NON Judgemental FRIENDS needed.



  • dbrooks82
    dbrooks82 Posts: 46 Member
    You can add me! :) I thought the point of this is to help get support, not to be made to feel like we are "doing it wrong" advice is nice when its asked for...thats it! :)
  • Justin
    Justin Posts: 12 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    We would like to apologize for any frustration you are experiencing from these spam posts. We really appreciate your involvement in the forums, and appreciate your reporting of the spam. We hope to have fixes in place to prevent them in the future.

    Happy holidays from all of us at MFP,
    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • skeeter2584
    skeeter2584 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello mambagirl, and congrats on losing 8 pounds so far! It's perfectly OK to have a Snickers bar (or any treat) in moderation.

    Here are 2 possible ways to get around the sugar:

    1) Split with a friend or save some for later.

    2) Eat the Snickers bar and give the sugar about 15 minutes to reach your bloodstream. That will give you plenty of time to floss/brush your teeth as well as stretch for an upcoming exercise session. The reason I suggest this is because carbohydrates are the fuel source your body "prefers" to use up first (especially those like refined sugars in candy and soda). If your muscles are working hard during exercise, they'll be more inclined to use that sugar right off the bat instead of stockpiling it and turning it into fat.

    Best wishes for better health and keep up the great work!

    P.S. I LOVE Snickers ice cream bars - they are SO GOOD!!! :love:
  • MicheleNaame
    MicheleNaame Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • sarahbear0094
    I know how it feels to be judged by people alot so if you ever need someone to talk to you can always talk to me I'll listen, for some reason im always more focused on helping other people more than myself. :smile:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't care what you eat - I just like supproting others who are working their journey. Everyone is different. I don't eat clean by any means. I watch calories and shoot for a particular protein number but the rest is whatever I want...and i ate candy today too. :)

    You can add me if you like.
  • LivingJuicy
    LivingJuicy Posts: 54 Member
    I am exactly in the same place you are with my food choices. I know I am not making perfect choices everyday, but I am trying to just get the quantity under control and so I am eating what I like but counting calories and staying under goal 95% of the time. I have lost over 20 pounds that way. I know I will need to make better choices eventually, but one day at a time. I don't comment much on other people's diaries because I don't presume to know what their "plan of attack" is. Feel free to add me--you'll get plenty of Woo Hoo's and Way to gos no matter what you post!
  • Crystalagain22
    Crystalagain22 Posts: 63 Member
    I still have over 100 to lose myself and while I try very hard to eat as I should, i'm human and I occasionally have a treat too!
    I've been lucky so far to have supportive friends and I try to give that back. Just because something works for me, doesn't mean it will work for you and that's not my business, being supportive is as I believe that's the true point of this site. Feel free to add me if you like :) Non-judgemental friends are always the best!
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    I personally believe the best success is taking small steps and implementing them over time so as to be life changes instead of just another diet that doesn't last long. Good for you and keep up the great work! Feel free to add me if you like. I'm here everyday!
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    Snickers is my favorite candy bar! I still enjoy foods I love, like pizza's, Snickers and potato chips (just had to slowly train myself not to eat it so frequently!) I don't judge, so if you're looking for support you can add me!
  • Poetry_In_Pics
    I LOVE snickers... and I eat them, too! Sounds to me like you have a good head on your shoulders... take your time and make the changes slowly. Personally, I view all of this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet... helps me to focus on the long term! You're doing great so don't give up!:smile:
  • brandie_lou
    This quote, by far was my favorite:
    I personally believe the best success is taking small steps and implementing them over time so as to be life changes instead of just another diet that doesn't last long. Good for you and keep up the great work! Feel free to add me if you like. I'm here everyday!

    Because it's true. If everyone ate what they were "suppose" to, then no one would overweight, there would be no need for MFP. So, at some point, everyone on here thought, "wait, I know I need to make a change." Some people were able to stop cold turkey, never picked up another Snickers bar. But they had to have been eating them at some point in order for them to need MFP. I've seen some people on this site and just reading their posts is like a kick in the teeth. I'm a taking small steps person, I wish I could be stronger but I also (personally) agree that all the unhealthy, fatty foods create such strong cravings because of the crap that's put in them. Just like additives make cigarettes addictive. I think junk food has ingredients that program your mind the same way. One thing I can proudly say is that one major thing I cut out was sodas, although that's one of my favorite treats.

    But it took me a long time to realize that I was adding hundreds and hundreds of calories a day just by drinking (and something that wasn't a milkshake...something marketed as a drink, not a snack). I've never been a water-drinker either but I discovered Propel Zero packet (strawberry kiwi) and it makes me able to drink it. So I went from drinking no water to drinking almost 8 or more cups. I just wish it wasn't so expensive (it's usually around $3 for 10 packs and I could drink that in a day).
    Which is another pet peeve.....healthy eating is $$expensive$$ while eating crap is cheap (see McDonalds $1 menu of a double cheeseburger with almost your daily allowance of fat, calories, saturated fat....for only a buck).

    But anywho......feel free to add me, I'm all about encouragement. I've been slapped in the face a few times on here, I remember one post that I was simply stating that I had found out a "healthy" restaurant in town had UNREAL calories in their food and only meant that the whole process was a ~learning~ process....and some obviously more "experienced" MFP'ers weren't so supportive.
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    I'm more of a kit-kat bar then a snickers bar but they're both chocolate so who cares lol :) I also have to lose 100+ pounds of non judgemental fat ;)
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member
    I love your post!

    Add me if you like.

    I'm not judgemental - anything in moderation is cool (and I'm not the type to get all snarky about someone else's choices - they are THEIR/YOUR choices, and are therefore none of my business unless asked) - I eat snickers, have ice cream, eat fudge, and drink when the occasion calls for it. No point in keeping things off limits, just making allowances for them so you don't go over :-)
  • scorepiyo
    scorepiyo Posts: 73 Member
    Your funny, lol about the snickers comment......but all feel free to add me
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Damn... now I want a Snickers.
  • d4ley1
    d4ley1 Posts: 73
    add me i get you
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    No judgement here! I have a free day every week where I eat as much crap as I want, SO I am in no position to judge anyone anyways! Feel free to add me if you're in need of some support. :)
  • kokoforskinny
    kokoforskinny Posts: 91 Member
    I may comment on your diary but its not because I am harrassing you what to eat but given suggestions of what my work better. Or I may just want to give you easy recipes. That is one reason why I friend the people i do. I have gotten a smoothie recipe that fills me up in the morning better than my regular breakfast and its healthier. If you would like to friend me go right ahead. I will NEVER be mean though.
  • f1ctional
    I am zero judgmental! Feel free to add me and also. whoever else if you want - I still like to have fun and eat some crap once in a while without the food and workout police saying blah blah blah

    I have three devil vices, those milky way darks, chinese food, and pizza

    but I try to stay under (when I remember to log that is)
