New and looking for support!

I've been using MFP on and off for almost a year now but have never truly committed to logging and working out on a daily basis. Now I'm truly ready for change so I'm reaching out to the fabulous world of the interwebs for support and guidance.

Up until 3 years ago I used to be quite healthy and in shape.

I'm 5'4 and weighed 115 pounds back then. Now I weight close to 190.

I always said 170 was my threshold weight for needing to take action but I always just made excuses for myself, making it harder and harder to make that push to get back down to healthier size. I get sick more easily and just feel so lethargic and sad sometimes.

For the past three weeks I've started making positive changes to my eating habits, such as preparing my own lunches at work rather than buying whatever was near by. I prep very light salad usually topped with cranberries and sometimes seeds, sprayed with dressing (lightly). Yogurt with fruit every single morning, regular oatmeal with fruit (sometimes I add cinnamon or a little brown sugar), or just some fruit and juice.

My work schedule has made it hard to get in my exercise but I've been focusing on building an eating routine first so I'm not overwhelmed once I start keeping to a work out schedule as well. This past week I over indulged quite a bit, but overall I've been much healthier with my choices and I'm excited to see some results.

I use the app Zombies, RUN!!! to motivate me to get outside and walk/jog. I'm incredible out of shape so I know this is going to take a lot of slow and steady progress but I'm ready to make a promise to myself to take care of my body!!!

Any and all advice is welcome, tell me what's working for you, what steps you took when first starting out, or if you're just starting out, what's your game plan?

I'd like to have some friends to add on here as well, someone I can check in on and they can check on me so I'm held accountable for my progress not only by myself, but by someone else accomplishing the same things.

Wishing you all the best,


  • Well no one replied to me but I did get a friend request lol

    Thanks for the support and this time I mean to stick to this!!!
  • GCNerd
    GCNerd Posts: 63 Member
    I'm adding you now! I've plateaued over the last little while, but I'll do my best to support you :)
  • love2hikeMO
    love2hikeMO Posts: 5 Member
    Hello and welcome!
    I have been a lazy MFP user for awhile now too! I am back at it and am enjoying the results of this community. I hit my highest weight a last year adn was able to drop 30pounds but have watched it creep back up on me. It sounds like you are one the right track!

    I am using the fitbit zip 60.00 and it helps me stay motivated. I sit all day at work and am making it a point to walk the buildings everyday. I thought I didnt have anytime to workout but I go after dinner around 7 and this helps with stress, which equals more eating and gives me some much needed "me time".

    It does get easier and now I enjoy tracking everyhing I eat do ect.
    Good luck. I sent you a friend request to.
  • Hi Laura!

    I think that it's great that you're making healthier choices & are committing to this for the long haul... that's half the battle! My greatest moment of clarity came when I started to realize that this isn't a diet, but rather it's a lifestyle change. Sounds like you're well on you way to a whole new you! :smile: It's nice to meet you & I look forward to chatting with you!
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    Hi there

    Yep - like you I always had excuses not to do anything but I changed my tune... I got sick, lost a bit of weight, people kept telling me how good I looked so I ordered a fitbit and have been using that and MFP for the past 3 weeks to keep me motivated. So far I am enjoying it and I look for ways to walk. With MFP and fitbit working together it all seems a lot more scientific to me and is now something that my brain can understand :)

  • Thank you so much, GC Nerd! I'm starting things out slow so these changes and habits stick. Every time I go through this I get over ambitious and give up too easily so I'm hoping have the support of awesome people such as yourself will motivate me to keep going!
  • WOW! While writing my reply I had only one response and now there are SO MANY!!!

    To each and every one of you,

    THANK YOU!!!!!

    I am SO excited to do this and this is the first time going at this I've had real support so I can't wait to see the difference it makes for me.