Hoping to shred 50 pounds

Hi all!

My name is Ashley and I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds. I want to weigh what I weighed when I got married almost 10 years ago.

I have 3 beautiful babies. I never bothered in losing the weight I gained with them and am now 40-50 pounds over weight.

I find that if I eat right and exercise like I should I don't have a problem losing weight. My problem is sticking to it. I'll do good for about a week and something will come up and it takes me forever to get back on the wagon. So here I am, starting again and hoping I can stick with my new routines.


  • SunLixia
    good luck! feel free to add me as a friend!
  • bamshunny
    bamshunny Posts: 73 Member
    Well, my day 2 is going very well! I'm weighing/measuring my portion sizes for not only myself but my husband too. I'm hoping he'll start using MFP too!
  • swimneub

    We're in the same boat...I'm also looking to lose 50 and, like you, if I do the right things, I do lose weight.
    I also get sidetracked easily especially when I lose track of the long term goal after noticing a little success.
    I've been pretty motivated last and this week. The secret here, I think, is going to this site often and being honest about listing food and experimenting with healthier options around foods you eat all the time. The site is also good when you are contemplating eating something not so healthy - that's the time to put it in the log - once you see the numbers of how much that will cost you...it acts as a pretty good deterrence, at the very minimum, it will help you have a bite or two, vs. having a whole portion. There's something satisfying and moral boosting about deleting the unhealthy portion/food and replacing it with a smaller portion or something healther. It makes you feel like you, rather than the food, is in control.

    My goal right now is very incremental...one meal...one hour of exercise (whether it's 4 15 minute spots throughout the day or all at once) and one day at a time.

    We can do it!
  • I'm looking to lose 50 lbs too. Add me.
  • bamshunny
    bamshunny Posts: 73 Member
    Day three is complete. I did good today, thought about eating some Ben & Jerry's Pistachio tonight. Will power won though! I restarted 30 day shred. I only made it to day 4 last time I attempted it. So I'm hoping to actually complete it. My legs are hating me right now. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow, hoping the scale will be nice to me.
  • bamshunny
    bamshunny Posts: 73 Member
    Day 4....massive headache and incredibly sore muscles from 30DS yesterday.

    Staying on track other wise. Can't wait for bed time.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi there and welcome. Please feel free to add me :)
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    Things will get easier!!
  • Paro_182003
    Paro_182003 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, Good Luck!
  • penith113
    penith113 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi I'm working on losing 50 pounds too and have had several stops and starts. This site is great and so are the people. Add me if you want, we can do this together!
  • CJLS_5
    CJLS_5 Posts: 24 Member
    I also had 50lbs to lose! I'm about halfway there now after 7 months...got a little lazy the past 2 months but Im back at it again. 30 day shred was what kickstarted my weightloss! amazing program, i only lost 5lbs when I did it but gained lots of muscle and lost 16inches! Plus the feeling after completing it is amazing!! Definitely worth it! Add me :)
  • sueneil46
    50 must be the majic number. I started 11 days ago and have lost 7.5. I have used the food diary every day each time I eat anything. All of the rules are important. Very low carbs so no wheat, oat, corn, or any other grain. Have made a new game of protein, veggies. three meals and two snaks a day.

    I too have tried many times and have never kept a diary of calories. This is great I know just what I eat and figure it first so I know if it is worth it. So far this is the way for me. So how would you know. Each day another dawn. I will do more excersize as I lose some more. Extra weight makes many other problems. Here is hoping to stay on track.
  • LadyKop
    LadyKop Posts: 19 Member
    I am attempting to lose 67 pounds. I joined MFP on November 4th and so far I have lost 22 pounds. I really love this app. Feel free to add me as well, I can use all the encouragement I can get! I am also good at handing out kudos and encouragement! I am a great cheerleader!
  • wonderwomany
    Best of luck, stay motivated! it is do-able!! its hard to believe sometimes that as responsible adults (often in charge of making all the decisions concerning children, houses, bills, jobs, etc.,) that we let something as simple as food be in control of our lives!! I am sometimes amazed at that. The flipside to that coin is I often hear people (who are inevitably thin - but thick!!) saying "for god sakes, its just food, if you don't want weight, then just don't eat it" and that makes me hopping mad, as it is a struggle (daily) to eat the right food, and food thats healthy as well as lower in calories than the more tempting options (thinking of kfc or burgerking now!) anyway keep at it, log every day. I only started about six weeks ago, and love this myfitness pal, I think its the business, the real deal, and once you stay logging honestly and every day, then you have to lose weight, it comes off slowly but surely, which I think is the way to go.

    Anyway, add me as a friend if you like.


  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    just stick with it! this is like my 3rd attempt with mfp, first in 2011, gave up after a few weeks, then in january 2012, lasted a couple months, and now ive been solid since august / september... in summer i was 246, today i weigh in at 204... still have more to go.. at 5 foot 10, im pretty comfy at about 175 / 180... so keep on track, it will pay off in the end!
  • ksimp88
    You can do it!!! Feel free to add me!