Havent Lost anything in 4wks Help....

Tricia125 Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been sticking to my cal daily Goals, and i've usually been under about 50-100 cal at the end of the day. Also i've gone over 3 times of about 50 cal. But I'm Working out 6 days a week for about 30-45 mins and reaching my exercise goals. So for the last 4 wks i haven't lost anything , i see an improvement in my body but the scale isnt moving. However i have lost 2 inches in these 4wks. I was just wondering if i just hit a plateau or im doing something wrong? Has this happen to you? Im trying not to get discourage but its tough when im getting compliments on my weight loss and i see inches fallowing off but yet the scale stays the same


  • For many people it's also about the content of the food you are eating, not JUST the amount of calories they add up to. I notice that if a lot of my calories are coming from sugar and carbs I don't lose weight. For one week, try to eliminate sugar and simple carbs from your diet, you might feel weak from it at first, but I promise that if you cut out sugar (and white flour-based carbs) you should see some results.

    Congratulations for sticking to the plan and losing 2 inches, that's really incredible work. Keep it up!!!
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    are you eating your exercise calories back? Your net calories might have you at a very low intake which is bad for weight loss.

    I am experiencing the same myself. It stinks.

    I am upping my cals/eating more back and I think the scale MIGHT be starting to move again.

    I went to MY HOME>>REPORTS>>Nutrition>>

    saw my NET cals report and it was kinda a wake up. My body is starving on 800-900 net cals a day most likely!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    If you are losing inches thats good. remember muscle weighs more than fat.
  • katie192
    katie192 Posts: 18 Member
    As long as you are losing the inches then be happy! With all that exercise you will be gaining muscle weight. x Keep up the good work!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I agree with the above poster. Not all calories are created equal. Ensuring you have LOTS of protein in your day's log, was the best advice I have received. I try to 70-80g of protein per day. Lots of vegetables, lean protein and no carbs after dinner. I try to eat every 2-3 hours to keep my metabolism going. The carbs I eat are whole grain for the most part, especially whole grain rice and quinoa for dinner. No more potatoes, white pasta or dinner rolls. Water is important too! I also watch my sugar and sodium. This site has a been amazing for me, I have cut out juice, most fibre1 bars and a lot of fruit (replaced with more veggies most days, just don't look at today lol) and have felt so much better and while the scale is moving slowly its consistently moving DOWN.

    That being said, 2 inches is a lot and means you are definetely doing something right! I've heard people advise members to keep changing up their workout routines too to keep things happening too. I hope you see some results soon!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I have been having the same problem since about October... I exercise about 1 hour 15 minutes 4-5 times a week. I do weights, cardio, abs, all of it. I keep getting told the same things as you, but the scale isnt really moving. I was told that I need to watch my diet more than my exercise and to make sure I am getting ENOUGH calories. Since we are working out so much our body needs more carbs, protein, and calories to burn otherwise it thinks it is in starvation mode.
  • Thank you all for your reply, i will watch my sugar and my carbs more, i'll will see how this works for me for 2 wks and then let you guys know.. :) hopefully i just need to shake it up to start seeing results agian.
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