


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I don' want to just juice and not eat anything else or try to get a "quick fix" I am just very curious in juicing and thought it would be a good way to get a lot more vegetables in my diet.
    Why because you don't have to chew?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I don' want to just juice and not eat anything else or try to get a "quick fix" I am just very curious in juicing and thought it would be a good way to get a lot more vegetables in my diet.
    Why because you don't have to chew?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    More like I don't like the taste so I get to the veggies without having the bad taste?
  • Jymm
    Jymm Posts: 28 Member
    There are alot of good books out there with tons of recipes in them. Check out Barnes and noble or amazon I have " The juicing bible" and "Juiceman's Power of Juicing". both very good book with lots of recipies.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I think you should juice if juicing is going to get you to ingest the fruits and veggies you wouldn't otherwise eat! I certainly don't think there is an issue with that (and why anyone would argue that juicing is worse for you than NOT eating fruits and veggies has issues). That being said, I would also try hard to incorporate whole fruits and veggies into your diet as well. You would be amazed what your taste buds can get used to! I used to refuse to eat all fruits and veggies and now I will eat almost all of them (there are a couple of exceptions still that I'm working on :wink: ) It takes time and it takes you opening up your mind to the option that you might like the taste if you just give it a try. Start by adding veggies to other favorite foods (like pizza, sandwiches, pasta, etc) and at some point, you will be able to eat them on their own. It likely won't be overnight but there will be at least a couple that might be.

    Back to juicing. I own a Jack LaLanne (sp?) that I got on freecycle.org. If you've never juiced yourself before I highly recommend starting out with something cheap (or preferably free like me!) or borrowing one from someone. It's a LOT of waste (which I'm not fond of and hadn't really thought about) and can be a pain to clean. That being said, fresh juice tastes amazing considering what you make it out of (kale, cukes, apple, lemon is awesome). If you become a die hard juicer, you can always upgrade to something nicer down the road.

    Good luck!!!!
  • terilee29
    I think you're talking about something from the documentary, available online or even on youtube called "Fat Sick & Nearly Dead".

    It is an amazing documentary. But as they say in it, do not start juicing without a nutritionist and under a phsyician's care.

    What you CAN do is juicing yourself. I do it daily. I use veggies I would never eat in a million years.

    You can look at my DIARY and check under "drinks" what I'm doing, what veggies I'm using but here are examples, and mind you, I can't stand any of them:


    and you should probably get a juicer. What most people use are a Breville juicer, but there are other cheaper ones out there like Jack La Lanne, etc.

    Sometimes I just juice small amounts of that (nasty tasting) stuff and add a carrot in there, and DEFINITELY JUICE AN APPLE in there otherwise....well it is really vomitous tasting.

    Things to sweeten your juice -


    So, in a nutshell, buy a couple of veggies you hate and would never eat, put them in a juicer with an apple, a carrot, and a banana (you might be able to go with less the more you get used to it) & voila - you have juice.

    You can also attempt to do this in a blender but add more water into it, and less veggies, it will also taste even worse, but some people do it that way.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: I do not juice without having real meals. I would suggest calorie counting here, and maybe ONE meal replace with veggies. MAYBE.

    The benefits: all the veggies are beneficial to humans & it makes you "regular".

    EXCELLENT advice here. I have a Jack LaLanne juicer and absolutely LOVE it! If you're not able to get the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits/veggies (all of different colors is best) each day, juicing is a great way to supplement your regular eating. You may not get the fiber from these fruits/veggies when you juice them, but you're at least getting the nutrients your body needs to fight things like everyday illnesses and cancer....yes, I said cancer. We don't eat nearly enough of these things to help our bodies fight against cancer properly. And how bout barely...if ever...getting the common cold..? I went for nearly a year eating veggies as HALF of everything I ate...as my main dish instead of side dish...then about 2 weeks into being 'too busy' to cook (was eating a lot of crap), I easily caught someone's germs and came down with bronchitis. After only 2 days in a row of juicing just once each day, my body aches went away, and my bronchial tubes really cleared up significantly. Learned my lesson.

    I've never heard that you shouldn't eat regular food while juicing, but I have heard that you shouldn't drink more than 1 or 2 cups of juiced juice per day. I forget why. I can only do that much anyways, cuz the natural sugar rush (from the apple) gives me a bit of a headache. If this happens to you, add a zucchini to the mix. It tastes like nothing, yet takes the edge off the sugar content. Enjoy and have fun exploring! Oh yeah, and spinach is a waste to juice...nothing but a few drops, and everything else is wasted. Save spinach for strawberry/spinach salad :)) Yum!!
  • terilee29
    Forgot to add what we usually keep on hand for juicing:

    Apples (Honeycrisp are my favorite, but Gala are good too)...wash them or wipe them off...lots of wax, can taste it in the juice
    Red Grapes...leave them right on the vine and toss them in
    Baby carrots (don't like the 'garden' taste of the big ones)
    Sweet Potatoes

    This is our standard combo...makes a very not-too-crazy-could-drink-this-every-day kind of juice. You could also add something like ginger, which does something for your liver, pancreas, or something like that....watch 'Christina Cooks'...she'll tell ya :) Pears are good too, but my husband says he gets more juice out of an apple. Also, never put a banana or an avocado thru a juicer...needs to be added via a blender or food processor....they can't be 'juiced'.

    Then once my husband accidentally got into my containers of cut up veggies for stir fry and also added:

    Green Pepper (not much...pretty potent...but refreshing if you really like them)
    Napa cabbage (or regular would be fine too)

    It was good, and he said they both gave off a LOT of juice. I'm sure a lot of ppl do cucumbers too, but I happen to not like them at allllll. lol Tomatoes seem like a good one too....lots of juice, lots of nutrients in them. I don't like them, but would be a good use if you have an over-abundance of tomatoes in your garden.

    Watch for sales and be adventurous! What you wouldn't eat on a plate might surprise you in a glass mixed with an apple :))
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    I have not tried juicing banana, as someone suggested to do to sweeten up your juice, because it just looks like it would clog the juicer up.

    Apples, and lemon are great for taste. Also cucumber to dilute some strong tasting juice.

    To juice is to add a high amount of minerals, enzymes and vitamins that we would not get otherwise, unless we would be eating pounds and pounds of vegetables. And then for sure we would be constipated.

    Here are some pictures of different juices that I have made in the past and happen to have pictures on hand.

    Gazpacho Juice and Citrus Inspired Green Juice. I love to eat tomatoes, but not a fan of juicing them. So I don't juice tomatoes, but eat them.


    Sunset blend juice. I did not juice beet leaves, just beets.


    V28. This juice has a kick, thanks to jalapeno and horseradish! Not one of my favorites. Recipe requires 4 cups of parsley that I omitted due to my juicer at that time not doing anything for the leafy greens.

    Apple-Carrot-Beet Juice. I noticed that any juice that has beets in it makes me feel very good. This one smells and tastes very good, too!

    This juice is the tastier of all green juices so far.

    Sorry, I could not add tag that would work to resize images. Right click on picture ans 'view image' to see the larger ones