New to site -- College Freshman

meganeileen Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! :]

My names Megan! im 19 and in my first year of college. I gained that freshman 15 without even knowing. It's going to be tough to lose but i really want to. I don't like to workout. Ill start but i can never see results and never keep up with it. I put myself on a low calorie diet. So far I have been really good about keeping up with MFP, but its only been a week. I could really use some motivation and friends on here. I'm sure that'll help. Any other college students?

Weight - 193lbs
Goal - 145 lbs


  • Hey Megan! I'm new to the site as well... I'm looking to get some college students together for motivation because I need as much motivation as I can get! :) There is already a couple of people that have talked about being interested in starting a group. I looked into the site and it doesn't seem like we can really start a group so we're trying to figure out how we can motivate each other, share tips, etc through the site.
  • doyoga
    doyoga Posts: 20
    Hey! I am also a university student looking to loose weight...I'm in my third year trying to loose my freshman 15 lol
    I'd be interested in joining a group for sure! Add me as a friend if you guys want :)
    This next month is going to be especially hard since it's exam time for me, and eating seems to be the best way to procrastinate..
  • kristelagarcia
    kristelagarcia Posts: 28 Member
    Hey there! I'm Kristela! I'm a college Senior, so its definitely been more than 15 lbs since freshman year. I'm definitely up for motivation, tips and tricks for the College Kid, and well anything else that helps keep us on track. I use MFP quite often now, but realized I don't track when I over eat, OR over eat when I don't track... vicious cycle. BUT I'm going really strong for a few days now, and really trying to get several different forms of exercise in. Lets be pals!
  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    Hi.. i'm a college student aswell =]
  • College Girl here too :)
    Unfortunately my Freshman 15 turned into the Freshman 30 :mad: So I've got a lot of work to do to get back down to High School graduation weight, which wasn't even my ideal weight.

    Its good that your getting a start before it goes any further like mine did!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    doyoga, that sounds just like me!

    I always much when I don't want to do homework =/

    Hmm, I guess I technically never gained the freshmen 15, I lost about 8lbs when I first came here, but I've gained most of it back, and even at my lowest I still wasn't where I wanted to be. Anywhooo, awesome thread!
  • meganeileen
    meganeileen Posts: 3 Member
    i think a college student group is an awesome idea!

    Hellosunshine - I hear you there. I have never been the size i want. Not even in high school. Im working that much harder as well.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    To form a group, you can just start a thread on the Motivation and Support Board. There may already be one on there. I'm a recent college grad (Cornell in December of this past year), so I'm transitioning out of my somewhat lazy and totally busy lifestyle from college and into a better and healthier routine with my new job. I'm working out at home or in the gym after work every week. It also helps being able to cook for myself and not eat the mystery college dining hall food.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Hi, Im no longer a college student, but still feel the pain. I graduated a year ago and i am still finding it hard to lose the weight. I actually LOST weight (18 lbs) when I started college. I sat down with my schedule each quarter (we were on quarter system but you can do it by semester) and figured out where I had a break and could go to the univeristy gym. I always tried to schedule my classes where I didnt have a break between meal times so I would just lightly snack as well as making sure I either had a late class and could workout in the am or had a long lunch so I could do it then.

    I know it is sometimes impossible to pick which classes to take when especially if you have a job. If you make it a routine then it will be easier! Also, take a university credited exercise class. Most offer cycyling, swimming, or something of the sort.

    I will tell you that it gets harder the further through school you get. So, make it a routine now and it will be second nature later in your junior and senior year. This is when I put my weight on! I let exams, studying, internships, and other stuff get in the way of my healthy eating.

    Have fun and enjoy all the new activities at college... but avoid the really bad stuff unless it is a special event/occassion.
  • Megan,

    As a current student ( now a senior) i know how easy it can be to pack on the pounds...with the little time you have between friends, socializing, and doing homework it's wayyy to easy to eat whats fast and convenient. But...the advantages us college students have is the ability to walk to all of our classes...and most campuses offer healthy meals like a nice salad bar and healthy on and so forth. Take advantage of your free workout facility...assuming there is one on your campus. I go to UW Platteville and while in the dorms we were all lucky enough to have our own building workout facilities in the was pretty basic with a treadmill and some weights..but it was more private than the public campus one and encouraged me to stick with it!! Don't let basement partying and late night snacking get the better of you!! make friends workout with is a big key in sticking with it!!

    I wish you the best!!!

    Maggie :smile:
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    I am IN! I'm a third year student still suffering from my first years "freshman 15". Loving the support group idea! Add me as a friend :)
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