


  • serrano2886
    serrano2886 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all! I'm also a Cardiac Care nurse working from 7p to 7a. I'm currently 202.6 pounds. Starting weight 215.8 lbs. Goal weight 160 lbs. Currently I'm doing the Master cleanse because I feel like I need to rid my body of all the crap I've been eating and also end the emotional relationship I have with food. I am on day 5 of the master cleanse and have lost about 13 lbs. After I complete the cleanse I plan to continue with a raw food diet and definitely start working out using turbo fire.
  • stacey062909
    stacey062909 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm an EKG/EEG tech in a hospital setting and I work Midday - Midnight.
    I'm trying to lose 100 lbs. (3 down already, 97 more to go!)
    I have found that snacking while I'm doing paperwork is my biggest downfall.
    So, instead of chips and such I have been eating a packet of oatmeal and then drinking a glass of water.

    Add me! I would love to help motivate and exchange tips and such!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Great post! Add me if you like. I am an RN. I have lost 11 lbs slowly and am loving MFP. I am losing slowly because I still eat and
    dont restrict whole whole alot because I dont want to get hypoglycemic episodes. I tend to get those easily when working or working out which I then used to overcompensate by eating too much and everything got out of whack. I am now able to concentrate on what s going in and out and balance it with exercise. Also having the great support of my MFP friends has improved my morale and helped beyond anything I couldve dreamed of!

    Also have learned and am still learning more about food which I thought I knew alot. Didnt realize how much sodium I was getting til I added it to my daily tracking.
  • neo1stat
    neo1stat Posts: 2 Member
    I am a 53 year old NNP that works 24 hour shifts. I have 35 pounds to loose.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I work 7P-7A in the NICU. The hardest thing for me to deal with is the constant flip-flopping of my schedule. When I am off I convert back to a day schedule. I am also in graduate school right now so I am always trying to find ways to plan ahead to get my workouts and such all in. It helped for me to break my food log down into blocks of hours instead of breakfast lunch and dinner since I literally eat around the clock sometimes. I have also started packing my lunch instead of going to down to the cafeteria where everything is either covered in gravy...or fried...or both! ( really people, this is a would think they would feed their employees better)

    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Be interesting to see how you deal with weight loss given the physical nature of your job, long shifts and timing. I've done quite physical work involving a lot of moving around whilst Intermittent Fasting but not as much movement as a nurse, I don't think. I felt I had to keep hydrated but I also felt I had to have a conscious willpower to move as my body's preferred option was to just sit down. Hunger feelings were the least of my problems.

    I do train fasted but perhaps even though it is hellishly intense activity, it's short (30-60 minutes).

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Aleph13
    Aleph13 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey, I worked as a midwife for a few years after having children and it was then that I was at my heaviest. It was so hard to lose weight when I was doing 12 hour shifts and never getting a proper break to sit down and eat something real. People think the less they eat the better but it's so not true. I would go all day without eating on the ward and then when I got home at 9-10 o'clock at night I would pig out on high fat food to satisfy my low blood sugars. It is really hard and when you're tired you don't prepare food in advance but looking back that is what I would definitely do different. Make salads to take into work ready to eat... healthy snacks and have healthy stuff ready in freezer to defrost for dinner when I got home. Preparation like a girl scout :-)
  • brandie_lou
    Hi! :) I'm not in the medical field but in the law enforcement field. I work 12 hour shifts also, one month I work days 6a-6p then go to a months of nights 6p-6a, 50-60 hrs a week. It's difficult, especially because the hardest thing to learn is to eat more but small portions to keep the metabolism up. Everyone's first thought when starting the weight loss process is to eat less. I have a coworker who wants to lose weight and eats almost nothing (her breakfast for 6 hours is eating dry corn flakes from the "to go" gas station pack) then we usually have Subway.

    I've been trying for this whole year and lost about 20 lbs, although I'm so scared of the scale I never look. I just tell my dr.'s to tell me if I've lost. I don't want to know the numbers. My dr.'s have said "about 20 lbs" but I don't even care about numbers, I care about how I look. I have another coworker (who works in the field) who has lost almost 100 lbs but goes to the gym everyday for hours and eats way, way healthy. I've never been a good healthy eater and never have eaten veggies so I'm learning. Not to mention adding a severe ankle injury (complete reconstruction using cadaver bones and tissue, including two other surgeries, one botched created permanent nerve damage makes it almost too painful to even walk) added in to a sedimentary job....but I've started walking and just started going to the gym doing elliptical workouts. So, baby steps!!
  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    Nurses are a fantasy of mine does that count??:wink::devil:
  • BarrettCanDoIt2012
    I'm a Medical assistant and I am back on MFP as of two days ago. I am going slow and steady this time and making life changes one day at a time.
  • stacey062909
    stacey062909 Posts: 27 Member
    Nurses are a fantasy of mine does that count??:wink::devil:

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hey, I worked as a midwife for a few years after having children and it was then that I was at my heaviest. It was so hard to lose weight when I was doing 12 hour shifts and never getting a proper break to sit down and eat something real. People think the less they eat the better but it's so not true. I would go all day without eating on the ward and then when I got home at 9-10 o'clock at night I would pig out on high fat food to satisfy my low blood sugars. It is really hard and when you're tired you don't prepare food in advance but looking back that is what I would definitely do different. Make salads to take into work ready to eat... healthy snacks and have healthy stuff ready in freezer to defrost for dinner when I got home. Preparation like a girl scout :-)

    Stupid question from me, perhaps, but could you not pig out at the end of the day? What if you just ate a calorie-measured meal?
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    Im an LPN. I work at a county prison. I work all shifts. Im currently 50 lbs away from my goal weight. I work out at least 4-5x a week. cardio, strength training, etc.I love this website, the ppl on here are very supportive. Feel free to add me
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I'm an RN. I work 12 hr shifts, work out 5-7 days/week. Nurses feel free to add me.
  • AJ_MotherRunner
    AJ_MotherRunner Posts: 175 Member
    Pediatric ER nurse in grad school for Pediatric NP. Currently working 12 hour day shift, but remember the nights of irregular eating and feeling out of whack. Feel free to add me.
  • hopefitrn
    Also a 27 y/o RN! I work days tho...The 12 hour shifts are hard with meals! But I pack my food every single day. I eat eggs before work. Oatmeal as AM snack. Pack a balanced lunch of lean meat, veggies, and brown rice or sweet potato, AND and afternoon snack.
    I have to plan or I'll starve or go binging in the cafeteria.
    I pack my meals the night before so I don't have to do it in the morning. Obviously you know you won't always have time for snacking, but protein shakes are fast, or 100cal almond packs, low fat cheese sticks, etc.
    I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm about to start training for a fitness competition, so my diet has to be on point. NO EXCUSES!! :)
  • hopefitrn
    I'm trying to watch my carb intake but if anyone can tell me how to quell the pesky craving for sweets I have I'd love you for it! It's worse late at night or right after dinner

    I will either eat a tablespoon of natural peanut butter (I recommend Nuts-n-more!!) or have a few (like 4) strawberries to have after my meal. Or sugar free jello. Curbs my sweet tooth just enough!
  • kellywastaken
    kellywastaken Posts: 1 Member
    New grad pediatric oncology nurse here! Looking to lose about 40 pounds that I put on in the last three years from undergrad stress and starting work! I do 12 hour shifts on a day/night rotation. I have the most trouble staying under my calorie limit when I work nights and then transition back to days because I get hungry at odd hours! If anyone has tips for this/night shift eating, I'd love to hear them!
  • flab2steel
    I'm a massage therapist and my wife is a RN. Looking for motivation pals! (: feel free to add me!
  • RacheUk82
    RacheUk82 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there,

    Im a Stroke Nurse in the UK, I work either 7.30-3.30 or 1p-9p, 5 shifts a week, but we are currently in the process of our trust changing to 12 hour shift patterns.

    I find eating ' breakfast' hard, because for me that means before work, and I just don't have time If I am dropping my daughter at childcare, so then my break in shift is around 10am for my first meal.

    Next break is around 1330, so depending what was for breakfast, I dont' feel like lunch.

    Maybe I should grab a piece of fruit before and treat my first break as mid morning thing?

    Anyways, feel free to add me and looking forward to new friends!