Bone structure



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm 5'8", weigh 173lbs now and have been wearing size 14 since I was around 185. At 150, I'll be size 10 or 12 (if my past is any indication).

    You'll be below size 14 at 150lbs.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Down and dirty method - Take your thumb and middle finger on your dominant hand and wrap them around your other wrist (don't squeeze tightly, just wrap your fingers). If they overlap, you have a small frame, if they just touch, you have an average frame, and if they don't touch you have a large frame.

    I've always known I have a large frame but I had to laugh at the don't squeeze tightly part. I could put a vise grip on my wrist and my fingers are so far away they can't even say hi. :laugh: Even when I weighed 140 buying bracelets had been tough.
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    i'm between 5'7 and 5'8

    Then honey, when you hit 150, you give those 14s to your boyfriend to wear because they will be falling off you!:bigsmile:

    I'm 191 5'7'' and fit into a 13/15 right now... I totally agree with the quote above me ^
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    For overweight people, bone structure is impossible to gauge by looking. One of my recent NSVs is that my brother was surprised that I actually have a slender bone structure. Because of all the fat around my trunk, my arms would not drop down straight when relaxed, which made my ribcage look huge. He told me he used to think I'd be around size 6-8 when healthy, but now he thinks I can be much smaller.

    The wrist method isn't very reliable if you have chubby wrists!!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but i was I have a question. My boyfriend told me last night that because i have a big bone structure I'd be lucky if after losing the weight I want I fit into a size 14. How he came up with the idea i have a big bone structure i have no i dead. But my first goal is to get to 175. and Eventually to 150. At being 150lbs would it be possible for me to fit into a size 14?

    i hope this makes sense

    how tall are you?
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    your 5'7-5'8 my friend Kaylee is 140 and wears a size 4/5 at 5'8 she has huge boobs but still im sure u can fit into a very small size
  • DMJS
    DMJS Posts: 46
    I have never herd of that but it sounds good to me accept that means for me at 5'3" I need to be 115. I haven't been there since I was 15. When I was in my 20's and 126 lbs I looked and felt great. I don't consider myself as big boned but who knows. I was in a size 6 at the time. Now I'm 170 and in a size 13. The size 6 is making a come back :)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    as an xray tech..i can tell you..bones are bones..they are all about the same thickness and density. unless you are a taller person and your bones are longer, there is no difference in bone structure..we dont have big bones or small bones.

    men have about the same and women are all about the same
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    as an xray tech..i can tell you..bones are bones..they are all about the same thickness and density. unless you are a taller person and your bones are longer, there is no difference in bone structure..we dont have big bones or small bones.

    men have about the same and women are all about the same

    So, by your logic, aside from height, everyone is the exact same size... Then why exactly are there so many variations in body size in people who are NOT overweight?

    THANK YOU. I love sources :-)
  • srosenz
    srosenz Posts: 3 Member
    Looked through the sources from above. None really delve into the anthropology of size variance amongst populations.

    Again, the majority of the population will fall within an average size (meaning most of us) with a minority lying on the edges of the bell curve
  • I'm 5'7 and 153 lbs and I currenlty wear a size 8 but some of those are loose on me, in fact, I have been thinking of going shopping for smaller sized shorts lately because some of my size 8 are a little saggy and loose fitting. I am a curvy girl with muscular thighs (I run a lot) and a booty. I wear a variety of brands so if you are speaking about about american sizes then you will definitely be well under a size 14 at 150 lbs.

    BTW: I would be considered a large frame based on the wrist test.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Great example of bone structure differences.

    My sister is 8 years older than I am

    When I was 3 years old, I had this pair of bright fuscia pants. My sister couldn't find anything to wear, and they fit her like capris. I wasn't overweight then.

    I was a size 8 when I was 11, before puberty. I wasn't overweight even by BMI standards. After puberty, and medications, I was back in a size 6, but you could count my ribs, and my cheeks were completely sunken in. I look healthy in a size 12/14. Sometimes a 14/16. I just cannot buy that everyone has the same size frame.
  • sdlillian
    sdlillian Posts: 1 Member
    "I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but i was I have a question. My boyfriend told me last night that because i have a big bone structure I'd be lucky if after losing the weight I want I fit into a size 14. How he came up with the idea i have a big bone structure i have no i dead. But my first goal is to get to 175. and Eventually to 150. At being 150lbs would it be possible for me to fit into a size 14?

    i hope this makes sense "

    Woah, woah, woah. I am currently hanging around 174 and am a size 14. I have a large bone structure and am 5'5". If you are wondering how to calculate that, Google it. A good one will ask for wrist measurement and your height.

    That is an excellent goal! Keep it up! When you are down to 150 you should be having a party with me in size 8 jeans (US sizes, that is).
  • montanadanni
    montanadanni Posts: 184 Member
    i have a very large bone structure.
    i am 5'5" and i weighed in this morning at 148, my pants size is 8. i am pretty small for my bones. i have bones sticking out everywhere... ribs, shoulder blades, color bones, wrist, knees, ribs, and calf bone too
  • yea there is such a thing as that, my smallest my hips can get with out seeing majoir bones sticking out is a size 12 (but I do have a big rocken booty,, at that size I am wearing a small tshirt and I weigh about 180.

    but you wont know for sure until after you loose the weight and see how small you can go

    yea right now I am 280 I wear a size 18 paints and an xxlg shirt, I am 5'8 and have very large shoulders

    if any one tells you that the BMI is completly accute ask them why fighters have to weigh in to determine who they fight

    ALSO, my husband is very very in shape, he is about 6 foot and weight 130, he has just a little puge of a tummy, but he is very very lean with narrow hips and shoulders, so once again weight means nada
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    My experience as an orthopaedic surgeon, most people fall within the average ranges for the sizes of their bones. I can't tell you how many morbidly obese (supposedly big boned) hip and knee replacements I have performed that require the smallest implants.

    Now of course there are some outliers amongst us, but it is not the majority (or even the median)
    Interesting perspective! I always figured that if you really want to know your frame size, an x-ray would do it!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    The way your clothes fit is affected by so many things... I think the issue here is that he was trying to help you not set goals that are too lofty and possibly unattainable.

    That would be like me saying I wanted to be a single digit in waist size. I was a size 10 at 8 years old, at a healthy weight, and around maybe 5'5". By 14, I was curvy and a size 14, 5'10"

    I figure, a good goal to have is the smallest you were at your goal weight at your current height.... so for me, that would be a size 16. If I beat that, great, but at least it gives me a reasonable expectation. If you've never been close, make it a stepping stone, and just know that most of us lived at least part of our lives as "normal" weight and we should not have expectations of our bodies to be able to get to weights and sizes we haven't been before.

    Also, keep in mind that a lot of guys don't realize that women's sizes go in 2s, and so going from a 14 to a 4 sounds like a lot more sizes than it really is to some.
  • Ask you guy if he had seen a fat skeleton before. I don't think he is. Unless you get to your healthy weight, there is no way to tell if you really have a large bone structure since our circumference measurements changes however once you are at your healthy weight at least you can now assess yourself much better. And even if you do have a large bone structure, the difference is actually very much minimal. I also have a big bone structure and that one came from the gym when they assess my body type. I used to think that it will be impossible for me to get down to my ideal weight and have a waist line that is < 30 inches but everything is now history. While I will never have a 24 inch waistline nor look great at 45kgs (100 lbs.) at my 5'2 frame, however my waist measurement is 26 which isn't really that far from it.
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