calorie counting embarrasment



  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    Whenever my coworkers make me feel bad about not having that extra cupcake while they're all chowing down, I just think to myself "Well, that's why they look the way they do and why I look the way I do" and that will usually nip the embarrassment or the craving in the bud.
  • I count everything.

    Friends may still wonder why I do it but they understand once they think about it and see where I've come from.

    The alternative is much more embarassing when you don't know how much you have eaten and can't be held accountable to yourself for intake.

    You have to be proud that you have the willpower and dedication to count. It's not something that most people do!! :)
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    I've gotten a lot of crap from a lot of guys.

    They're still fat, I have a six pack.

    I knew then that would be the case, and it's the case now.

    They'd never admit it, but they realize what happened. :laugh:

    So your friends want to have two of whatever, great, no judgement, hopefully they have a metabolism where they don't have to worry. You, you have objectives. You have goals and you're going after them. NO SHAME.


    Quoting for Misha Collins.
    They'd never admit it, but they realize what happened. :laugh:
    ^^^ also this :)
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Giving someone else that much power over you is embarrassing to say the least.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    been there, now alot of my friends are more aware of the food they snarf ;)

    they're shocked at the amount of sugar hidden in foods that they wouldn't expect and drinks, forget it!

    I still don't enjoy buffets, by the time I'm up to speed, everyone's eaten :)

    If I'm out and about in the evening and the foods not too complex, I'll type it up the morning, but if I think I can't keep track, I'll take photos :)

    Many friends who've tried MFP have been surprised that they've hit their TDE before lunch time, and these are the people who say they don't eat much :)

    Keep it up I say

    I've been experimenting by over eating almost 1000kcals a day to measure a lb of fat (e.g. 3500 kcals)!
    3 weeks later.... er.... nope! Very interesting!!!!
    But most of my grub is meat n 2 Veg ;)
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I count everything too... in fact I first became aware of this site when I was watching a friend looking through the DB for options when a bunch of us were out for dinner.

    I am not doing this for anyone else's benefit, I am doing this for ME, so quite frankly I couldn't give a damn whether people like it, hate it, are interested in it or not. It's great when they are supportive, but I have encountered two "friends" who are not at all supportive, and in fact quite derogatory, so I just did my logging out of their sight. Job Done, no drama!

    If it's an impromptu thing - try and look surreptitiously and not make a massive big deal about it. Perhaps pre-log your main meals and know how much you have to potentially play with for extras.
    If it's a planned meal out - then have a broad idea of what you want and then pre-log that, maybe.
    So this week - I KNEW I was going out for Tapas, I KNEW what I wanted to have, and just nonchalantly "looked" at the menu and ordered and allowed for a dessert and 2 glasses of wine.

    If it's a case of not being rude and drawing more attention to it, then perhaps just make a mental note of what you had, and then sort it out later.

    But if you are doing this for your benefit, then I see no reason to be embarrassed at all...
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    Nope I count everything. :)
    I don't really get embarrassed by it, what's more embarrassing is that I used to unknowingly eat almost 4,000 calories a day. On a normal day. Guh. o.x
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Nope I count everything. :)
    I don't really get embarrassed by it, what's more embarrassing is that I used to unknowingly eat almost 4,000 calories a day. On a normal day. Guh. o.x
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Yes, I totally understand your embarrassment! But kudos to you for being so focused on doing the right thing!
    I drove my own friend crazy at lunch one time when I spent like half an hour scanning the menu to find something that would fit in my goals :embarassed:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Honestly, most of my friends,clients, coworkers who eat a meal with me wait for me to order first now and then order the same thing. I actually enjoy ordering food in a restaurant now that I have built the habits to automatically by pass old 1000-3000 calorie pre determined meals and order food that is wholesome and filling!

    If people notice you are not diving into the bread basket or chip basket, they stop diving in generally.

    People notice when you loose 20,30,50% of your weight. And they want to be healthy too.

    At the same time, I don't pass comment or judgement on what other people are eating. Not my job. And I certainly don't tell other people's kids how to eat.

    Leading by example is a easy once you get passed the first few times. Sometimes just keeping silent and living well is best.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    It doesn't matter to me what others think. I'm doing this for me!
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