, I usually go light on the cheese with extra sauce (personal preference, here). Beyond that, I put on whatever I feel like while trying to keep things in control which, for me, usually focuses on vegetables with one or two meats, if any.

    The big thing after that, as many have mentioned, is self-discipline. Don't scarf down a whole pie in one meal. Right after I graduated, I usually was able to make one pizza last a whole weekend, sometimes longer.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    look up pizza place.
    Find number
    call number
    order pizza
    pizza comes
    pay driver, close door
    open box
    shove face in box
    eat all the pizza
    log it to see how many calories you are over
    work out

    Simple solution to your problem.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    Eat the pizza...but in moderation. For me, if I have a craving I allow myself to eat it because if I don't I end up eating a bunch of other things to try to satisfy the craving and in the end I still want pizza! I use to try to restrict what I ate but now have realized it's a lifestyle change and I am not going to stop eating the things I love just because they aren't the best for me. I just need to practice portion control.

    I LOVE to make my own pizza. That way I know what's on it and can make it exactly the way I like it. I actually prefer BBQ sauce pizza so most of the time I will make a BBQ base pizza with shredded chicken and tons of veggies and I always opt for the full fat cheese because I can't stand the low fat crap.
  • AmILosingIt
    Have 1-2 slices to satisfy your craving. Drink plenty of water before and you might eat less than you expect to. Balance it with some sort of movement...take a walk around the neighborhood, turn up your favorite music and dance for 30min. I have always been overweight and have tried and ultimately failed at countless diets. The best advice I can give you is to be aware of what you eat and do some sort of activity to burn off the fat calories. Do NOT deprive yourself because that will surely leead to failure. Everthing in moderation and move around. This is what I am doing now and I'm not hungry I eat smaller portions and when I want a burger or pizza I have it. I may eat half the burger for one meal with a veggie and eat the rest at another meal. This way I have consumed all the fat and calories but throughout the day and I make sure to move around so that it doesn't get to stick to my thighs.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    get some portabello mushroom caps and your favorite pizza fixins. Gut the portabello and stuff it with said pizza fixins. Bake. Eat. Enjoy!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This is like porn to me, filed next to chicks popping balloons

    that was my job sunday night....

  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    Make a mini pizza on a piece of bread. Use a little bit of ranch dressing as a spread (1 tbsb is enough), low fat cheese, and some veggies and chicken as toppings:D
  • BunniPage
    BunniPage Posts: 49 Member
    I'd just eat the pizza... and up your calories a bit!
    Don't go overboard, but have 3 or 4 slices if you want. Whenever I deny myself I end up binging at some point anyway - and it's usually 3 times as bad as if I had of just let myself have a little bit of junk.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Sorry. Not real pizza. Try again.
    Dude, I've no idea where this person lives and what options there are where he/she lives. I tossed them a lifeline, assuming that they had to one of these national chains nearby. I'M TRYING TO SAVE A LIFE HERE!
  • 300poundsdown
    In this case, I put pepperoni slices on a plate topped with shredded cheese and microwave it. Then I eat it with a fork. Unfortunately, I am not capable of eating only one slice of pizza so this is how I handle it. Good lucK!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    Sorry. Not real pizza. Try again.

    you must be from Brooklyn....

    (hint wrong answer = Chicago)
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Eat some pizza.
    If it puts you over your calories, work them off. If you deprive yourself you are more likely to fail in the long run, plus that's just no fun.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Sorry. Not real pizza. Try again.
    Dude, I've no idea where this person lives and what options there are where he/she lives. I tossed them a lifeline, assuming that they had to one of these national chains nearby. I'M TRYING TO SAVE A LIFE HERE!

    You're truly heroic. Thank you for your service ;-)
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    Do some exercise do burn off a whack of calories so you can have pizza.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I LOVE PIZZA!!!!

    One of the things I do is get pita bread, split it in half, and make a pizza on it - then put it in the toaster oven to bake.

    I also get Weight Watcher pepperoni pizza's - although my husband says they're just as bad as the stouffer's french bread pizza's, but I still like the WW ones better.

    WW also has mini pizza's that are good.
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member
    Pizza is great. I love this pie.


    Two slices and I'm stuffed. I make sure to get it every time i get to chicago. Those outside of Chicago should know the franchised Uno Chicago grills are terrible and are not the same as the pizzeria uno locations in the chicago area (part of the reason is that they are partially pre-cooked at the franchise, non-chicago locations).

    [Give me the chicago style over Brooklyn/NY Style every day, lol, but I don't want to start a pizza war, lol].

    Of course, I always make sure to do a good amount of cardio on Pizza day, lol. I'm fitting those two slices into my food diary (or at least pretty close), lol.