Kinda New. Need motivation and help.


Little bout me: I've been using MFP for little over a week. I have already lost 2 pounds. :) I haven't set a weight goal yet. Right now I'm just working to see a change in my body and health. I am 28 5'6"190 pounds mother of 2 already on high cholesterol meds. And it does not run in my family.

The changes I have made to better my health: I stopped drinking pop, I drink at lest 100 oz of water a day, I try to get 30-60 min. of exercise a day, I layed off fast food and junk, Eat only fruits and veggy's. And eggs for breakfast.

The changes I have seen already: ENERGY!! I am in shock by just how much better I feel.

Help: What is a good meat to eat and still lose weight?

P.S. I know my profile pic is hard to look at but I’m using it as motivation. I let the world see my nasty belly. Now I have to change their pic of me.

Thanks for all reading have a good happy and healthy day and holiday


  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Welcome; I love it here. Your belly is something to be proud of. I'm about the same weight as you but I'm only 5'4" and I'm taking my weight loss in increments, so my current goal is to lose 18 pounds. right now I'm using jenny craig but I want to get off it as soon as possible. The best meal I like is very simple: 3 oz baked chicken seasoned with poultry seasoning and Mrs. Dash, a small baked potato with a touch of maple syrup and a cup of green beans with 1 tsp butter.
  • EZaccone85
    EZaccone85 Posts: 107 Member
    Feel free to add me as yalls friend...

    I have been with MFP since April and LOVE IT/ADDICTED TO IT, I have lost 36 pounds so far. Dont feel discouraged when you plateau, I have plateaued a couple times, just keep working at it and it will start coming off again, maybe change something up a little.!
  • Lake_Po
    Lake_Po Posts: 228 Member
    Hii! You can add me as a friend!! :)
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome! You're on a great track, especially with excercising daily! I haven't even gotten to the every day point, so great day on that. And nobody here will judge you on your picture. You always see yourself worse then others do and I'm glad you joined MFP :) I haven't been going at this for that long (have been a member but just started really using it a week ago) and I know I'll hit tough spots but I like to look at success stories or before and after pictures when I get down. I also agree with you on feeling better even if the lbs arent coming off the way I want them. I have had more energy and not lathargic and I FEEL healthier. Keep it up! We're here for you
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 12 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    We would like to apologize for any frustration you are experiencing from these spam posts. We really appreciate your involvement in the forums, and appreciate your reporting of the spam. We hope to have fixes in place to prevent them in the future.

    Happy holidays from all of us at MFP,
    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • I_Will_Be_Then
    Thanks everyone for replying.