BwnEyedWifey Posts: 100 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just wanted to know if anyone is taking any type of diet pills to help them with their weight loss. I hear different risk factors for weight loss pills and it scares me to take anything, so I didnt know if anyone has had success in any type of pills. If so.. I would like to know what is working for you.

Thank you


  • feetee
    feetee Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there,
    I am taking Xenical (higer dose of Alli) prescribed by my doctor. 1 week on and so far so good. No side effects. I'll weigh -in for the first time tomorrow moring and find out what this weeks weight loss is.
    Fiona xx
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Diet and exercise, it's the only option for me anyway. I don't want to put unnecessary things in my body when I can accomplish the same results with diet and exercise, will power and dedication, hard work and sore muscles!!
  • robinsonmsn
    robinsonmsn Posts: 16 Member
    I did the diet pills in 2002. I lost 56 pounds great. But the downfall is coming of the pills. (mood swings/anger/frustration). When your on the pills you in this "fairyland experience" and don't really deal with why you put on the weight. I gained about 40 pounds back . So I'm at square one again. Learning how to journal, plan out my meals, exercise regularly etc etc. the best thing I've done is start meditating in the morning and letting go of all the drama from the day before and gotten a few smaller fit friends I go to the gym with. I needed to learn to be around people who had the energy and healthy lifestyle I'm working towards.

    The pills will take away your appetite but they won't help you deal with why you put on the weight.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Yeah I wouldnt take anything. If there was a miracle pill we all wouldnt be on this website
  • BwnEyedWifey
    BwnEyedWifey Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I have never taken diet pills and Ive always told myself that I never wanted to.. that I just wanted to lose the weight on my on because Im sure it can happen eventually if I actually do it and stop slacking.

    Thanks all :)

    Hope I can stay motivated.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I lost about 18 lbs last year taking Hydroxycut. Great, until it was pulled from the market due to being linked to liver problems.... yikes!! AND I gained all the weight back as soon as I got off of it because I was SO HUNGRY all the time.

    Based on the fact that you're on this website, I think you've already got what it takes to lose the weight in a healthier manner. :)
  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    i think i may scream.....sorry....not you.....just diet pill questions in general.
  • feetee
    feetee Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to add that I am sticking to 1340 calories per day and running 3 times per week also. I'm not relying on pills to do the hard work for me. The pills aid dieting by stopping your body absorbing 30% of the fat you consume. They do not suppress my appetitte, or put me into some sort of "fairyland".
    Fiona xx
  • I have been taking the Healthe trim for 2 weeks now .. so far it has given me more energy and i have lost 1.3 poounds lol.. at most it gives me more energy but I cannot eat for 2 hrs after i take it and no caffeine so we will see .. the Ali works and it is just a fat blocker.. but this pill doenst give me jitters the way the others have .. but the ali has worked for my husband but u have to have to watch fat intake on ali cause if u don't u will get stomach cramps and oily diarea trust me it has happened to me .. it's just a rem not to slip up on it cause u will pay ..
  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    I just began taking CLA it is a supplement that I bought at a health food store. I had heard that it helped with belly fat etc. It is also supposed to help turn fat to muscle when you workout alot. I then spoke to a phycotherapist this last weekend that specializes in weight loss. She said the CLA is good for you. She said the Max Muscle brand is the best and to take it 3 times a day with meals. I also bought an appetite suppressant from vitamin cottage. All Natural, no green tea or energy stuff in it. It seems to help. If you want more info on it send me a friend request & I will send you the brand and exact name.
    Good Luck.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I too must admit that I am taking Ali and have not experienced the side affects that others have mentioned. I lucked out.

    But I am also changing my eating habits and learning a new way of life so that when I stop taking them I should be good to go at my new weight.

    I was at a point where I knew I needed to do something drastic. I gained all my weight back then quit smoking and gained even more.

    I could hardly walk.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I have never taken diet pills and Ive always told myself that I never wanted to.. that I just wanted to lose the weight on my on because Im sure it can happen eventually if I actually do it and stop slacking.

    Thanks all :)

    Hope I can stay motivated.

    YOU CAN DO IT! That's why you keep logging on here and keep coming back so that everyone can help keep you motivated. After awhile it will just become second nature. Picture what you want to look like...and be realistic. Think of things you will be able to do without all the weight on, and reasons losing it will help you. This site has helped me a ton though, so keep it up!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Diet pills aren't for everyone and they each work different for everyone, I would suggest speaking to your doctor and see what he/she recommends for you.

    Personally I stay away from diet pills, have tried Xenadrine when it was on the market with the stronger dosage and had that ingredient that was band (cant remember) however it made my heart beat extremely fast and if taken too late, I couldnt sleep.

    The fact that it made my heart beat so fast scared me, I also tried the powder that you put in your drinks, that did nothing and made me feel weird as well.

    I decided to do it the diet free way, because these diet pills were going to make my heart pop.

    They are risky and not everyone's body can handle them

    So I would suggest you speak to your doctor first and see what he/she recommends.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    No pills! YOU can do this!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
  • kriddle2
    kriddle2 Posts: 11 Member
    I've never been in favor of diet pills, but I recently had a friend who started xenadrine ultra (the new version after they took the ephedra out) and she had amazing results. I'm not saying that it's a quick fix. I've been working out for the last 4 months and have lost 10 pounds which is awesome, I've just started them to see if they can act as an aide. I'm still counting calories and still working out 6 days a week. So far no weird side effects. I have my 10 day weigh in on Monday, so I'll see how it went?
  • Last year around march-june i was taking rapidslimxs for women and lost about 20lbs. i also ate pretty reasonably (not counting cals) and would run a mile full speed w/o stopping everyday after school. I looked great.. you can see in the skinny pic in my ticker. but then i stopped taking them and steadily started to put on weight. after a year of college w no exercise i put on 25 lbs. Now my metabolism is sooo slow. Ive been working out and restricting cals the last month or so and have lost like 2lbs. I started taking slimquick.. they have comercials on tv a lot, and they make me feel like crap. If i dont eat within like an hour of taking them i feel like im going to throw up. if i take them and start working out i feel like im gonna faint. i feel like why am i taking something that makes me have to eat more.. so anyway. i am 19 and now my metabolism is probably permanently messed up from diet pills.. and i know its harder to lose weight for women who are older.. so please be careful with this stuff
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