I need help with eating all day..

I have a problem...I think I'm emotionally eating throughout the day...not emotional as depressed but kind of boredom, I have nothing to do or I just need something in my mouth (don't take this out of context) type of thing.
I thought about chewing gum but that could hurt your teeth unless you constantly brush your teeth after use...i'm not sure what to do. I'm on the computer all day because....its my life! lol Help?


  • seruki
    seruki Posts: 10
    I want to eat all day, nonstop, when I am sitting around doing not much of anything.

    Maybe pick up a new hobby! Try something like drawing, playing video games (even one on your phone), maybe go for a walk...
    Sitting around seems to make me hungrier. (I draw on my computer most of the day lately.)

    Brushing your teeth WITHOUT the chewing gum when you feel the urge to eat MAY actually help!
    You won't wanna dirty your teeth up and the minty flavor might make you feel a little less like eating.

    I guess get up and do situps or pushups from time to time. Jumping jacks, jogging in place help... try eating pretzel sticks or something if you have to eat. They're low fat. Or maybe even fat free. Rold Gold brand!
  • bigjretrac
    bigjretrac Posts: 80 Member
    I have this problem when I'm in the office during the day. I've tried bringing in fruit like grapes in my office, and it does help.
  • journeytolong
    I want to eat all day, nonstop, when I am sitting around doing not much of anything.

    Maybe pick up a new hobby! Try something like drawing, playing video games (even one on your phone), maybe go for a walk...
    Sitting around seems to make me hungrier. (I draw on my computer most of the day lately.)

    Brushing your teeth WITHOUT the chewing gum when you feel the urge to eat MAY actually help!
    You won't wanna dirty your teeth up and the minty flavor might make you feel a little less like eating.

    I guess get up and do situps or pushups from time to time. Jumping jacks, jogging in place help... try eating pretzel sticks or something if you have to eat. They're low fat. Or maybe even fat free. Rold Gold brand!

    Wow, brush my teeth when I feel the urge to eat...i love that suggestion I'm going to put that to work, tomorrow! Thank you :)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Find a hobby that keeps your hands occupied! When I'm sitting around watching tv or at school, I'm bored and think about what I'd like to eat to distract myself. But when I'm doing something with my hands (Writing, sewing, beading, editing photos, etc.) I don't think about food at all! In fact, I may actually PUT OFF a snack or meal because I want to finish what I'm working on.
  • journeytolong
    I have this problem when I'm in the office during the day. I've tried bringing in fruit like grapes in my office, and it does help.
    I guess eating something like grapes is better than chewing on sunflower seeds all day long but I think I would probably abuse it seeing that I love me some grapes :D but it doesn't hurt to give it a try.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    What also helps me is drinking tasty low-cal fluids. It fills that need to "have something in your mouth" and also will help you feel full. I like:

    - coffee with splenda & soymilk in it [30 calories]
    - green tea mixed with oolong tea [0 calories]
    - 1 cup chocolate milk (Soymilk with 1 tbsp cocoa powder & splenda) [100 calories]
    - tea with soymilk & splenda (20 calories]

    If you like flavored water or one of those zero calorie vitamin waters, that would be good too.
  • mbryant22
    mbryant22 Posts: 24 Member
    Ditto on the brushing your teeth, it really works!

    Also, may suck/chew on some crushed ice? Might trick yourself into thinking you are eating.
  • loviesplan01
    loviesplan01 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the same problem. I work in a convenience store for 9 1/2 hours every day. Chocolate is my enemy and it stares me in the face every day. I am really good with my fruits and veggies until about 2:00 pm. I really need something to do to occupy my mind and my hands. I love to crochet, so I might take it to work with me.
  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    I have this problem too... especially at work. So at work I don't keep food in my office at all.
    At home if I feel like eating mindlessly I give myself a task to do first. Like.. I'll eat when I finish 4 chapters in my book. Or I get after I finish a big bottle of water. I'm really good about keeping tiny short term goals, but not so good about long-term ones. I find that if I do that I by the time I've finished the water or the 4 chapters I'm not actually hungry. (Also drinking water constantly throughout the day helps you feel less hungry so I always try to drink before eating.)
    If I still feel hungry after a reasonable time, then I will eat. But I don't keep pre-made food around so I have to cook something if I want to eat, which again takes time and really makes me consider whether or not I'm actually hungry.

    I also do the teeth brushing thing. Totally works. :)
  • journeytolong
    Ditto on the brushing your teeth, it really works!

    Also, may suck/chew on some crushed ice? Might trick yourself into thinking you are eating.

    Hmm crushed ice, some members in my family used to do that but I found out through a doctor that overtime it becomes a problem by constantly chewing ice your replacing it with some type of nutrients or protein you need..I forgot exactly what the doctor said but he made it clear that chewing ice constantly was a no no.
  • Seoul11
    Seoul11 Posts: 138 Member
    Ditto on the brushing your teeth, it really works!

    Also, may suck/chew on some crushed ice? Might trick yourself into thinking you are eating.

    Hmm crushed ice, some members in my family used to do that but I found out through a doctor that overtime it becomes a problem by constantly chewing ice your replacing it with some type of nutrients or protein you need..I forgot exactly what the doctor said but he made it clear that chewing ice constantly was a no no.

    Crushed ice cravings can be a sign of iron deficiency. I get them like mad.
    Also, TERRIBLE for your teeth.
  • journeytolong
    Ditto on the brushing your teeth, it really works!

    Also, may suck/chew on some crushed ice? Might trick yourself into thinking you are eating.

    Hmm crushed ice, some members in my family used to do that but I found out through a doctor that overtime it becomes a problem by constantly chewing ice your replacing it with some type of nutrients or protein you need..I forgot exactly what the doctor said but he made it clear that chewing ice constantly was a no no.

    Crushed ice cravings can be a sign of iron deficiency. I get them like mad.
    Also, TERRIBLE for your teeth.

    Yes you are correct, it is is iron deficiency, thank you for the correction.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    When I was first starting out at MFP I had this problem from time to time. I think I was just thinking about food too much because I was so focused on the goal.

    My solution was sugar free mints / lozenges. I only needed them now and then but I'd put one in my mouth so I'd have something to taste and feel in my mouth, but with no sugar, no calories and no tooth decay.
  • NocturnalGirl
    You said it yourself, you eat when you have nothing to do. In that case, keep yourself occupied, find something to do. Get involved in hobbies, maybe go for a walk, watch a movie, etc. Also, you could try and change your meal frequency to see if it helps. Some people prefer eating more smaller meals during the day while others prefer eating less but larger meals throughout the day (keeping calories constant). Find what suits you to help your cravings.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I feel the same way. I work in a jail and there is nothing to do but sit and eat. A lot of people gain weight with this job that way (any desk job really). So I don't bring snacks so I have no choice but to just drink water. When I do I make sure it's a healthy snack.. But then when I get home I'm starving at 3pm way before dinnertime. I don't want to know how much I would weigh if I worked from home...Sorry I don't have any advice but I definitely feel your pain!!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Sugar-free gum? :huh:
  • jobee3
    jobee3 Posts: 35 Member
    I have the same problem when I have a day to just relax. I started trying something so simple the last couple weeks... and it's working.

    As silly as it may sound - I sat in a different spot on the couch. I used to plop down in the middle, turn on the tv, get bored, and eat. I tried sitting somewhere different and... I can't even explain it, but it works. Maybe my brain associates that middle spot with eating or something, I don't know, but I just know over the last 2 weeks my calorie consumption on the couch as decreased significantly simply by moving 2 feet to the right or left.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I thought about being jealous of people who have the luxury of having nothing to do, but then I decided to be grateful for the busy life I have, which is full of a career, and hobbies. I agree with the posters who have suggested taking up a personal interest that can't be done while eating.
  • LadyKop
    LadyKop Posts: 19 Member
    I eat, sugar free jello, fruit and drink lots of water. If it gets too distracting, I hop on my exercise bike and ride a couple miles. I am a stress/boredom eater as well. But I am so focused on my weight loss goal that it just doesn't seem worth it to cheat myself...especially since I gained back 6 pounds over Thanksgiving! Won't make that mistake again. I am beginning to understand the phrase...skinny feels better than food tastes.
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    Try keeping a tumbler with a straw full of water and mindlessly sip away. It will keep you fuller and hydrate you so the cravings will go down. Also plan your snacks out and make yourself wait for the snack/meal. Hope this helps.