Coffee Creamer!



  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I refuse to give up creamer as well, I just tweaked by switching to an all-natural creamer made from cream, milk, sugar and flavor (made by Darigold which might not be available everywhere, but it is in the PNW). It doesn't necessarily save calories over coffeemate, but it's not make with partially hydrogenated soybean oil so that makes me happy. It tastes great and I feel a little better that its a smidge healthier. I drink 2 cups with 2 tablespoons in each cup, no guilt or regrets. I will give up creamer when it's pried from my cold dead hands. lol.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    No way- coffee with cream is what I drink and will always. I reached goal weight (yesterday as a matter of fact) drinking 2-4 cups a day just the way I like it. I drink no other calories tho (unless you count protein- which I dont)

    I made it fit- even in the first 6 weeks when I was only eating 1200 cals (plus exercise cals) Now I eat closer to 2000- and real cream in my coffee is my staple for life.

    I refuse to sub made made crap in anything. I refuse to force my tastes to change. Im not a picky eater and love real foods, food from nature in all forms- and cream is just one of them.

    Ok, one piece of advice- use a tablespoon and measure each serving- you may be surprised how far 1 tbspn goes.

    Good luck!
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I LOVE flavored creamers, but I have to use 5-6 (30-40 calories each) to get my coffee the way I like it! So, I've found that if I buy flavored coffee and just use 2-3 regular creamer (like half and half or Coffeemate regular, both around 10 calories each) and some Splenda, I actually like it better! It's a calorie saver too!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    1. Use 1 Tbsp. lite non-dairy powder creamer + 1 Tbsp. flavored creamer

    Hmmmm.... I think I may try this, well sort of... I don't like powder creamer because it is kinda clumpy in my coffee. BUT, I could do one tbsp, regular creamer (15 cals) and one tbsp almond joy creamer (35cals) and have a cup for 50 cals instead of 70!
  • Bossit
    Bossit Posts: 118 Member
    try a dash of cinnamon with your black coffee
  • kiyapat
    kiyapat Posts: 1 Member
    This topic is so timely. I struggled with the same issue the first few days. Like others have said, I just resolved to keep track, and enjoy my coffee in moderation. Another thing I have tried is to pour my serving of creamer in my cup first, then tailor the amount of coffee to the serving of creamer. It gives me less coffee, but I don't sacrifice my preferred taste.
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    Vanilla almond milk. It's pretty awesome in my coffee. I had switched from cream, to whole milk, down to 1% to skim and then black, no sugar. The almond milk gives me a bit of sweetness and flavour while cutting the bitterness of the coffee. It's less than 10 calories for an ounce.
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I use the sugar-free version every day with my 16oz of java.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Back when I was drinking coffee, I would only put 3 tbsps in my cup. I also would use splenda instead of actual sugar to counter-balance it.
  • bullisnn82
    I had the same prob - and I used to add whip cream (a whole bunch) to it, so my coffees were as many calories as dessert. I know you may not like the answer, but I switched to black coffee and after a little while I actually became a convert. Now I never put anything in my coffee, and yet I enjoy it just as much. I do like to have hot chocolate in the afternoon/evening, though, but because I use Ovaltine it isn't too high in calories, as the mix itself is only 40 cal.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Don't sweat the small stuff.

    Why wreck your coffee experience when you can easily make reductions elsewhere.

    cus some of us use a quarter cup of creamer :laugh:

    OP i also love my creamer and refuse to get a lesser quality one.
    what i've found helps is choosing good quality coffee. I been able to find a few brands of coffee that dont taste bitter and are smooth enough that i don't even need creamer so when i do use creamer (the prescribed amount) it's an additional bonus
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I really enjoy My mug of coffee to start My day. Here's what works for Me...Unsweetened Creamer or Half and Half + 2 Teaspoonful of Sugar + 2/3 Splenda Packets = 60 Calories per mug (A Mug is 12 oz). The sugar and Splenda makes it all taste like sugar sweetened.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I use So Delicious vanilla coconut milk creamer. It is only 20 calories for 2 tablespoons and it is delicious and creamy.
  • ShelbyWeber22
    I only drink one cup of coffee a day, which is only about 70 calories. My splurge is my coffee creamer from International Delights. I don't really like the taste of coffee without creamer. But I have heard good things about the all natural creamers.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Ok so coffee creamer is my weakness!!!! I hate the sugar free kind and basically each day I am drinking 175 calories of coffee and creamer alone! The creamer I buy is 35 calories per tablespoon. Any suggestions on good substitutes that taste good??

    I had the same problem! It was the first big 'thing' I had to tackle when the food diary really brought it all home to me how many calories per day I was drinking. My favorite also has 35 cals per tablespoon.

    I tried drinking it black, couldn't do it. I tried using less, couldn't stand it. I tried the sugar free kind, not happening.

    What I did was cut the coffee in my cup by half and then I add two tablespoons of my beloved creamer. That way I am getting about the same proportion of coffee to creamer for 70 calories and it tastes the way I like it.

    I still drink too many of these per day (I'd rather eat those calories, honestly) but overall, I cut my coffee consumption by about 75% (I had to eliminate the bottled mocha frappucinos to 'occasional treat' status since I drank several of them every day ON TOP of the coffee, for about 1200 total liquid calories per day and ~15 cups of coffee or equivalent per day :blushing: ) This is the only thing that has worked for me. I had about 10 miserable days of caffeine withdrawal, but once that lifted, everything is fine again and I still get my coffee/creamer fix. Happy side effect of less caffeine has been fewer muscle twitches, no more heart palpitations, and sounder sleep!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I put in a quarter cup of 1% milk (healthy fat!) and just a teaspoon of creamer for extra flavor. Delicious!
  • firecopfl
    firecopfl Posts: 19 Member
    I am a large tervis tumbler (24oz) of coffee a day drinker. Before it would be 6 sugars, 6 creams. Not that I've changed my lifestyle I use 4 stevia and 3tbsp of regular half and half. After looking at all the powdered, refridgerated and non-refridgerated creamers and having used some of them, and self-determining that they were all pretty much bad for you (some of the ingredients yuk!) I switched to the half and half. I get the creamy coffee I want and it's 60 calories. That to me is worth it. I personally did not like the taste of soy or almond "milk."
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I agree with others about cutting down to one tablespoon- I've always been a super sweet-cant-taste-the-coffee in the coffee kinda girl... I had to taper myself down off the crazy amounts of sugar and creamer I had in the coffee. What made the biggest difference though was buying GOOD whole bean coffee, not the nasty bitter crystalized stuff. It makes all the difference! Taper the creamer down over time and supplement with fat free half and half to get the creamy texture.