WL after Pregnancy

I'm 2 1/2 weeks post partum and doing well with my WL so far. I've lost 36lbs which is ALL of my pregnancy weight plus additional weight that needed to be lost before getting PG. My goal is a total WL of 100lbs. I can not wait until I get cleared at my 6w PP check so that I can get back to the gym and work on this jelly belly as well as the HUGE butt, hips and thighs I got durring PG.

Looking for others who are also working to lose weight PP (especially large amounts like myself) who can help support and encourage. Please feel free to add as a friend.


  • My son is 9 months old, but I still need to lose about 32 lbs. I lost 36 so far since I delivered, but it is really hard! I gained 42 lbs with him, but was already a little overweight to begin with. I tried losing while I was nursing. I worked out 5 days a week by running for 20 to 30 mins and eating really healthy, but I only lost 2lbs in 2 months and my milk supply went way down so I stopped working out until about 3 weeks ago. I have already lost 4lbs since then, but I forced myself to sign up for a half marathon with a friend who is super in shape. Now I know that I have to stick with my fitness plan or I will never be able to make it 13.1 miles!
    I have lots of stretch marks and carry all of my weight in my stomach, so I am determined to get back into my old clothes and feel good again. We can do it! You can add me.
  • fordermommy
    fordermommy Posts: 12 Member
    I am 4 months PP and am looking to lose around 60-70 pounds - I will add you :)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Lost 80, got preggo and gained 50. Ticker is current stemming from the beginning in May 2011 and I'm nearly 4m PP. I'm hoping to lose a total of 100 or damn close to.
  • babyaj23
    babyaj23 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 4 months post partum and I too lost all of pregnancy weight and now trying to continue with much needed weight loss. looking for women in same boat.

    Start weight 276
    before preg 251
    preg weight 273
    current weight 248

    I know I didn't post numbers right still gettig the hang of this.
  • I had lost weight before I had my daughter, then gained 45 lbs with her. It took me 9 months to lose it; which was about 20 lbs less than what I've lost so far. About a year after I had her; she just turned 2; I was diagnosed with hypothyroid which also makes this weight loss tough. I've said all that to say this; don't give up....rhia weightlloss is very possible. You will be at your goal before you know it.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have 2 kids 22 months apart (currently 3.5 years and 19 months). I'd lost weight before my 1st pregnancy but put weight on despite going to the gym lots and eating well, then I lost nearly all of it and got pregnant again and put on loads 2nd time. I'm now a lot smaller than before I got pregnant 1st time.

    It's taken me 17 months to lose 55lbs, but I am now nearly as thin as I was 10 years ago. I just need to work on my flabby belly now!