Weight Loss competition anyone?



  • larnold14
    larnold14 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to have some extra motivation!
    weekly weigh in sounds good, and maybe a monthly tape? :)
  • I'm in!!
  • cls1992
    cls1992 Posts: 4 Member
    I like the idea, too.

    I've been in a similar group. A little different twist is at the beginning we had to report what our weaknesses were (potatoe chips, cookies, ice cream, whatever). We weighed every week. If anyone ate one of the things they reported as a weekness, they had to pay 25 cents everytime they ate it that week. If they gained weight they had to pay 50 cents for every pound they gained. At the end of six weeks, whoever lost the most was taken to dinner and given the jackpot.

    Obviously we can't meet that way online, but perhaps we could find some incentive to want to lose the most weeight other than a competitve personality.
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    I'm in! Any of you ever look into dietbet.com?? There's money involved, just a suggestion!
  • kphillery
    kphillery Posts: 19 Member
    Its all ladies responding but what about starting in the new year or even the day after? I'm starting a Challenge group to for some people as well. Similar to what you ladies are talking about. Didnt really think of a prize yet, but something along the lines of 60 or 90 day challenge with weekly weigh ins if possible posting there pix from the scale. I just finished one and people want to do one for New Years. Just a suggestion. If you ladies do not get one started message me I'd love to share ideas?

    Hey! Can u message me on any details of your New Year Challenge thing?
  • I'm totally in too! New years day sounds perfect.
  • MagnaSky
    MagnaSky Posts: 93 Member
    Count me in!
  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    me to please :) i need to do this ive stuck at the same for the passed few weeks driving my nuts! x
  • luelmo
    luelmo Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!
  • NateBW
    NateBW Posts: 2 Member
    I respond to competition, if I qualify.
  • dbrooks82
    dbrooks82 Posts: 46 Member
    Its all ladies responding but what about starting in the new year or even the day after? I'm starting a Challenge group to for some people as well. Similar to what you ladies are talking about. Didnt really think of a prize yet, but something along the lines of 60 or 90 day challenge with weekly weigh ins if possible posting there pix from the scale. I just finished one and people want to do one for New Years. Just a suggestion. If you ladies do not get one started message me I'd love to share ideas?

    Hey! Can u message me on any details of your New Year Challenge thing?

    Me too!! :)
  • :happy: I'm in as well
  • teamgoodnews
    teamgoodnews Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! I could really use motivation.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I'm in... just for the pure satisfaction of BRAGGING RIGHTS!!!! :laugh:
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm in! Any of you ever look into dietbet.com?? There's money involved, just a suggestion!

    oh man! that is so neat!!
  • carameldownsized
    carameldownsized Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in need some more motivation at this time of the year!!!
  • teamgoodnews
    teamgoodnews Posts: 17 Member
    the dietbet.com thing looks pretty sweet!
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Is this meant to be weight loss or fat loss? Because I could drop 20lb's in a week and a half no problem but not all of it will be fat.
  • timmybigtime99
    timmybigtime99 Posts: 1 Member
    Me and some of my colleagues started a weight loss challenge on December 1st BEFORE the holidays. The idea was to avoid over-indulging through the holidays, and then making some typical "New Year's Resolution" that never works for anyone.

    Our challenge? The first person to lose 10% of their December 1st body weight wins. Why a percentage? We have two men and two women participating; all of different ages, heights, and weights. The reasoning? How can a 5'-1" tall woman weighing 170 pounds be expected to lose the same amount of weight as me, a 6'-2", 240 pound man? The prize? The four participants go out to a healthy lunch and pick up the tab of the winner.

    As one who has dropped from 293 pounds down to 218, and then went back up to 240, and now on the road back to the low 200's, I've been here before. Create a group that people can join. Members can do weekly weigh-ins and post them on a specific day of the week in your group's blog. You can use a weigh-in format something like this:
    SW: xxx lbs. (i.e. Starting weight)
    CW: xxx lbs. (i.e. Current weight)
    TW: xxx lbs. (i.e. Target weight)
    TL: -xxx lbs. (i.e. Total lost)

    Accountability and understanding are key. Accountability is putting yourself on blast to help keep yourself in check. Understanding is knowing that there are so many people out there that know EXACTLY what we are all going through.

    Oh, and since December 1st I've dropped 6.4 pounds (CW: 233.6). :happy:

    Best of luck to you all!
  • My family is doing one right now, but I'd love to be a part of this one too!