calorie counting embarrasment

I count every calorie that I eat and it's become embarrasing for me now. Out with a friend today I wanted to buy a snack however I spent a long time comparing calories with several different items whilst they picked up with ease what they wanted and I was so embarrased because they were like oh just have both etc etc as they couldn't relate to how I feel about counting my calories. It'd be nice just to pick something up without counting.

does anyone else share this embarrasment?


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    It takes a little while to become accustomed to counting calories. After awhile, you'll be used to it.

    For me, it was much more embarrassing to be so fat.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Sure. I don't mind talking about calories or refusing food in front of my healthy friends but when I'm around more judgmental or anti-diet people, I keep my calculations to myself. Sometimes I've felt compelled to "follow the herd" and take a cupcake like everyone else so no one thinks I'm the anorexic girl obsessed with what she looks like.

    And I understand those judgments as well... I have been in a room where I thought someone was being overly strict on not eating or being a stick in the mud. That was usually in extreme conditions where an elderly classmate offered us each a tiny 2-inch wide cookie that must've been 60 calories at most & one girl refused it saying she was full. Or a group of my friends went to Dairy Queen & 1 guy just got a bottle of water. It was like c'mon now, why did you even come...
  • I'm exactly the same way. I always have people give me a hard time about being so obsessive with counting every calorie - I often feel pretty embarrassed about it. But it's important to me, so I'll just keep counting! :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It doesn't embarrass me because I know that if I don't, I will remain fat, which is more embarrassing, as Lucky stated.
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I totally get what you mean -- People in my dorm think I'm crazy sometimes haha
  • i turn mean and just avoid food. i feel bad sometimes only cuz i look like a idiot but i feel better inside knowing i made the better deccision, i have flat out said i wont eat something because its unhealthy and bad for u while the person next to me is scarfing them down, then they feel gross hahaha
  • I have a few "go to" snacks when I'm going to be out shopping and if I'm going out to eat I'll just check what's the best choices I can make before I even leaven the house. It does get easier!
  • acm130
    acm130 Posts: 100 Member
    Just tell them: I'm working really hard to be accountable and aware of my food choices and how they affect how I feel and look, please be supportive. And on a personal note, I myself, became my heaviest, most depressed, unhappy with my body by using the "Just this once" or "It's ok" rationalizations. Slowly but surely the skipping my work-out "just this once" and getting McDonalds drive thru "It's Ok" became increasingly frequent.... And I became increasingly miserable, disconnected from myself... MFP and calorie counting for me is not about being restrictive, it's about being accountable and aware.
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    It's extremely embarrassing as a guy. My buddies make jokes when we go out to eat... kinda sucks but I just try to laugh along. :embarassed:
  • 33Chief
    33Chief Posts: 106 Member
    I hear it all the time...especially as a military guy. Just keep doing what you do. If I do slip, just usually throw in an extra mile in the next day's run. Keep it up!!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Don't feel embarassed. When you have a treat day, that cake or whatever will feel special. For them it's just another cake.

    I flat out refused a birthday cake this year. So my family gave me an apple with a candle in it! :) Surround yourself with supportive people and stick two fingers up to those that aren't supportive because they aren't friends.
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    People teased me too until i lost almost 30 pounds. Now im laughing in my size 6 pants.
  • bethycupcakes
    bethycupcakes Posts: 8 Member
    I used to compare food like that but now i do most of the work before i go out... I pre measure all the things i pack in my daily lunch and if we go out to eat i will usually look up the nutrition information before we go. My friends would get on me about counting calories but then i lost 30lbs...

    Try doing the work before hand, it makes your food choices a bit easier and saves you from any funny reactions that your friends may have. As far as your health and body goes you need to do whats best for you and if your friends are any type of awesome they wouldn't give you such a hard time
  • LuvHinesWard86
    LuvHinesWard86 Posts: 104 Member
    Eventually you won't have to think about it and calculate, you'll just know what to choose.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    In the beginning it is hard and a bit overwhelming to count and compare calories on everything you eat. Soon you will just know how many calories are in most foods and can approximate your food. Takes the embarrassment from the situation.

    It definitely does help to have supportive people around you that will help. I've had my co-workers trained for a while on what I like to eat and to hide the sugar/stop me from eating it. Good luck to you :-)
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    I used to care at first, but I'm 2 and a half months into this new lifestyle now. I am seeing results. In my opinion, it is far more important for me to be healthier than to care about what other people think. Also, after some time, you will know just about how many calories your favorite snacks have. You will be able to pick the healthiest thing off the shelf without hesitation.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Nope. I don't get embarrassed. If I get offered food, I just say nicely, "Thanks. But, I've made a lifestyle change and I'm trying to eat healthier so I'll feel better." Usually, if you're really nice and sweet about it...they go away. As for the packets of snacks, once you know what snacks are lower in calories, you'll be able to easily pick them up. To be honest, I generally don't eat snacks like doritos or chips too often. You could always grab a banana or look for a packet with peanuts/nuts so you're at least getting something healthier. The other option, keep some sort of bar snack in your purse and that way you can pick up a diet drink or a bottle of water and whip out your snack and just moan and go "yummy!" which will make them think you're addicted to something so delicious you carry it with you. Grin.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I've gotten a lot of crap from a lot of guys.

    They're still fat, I have a six pack.

    I knew then that would be the case, and it's the case now.

    They'd never admit it, but they realize what happened. :laugh:

    So your friends want to have two of whatever, great, no judgement, hopefully they have a metabolism where they don't have to worry. You, you have objectives. You have goals and you're going after them. NO SHAME.
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    It's a lifestyle change for the better. If you grab and go all the time, you'll be right back where you were.
    Once you learn some of the things you like and the calories, you'll be able to grab them for your snack, just don't forget to add to MFP shortly after.
  • dbrooks82
    dbrooks82 Posts: 46 Member
    Its a little embarassing at first but you get used to it. Having someone supportive in your corner is helpful. All the people laughing or judging either dont have the will power to make the change themselves, or respect for your decision. They will feel different when they see your results. Keep your head held high, youre on the road to a better and healthier lfiestyle! :)