Birth Control & Losing Weight!?

I'm on Seasonique right now, and I love it. It's my second time starting it. But, both times I gained about 20-25lbs.

When I got off of it last year, after a couple weeks I started jus dropping weight. I mean like 20lbs in 1 month, almost 30 after 2. Kept it off for about 6 months. I started back up on the pill and all the weight came right back on in a matter of a couple months.

Now again, I'm havin a hard time losing weight. I'm wondering if it is the pill? I know there is a LoSeasonique with lower hormones, do you think that may help? I'm guessing I'm just retaining a lot of water (I fluctuate 5-8lbs on the daily sometimes).. and maybe a low dose BCP will help with that?



  • is that the one where you only get your period every few months? I gained weight when taking those too, i stopped birth control all together. Then when I started up again I started using the "regular" ones (Reclipsen, bc its helps with acne too), it was the same time I started using mfp, I have lost 30 pounds :)

    Btw my ticker says zero because I'm starting over after a naughy few months at a plateau :(
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    Yeah it is. I like the convenience of a period every 3 months lol.. but I obviously didn't lose 20lbs in a month so it had to of been mostly water?? So I'm thinking of switching to something with a better chance of less water retention. Didn't know if low dose worked better for some people?
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member

    IMHO, I do think BCP have something to do with weight gain and issues with weight loss. When I was on them, (Yazmin, Seasonique etc) I gained weight, AND couldn't lose it. My doctor kept telling me I had to lose weight, I tried to lose weight and just couldn't. I asked for a lo-dose BCP, but my doctor told me that because of my weight, I had a higher chance of getting pregnant. Lo-dose pills are for women who are within a 'normal' weight range (within a healthy BMI weight I suppose)

    I finally quit taking it, I just felt sluggish, puffy and bloated all the time. After stopping it, I felt 'lighter' and started losing weight without really trying. Then with working out and eating clean, I lost more weight. I took the pill for over 10 years, so I know it will be a while for the hormones to fully exit my body.

    Please talk to your doctor before you stop taking the pill, I'm only giving you my personal experiences.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    Personally I felt like I gained more on the pill than I have on the Depo. I have Depo for endometriosis but I found it's slightly more difficult to lose but I've actualy lost close to 30lbs while being on it!