new to site

hello my name is sara i am new to this site and so far it has been very healthy it was recommened by my doctor who recently lost weight with the help of this website i am a mother of 5 and wife of a marine our children are ages 19,17,13,11, and 6 they are great kids we move alot and this is the first time that we are not close to a gym we currently live in jacksonville nc and when i want to go to the gym its a little bit of a drive but its ok my goal is to lose 60 lbs i hope it goes well :happy:


  • joymomof7
    joymomof7 Posts: 14
    Welcome! I am new to here also..but so far really love it here! I have 7 we could be a support to one another. It must be hard to move so can get in good exercise without the gym though..just different! I live 23 miles form any town, and 3 1/2 hrs from any that is not an option at all for me. I walk, use my Wii fit, and do strength training with small weights and challenges from a trainers blog that I go to. (even has videos to watch, and its free). Best to you!
  • suze1958
    suze1958 Posts: 3
    Hello ladies!
    I'm new too. Exercise is a real challenge for me since I have Lupus. When I exercise, I tend of overdo it and have to deal with the resulting pain and fatigue for days.
    I'm currently using Wii Fit and doing the Step aerobics routines, the Hula Hoop routines and freestyle walking. Have done one day of Yoga and was surprised at how much I could do.
  • Saramonique
    hello ladies ,h ow are you I hope all is well I see we are all on this journey. How are things going so far ? How much weight do you want to lose? I thought I was far from a gym you got me beat this is one of those places that I would love to stay for a summer but not years and clearly we have to be here for years. I will be glad when all this moving is over you do get used to it and is fun because you can start over fresh every time but now that my kids are getting older we are ready to settle down we only have a few years left then my husband can retire LOL that still sounds funny to me because my husband is only 37 years old but anyway it is time to settle down. Now as for me I am loving this site so far it is a big help to me and my husband who is pretty fit but is doing this with me for support he thinks I don't know but he doesn't need to lose any weight but he says he needs to lose 10 pounds but it's fine I like doing this with him. I am trying to lose 50 pounds I have tried in the past with other things but now it is finally coming off so far I have lost maybe 5 pounds and I am so excited about that so good luck to you sweeties keep me posted on how you all are doing.
  • SquidInTraining
    Hello, from a fellow North Carolinian! I'm all the way over on the other side of the state, about 30 minutes from the TN line. Welcome to MFP, it's a powerful weapon in the battle of the bulge... There are a wealth of people that are willing to provide support here, including myself! On a side note, my brother is in USMC boot camp this very second -- For selfish reasons I'm hoping he's stationed at Camp Lejeune at some point :)
  • Saramonique
    LOL! That would be great for you and him also a young marine needs someone close to them in the first stages of their career I hope he does get to be close to you my husband is an instructer att one of the schools here in jacksonville over on camp johnson so many new young faces coming thru they all look like babies. Any how you are rite this site is great I have lost 5 pounds so far and I am not having that feeling of OMG I can't do this or I'm starving I need to quit the diet you know the normal stuff we all go thru when on a diet but this time is better it a life change its getting my husband and children to eat more fruit and veggies more whole wheats and to my suprise they all love it so this is surely working for us. Thanks for the support and I wish you the best on your journey to a healthier you.