24 weeks pregnant!

I am now 24 weeks pregnant, just looking for some feedback from moms. This will be my first child. Just wondering how everyone found losing the baby weight went? I don't think I will have to much to worry about, i've only gained about 8-10 pounds so far. Did your body ever look the same, particularly your midsection? I'm just worried I won't be able to wear my bikinis anymore! :(


  • miszshai
    miszshai Posts: 4 Member
    congrat!! and i saw my cousin do it she had her son and she lost all her baby weight and some
  • princesspurple
    I am a Mom to a 15 month old. Please do yourself a favor and just bask in this 9 months. It is the most amazing thing in the world what your body can produce! I loved every minute of being pregnant and then they grow up so fast! In your healing time after the baby, enjoy him/her laying on you because once they start running, you miss that!
    Take care of your boday, exercise-don't overdo it, and eat healthy for you and the baby. Your body changes, but it really is amazing!
    I had a c-section, I didn't start really working out until 12 months after, I did here and there but I fell on the 'don't have the time' wagon. For the last 3 months I have been running, a lot of ab work, and circuit training. My body is coming along nicely. I nursed, so my chest is not the same, but I kept him healthy for the first 12 months!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    My tummy never returned completely to normal, but I also had a c-section with both my kids. Breastfeeding helped me to lose a LOT of weight, though.
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
    I have lost the baby weight and about 15 pounds more. Mid-section is looking better all the time, I had a c-section, though so that makes a difference and I gained about 45 pounds while prego. All depends on how elastic your skin is, being a little heavier than I wanted when I got prego and then gaining so much didn't help mine at all, but like I said better every day - it will take time.
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    All i have to say is BREASTFEED and you will not have a problem losing the weight!!!
  • AshEng
    AshEng Posts: 3
    I only gained 5 pounds throughout my pregnancy. Due to 5 months of morning sickness, and eating as healthy as I could (even though most of it never settled well). Right after I had my son, I lost 40 pounds. Literally days. I felt smoking hot, even though I had had a c-section and was self-conscious about that. My problem was when I had to go back to work. I gained everything back. And now I'm working my *kitten* off to get to a reasonable weight.
  • sollygirl
    sollygirl Posts: 107
    My lower stomache hasn't gone back to normal and im about 15 lbs lighter then my pre baby weight but i did also gain about 60lbs.
  • olney75
    olney75 Posts: 36
    I had my daughter almost three months ago and i lost all of my baby weight sooner after having her with out much effort (i didnt gain much because i had REALLY BAD morning sickness right up to the end) but now i already weigh less then what i did at my first prenatal visit!! The only reason i will never wear a bikini again is the stretch marks i got from being pregnant. So hopefully you have good genes and wont get them, or at lest not as bad a me!! Congrats!!! its the best feeling you will ever experience once you hold your child!!!!
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a mom to 2 children ages 7 and 5. Gained about 30 with each of them. Luckily I lost the weight inbetween. Never had trouble losing the weight, about 15 pounds the first month and then a little slower after that. Been years now and I am in the best shape since I was in high school, but no my stomach doesnt look anything like it used to. No matter how much I lose and how much I exercise it seems to stay very loose. I have toned the underneath, but cant get that top layer to budge. Good luck and enjoy every minute, it truely does fly by
  • sechmanojo
    sechmanojo Posts: 18 Member
    Gaining 8-10 lbs so far sounds good! If you stay on track with that you should have NO problem. You will have very little to lose after! Good for you. I have had 3 boys and gained 70lbs with the first then lost it all, then 55 lbs with the 2nd the lost all but 20 lbs and then gained 50lbs with my 3rd boy. So now I am back to having 20 lbs to lose to be pack to prepregnancy weight before all my babies! I am so excited, and once I lose these last 20 I know my stomach will be fine again. I really wish I would have tracked my calories with all my pregnancy, I would have had a lot less weight to worry about! Yeah for you and your upcoming baby! My Jonah (the littlest boy) turned ONE yesterday and I haven't breastfed him for 48 hours :( I am excited though to have my body back!!
  • amanda89
    amanda89 Posts: 19
    My lower stomache hasn't gone back to normal and im about 15 lbs lighter then my pre baby weight but i did also gain about 60lbs.

    Yea thats what i'm afraid of, cause if you try hard enough you can always lose weight but you can't control what your stomache will look like after birth.
  • iwillweighlessoneday
    iwillweighlessoneday Posts: 30 Member
    I gained about 70 pounds with my daughter who is now 16 months old. In my own defense, she was 10 pounds 2 oz at birth, and I had her naturally. Because she was so big, my milk didn't come in fast enough to fill her, and she went straight on the bottle. I never breastfed. That being said, I lost about 40 pounds within 2 months of that.. and I'm about 30 pounds from my pre-preg weight.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I gained 50 pounds with both of my pregnancies (less than 15 months between pregnancies). I was 175 pounds on delivery day. I got down to 105 pounds a year after baby #2 was born, that was 6 years ago, I am in better shape now than I ever was before I had kids. Very few stretch marks and no flabby skin. So as the others said, don't worry about it, just eat healthy (but don't deny a good craving for junk) and stay active and you will do great! Congrats!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I just want to add, especially since you seem very concerned, that the first few days are pretty bad. Initially you will want to cry when you look at your tummy for although it is so much smaller it is like a massive bowl of jello. Alot of that tones up in the first couple of weeks. So don't cry when you first look down. :wink:

    Agree with all the ladies that say to enjoy this time and to breastfeed. I was at my lowest adult weight while breastfeeding!
  • Kyliemish
    Kyliemish Posts: 29
    I gained about 35lbs during my entire pregnancy, and my little girl, also my first, is 3mths old. And that tummy is defiently needing some TLC and toning. So I don't know yet if it will completely go back to normal, but I am going to try, and YES, breastfeed as much as you can. My girl is VERY fussy, so it makes it difficult, but persevere as much as you can. I bought a nipple guard, which helps a ton.

    And DON'T get discouraged about how your body looks the first few weeks (hell, first couple months!) after giving birth, I am now just starting to realize that it's going to take work to shed those pounds, but just remember it was a the home of your little one, and SO worth the entire experience.
    I was really upset after I came home from the hospital, but just keep loved ones around, spend some time for you and baby, because now these afternoons of snuggling with her when she's so tiny are precious. I spent too much energy being so negative that I wish I could go back to those first few weeks and have relaxed a little more.

    You're body goes through alot, so give yourself alot of love back!