why does losing weight have to be so hard???



  • This is about a life change, though... you're going to have to sacrifice at first. It does get much easier to eat healthier after week 1... your stomach shrinks and you start finding foods you love that are low calorie OR low cal versions of the food you love.


    Also, you are threatening to order a pizza and eat the whole thing. Guess what? Pizza IS NOT off limits. Eating an entire pizza is. It really is all about moderation. You can make 3 pieces of pizza fit into your calories for the day. An entire pizza, not so much.

    The good news is, the beginning is the hardest. This will get easier and easier and the weeks and months go on. It will become second nature to eat in a more healthful manner, you just have to be willing to put in the work. Nothing that is worth it comes easy. Rely on the message boards here for support...you can lose the weight so long as you want that end result bad enough!

    You know what, thanks you are right. I should be able to eat what I want without depriving myself. It's just the portion conrol I'm having a hard time with
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Here's your homework:

    Write this 100 x's on the chalk board until you never forget it:

  • It gets better! I promise! One of the things I did was to cut my pizza up into tiny bites and eat each bite very slowly..you than realize how filling it is and o ly eat about 1/4 of the amount. You can do this!

    Coming from someone who has lost a lot of weight, I will take your advice! Thanks for the needed encouragement
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member

    READ THIS: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    It's not that hard! You just have to educate, calculate and dedicate! :wink:
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    If you are always hungry then your calorie limit is probably too low. It's best if you can lose weight slowly, so you can become used to eating reasonable portions all the time. Then you will have an easier time maintaining your goal weight when you get to it. I Set my calories to roughly the same as my BMR. I'm losing weight really slowly, but am definitely losing all the time. I eat chocolate and pizza and french fries, but in measured portions and along with a lot of other, healthier food to balance it out. I am rarely hungry after I have eaten my allotment of calories for the day. Try setting your calorie goal to your BMR, if you haven't already, and see if that helps.
  • Being overweight is so friggin' depressing! Did I say overweight, I mean obese. I guess I better come to terms with that word, because that is the reality. I want to give up food like a bad habit. Trying of crying about it, tired of seeing pictures of myself that I just can't believe are me. I need to try harder!
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    This is about a life change, though... you're going to have to sacrifice at first. It does get much easier to eat healthier after week 1... your stomach shrinks and you start finding foods you love that are low calorie OR low cal versions of the food you love.


    Also, you are threatening to order a pizza and eat the whole thing. Guess what? Pizza IS NOT off limits. Eating an entire pizza is. It really is all about moderation. You can make 3 pieces of pizza fit into your calories for the day. An entire pizza, not so much.

    The good news is, the beginning is the hardest. This will get easier and easier and the weeks and months go on. It will become second nature to eat in a more healthful manner, you just have to be willing to put in the work. Nothing that is worth it comes easy. Rely on the message boards here for support...you can lose the weight so long as you want that end result bad enough!

    You know what, thanks you are right. I should be able to eat what I want without depriving myself. It's just the portion conrol I'm having a hard time with

    That part does get easier. Youll come to a point when the bag says 15 chips and it WILL be enough. A fellow MFP member told me to eat out of a bowl because it makes you think youre eating more. Ya know what? It works!
  • This is about a life change, though... you're going to have to sacrifice at first. It does get much easier to eat healthier after week 1... your stomach shrinks and you start finding foods you love that are low calorie OR low cal versions of the food you love.


    Also, you are threatening to order a pizza and eat the whole thing. Guess what? Pizza IS NOT off limits. Eating an entire pizza is. It really is all about moderation. You can make 3 pieces of pizza fit into your calories for the day. An entire pizza, not so much.

    The good news is, the beginning is the hardest. This will get easier and easier and the weeks and months go on. It will become second nature to eat in a more healthful manner, you just have to be willing to put in the work. Nothing that is worth it comes easy. Rely on the message boards here for support...you can lose the weight so long as you want that end result bad enough!

    You know what, thanks you are right. I should be able to eat what I want without depriving myself. It's just the portion conrol I'm having a hard time with

    That part does get easier. Youll come to a point when the bag says 15 chips and it WILL be enough. A fellow MFP member told me to eat out of a bowl because it makes you think youre eating more. Ya know what? It works!

    Looks like I'm taking a trip to the store for new bowls! thanks
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm only on week one and feel like I should give up already!

    Gaining weight is easy for me half the time I don't even know I'm gaining but losing is hard!! I'm always hungry. Grouchy cus I always want something carbolicious. I just need some tips or something cus by this time next week I may just order me a whole pizza and eat all of it at the rate I'm going!

    Secret for ya: it's not hard. If you commit to it and really want it, you will design a new lifestyle for yourself. It's actually easier and feels better to live healthily.

    Steer clear of weird fads and temporary crash diets. Make good choices day after day, and next thing you know, you'll be winning.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You're worth the effort!

    One thing I did early on that helped was to eat just the white of boiled eggs when I was hungry. It filled me up and they only have 17 cals for one large egg white. After about 2 wks of doing that I was fine.

    Good luck, you can do this!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It's only hard if you make it hard. Take it one day at a time, one major change at a time. What worked for me was to spend the first month or so getting a handle on eating better, then I added exercise.
  • I'm only on week one and feel like I should give up already!

    Gaining weight is easy for me half the time I don't even know I'm gaining but losing is hard!! I'm always hungry. Grouchy cus I always want something carbolicious. I just need some tips or something cus by this time next week I may just order me a whole pizza and eat all of it at the rate I'm going!

    Secret for ya: it's not hard. If you commit to it and really want it, you will design a new lifestyle for yourself. It's actually easier and feels better to live healthily.

    Steer clear of weird fads and temporary crash diets. Make good choices day after day, and next thing you know, you'll be winning.

    Thanks for the secret tip! I am learning lots of new things on here and I am feeling much better about me being able to do this since I have seen all of these great responses. Thanks everyone!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Eat your nine servings of low sugar fruits and non starchy vegetables in the full rainbow of colours every single day - that is a TON of food and will help fill you up. Combine that with lean protein at every meal and snack, small portions of healthy fats, plus something for extra fibre and minerals. Water (in the produce), fibre, protein and to a lesser extent fat all confer satiety (make you feel fuller for longer). You might listen to the 'Smarter Science of Slim' podcasts on eating more and exercising less whilst losing weight and staying healthy.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I would say make smaller changes....if you make the first week so hard you are likely to quit. make small adjustments then when they become habit move onto the next one