hello all. i am struggling.

Hi I am suzanne. I am struggling with losing weight. I need to learn how to do portion control. somethings gotta change. I promised myself that i would never make it over 300 lbs. And now I am very close to doing that. yesterday i weighted in at 297.2 pounds. I dont have many people to help motivate me in my weight lose. I dont have alot of friends that are actively trying to lose to weight. I am hoping to make a few friends to share this journey with and that by the end of next year i have lost about a pound a week. so about 50 pounds lighter by the end of the year. Or if i get pregnant in the meantime that i maintain my weight as much as possible.

feel free to add me as a friend. thanks suzanne


  • Hi suzanne,

    Im the same as you and dont have anyone to help me out with weight loss so will add you and maybe we can motivate eachother through this journey xxxx

  • Hi there Suzanne!

    Sounds like your goals are realistic... that's a very important first step!! Changing your life takes time and there will be bumps in the road ~ but as long as you keep moving forward you'll get to the place where you want to be. When I began this journey I was very close to your weight ~ 272.2 ... it's taken time and I've gone backwards more times than I can count, but I'm now down to 237.6. You can do this!! One day at a time to a whole new you! :smile:

    Nice to meet you & I look forward to getting to know you!
  • My husband did the stomach stappling to lose weight so he thinks its just so easy. its fusterating. :) motivating each other would be great.
  • I started once before in 2009 and by oct of 2010 I had lost 80 pounds i went from 288 down to 208 and the stress from work got to me and i ate to cope and then i got pregnant and i have been breastfeeding althou that does nt work so well for weight loss for me. My son is now over a year he still feeds 4 or 5 times a day. which is the main reason i am only hopeing for that pound a week. after hes done nursing and weaned i am going to push myself a little harder. the worst thing is seeing the pics of myself with my family. ugh!!!! ive gotta loss some weight before pictures next year.
  • Hi,Im Renee...I struggle daily with portion control and exercise,mostly with just taking the time to put myself first and not feeling guilty about it!! my highest weight was 251 Im at 241 now,I just wish I didn't feel like I was the only one who was going thru this,it is a very lonly journey.I hope to meet people here and give and recieve support .Question---How do you get the weight ticker?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You are in the same boat as most of us. I decided to change my life two years ago and had to do it on my own. Ultimately, we can only chosse this for ourselves and we are the only ones who can do it. That being said, I know you can do it. Trust me, if I can do ti, anyone can.

    I had to start with small steps - calculate my TDEE and eat at or below it every day. I didn't get rid of all the "bad" foods I loved, I just ate less of them. some days I totally blew it and I had to learn to forgive myself and move ahead (one of the hardest things I have encountered, but I am much better at it now!)

    later I added working out and now I am a runner. I probably should have started working out at the beginning, but I didn't so now I am playing catch up as far as that goes. It is good that you have started already.

    Now, I focus more on protein intake (1gram per pound of lean body mass - fat2fitradio military body fat calculator tells you how much you have) and the rest I just let fall into place, continue to run and work out, and eat at my TDEE minus a small percentage since I have just a few pounds to go.

    Small changes are easier to adjust to versus massive changes all at once. You can do this!! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • micneg01
    micneg01 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Suzanne,

    You can do this! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    By the way, what helped me was switching to a more plant based diet. I try to purchase mostly organic or Non-GMO food. When I cut out the sugars, a lot of processed foods, and animal/dairy products it really minimized/stopped the cravings. I still eat some junk food: organic tortilla chips, organic peanut butter, walnuts, etc.; but the difference is I eat when I am hungry and I don't have the awful cravings/binge periods anymore. I have a lot of energy and I feel great. I have only been doing this for about a month, so time will tell. :)

    Everyone has something different that works for them. Good luck in finding what works for you. I am here to support, chat, listen, etc.

    Have a great week-end,
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Hi,Im Renee...I struggle daily with portion control and exercise,mostly with just taking the time to put myself first and not feeling guilty about it!! my highest weight was 251 Im at 241 now,I just wish I didn't feel like I was the only one who was going thru this,it is a very lonly journey.I hope to meet people here and give and recieve support .Question---How do you get the weight ticker?

    For the ticker:


    Choose the options you like! Good luck!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hey Suzanne

    I feel your pain. Best thing to do, hit the dollar store etc and grab a few sets of measuring cups, spoons, and a food scale. Log everything you put into your mouth, every day

    It is NOT easy, it's a daily challenge as we got here because we love to eat, ate more than we should have and ate the wrong things. Set your mind to it, pay attention to what you are eating, don't eat and read or watch tv, mindful eating.

    If you eat out, check the online menu/nutritional info BEFORE you get there, what you think might be a good choice may shock the socks off you when you go to log it. Divide portion in half and bring it home for another meal. Most meals out are way over one portion size.

    I eat out often, fast food as well as restaurants, and I've lost weight each week I've been here (I weigh once a week, Sat a.m). I hate exercising but bought a semi recumbent bike and try to bike min 30 minutes a day, but I've been slacking.

    I don't have cheat days or cheat meals but some swear by them. Cheating on what I was trying to accomplish got me here in the first place.

    You can do it. We didnt gain overnite so it's not going to fall off overnite, but pay attention to what you eat and how much.

    Good luck :)
  • Suzanne, Hi,
    Sorry to hear of your struggle. I too have portion control problems. I exercise as much as my cardiologist will let me and probably more but I pack the food into me after!
    DON'T know your age, I am 67y/o and have developed some very very very bad habits over theyears. At one time I could eat a house without gaining anything and my habits haven't changed at all.
    This, in addition to my mental health, I am doomed. Yet, I am trying to get a grasp on reality. And I feel good about that.
    Sorry, I just want you to know that your are not out there by yourself. I believe that this "support system" can be and is very helpful.
    Please don't hesitate to contact me, I can use the help and understanding also.
    What the hell, lets get started on this parade!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wow!!! 60 lbs is a lot to lose congratulations!:smile: I have to learn portion control my biggest problem
  • I am just starting am 165 and 61 years old , used to be able to eat anything and not gain,but packed on 130 lbs after I quit smoking.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Hi, you mention that you struggle with portion control, which was always my biggest problem. My best advice is to get some good digital kitchen scales, they will really help you do this!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone!

    You can feel free to add me. I've lost 100 and have about 75 more to go.

    I think we all struggle, especially this time of year.

    I have lots of friends on here, but we can all use motivation and support. I try to log on everyday. I'm not the best food logger in the world and I hate to exercise!!

  • uk_ja
    uk_ja Posts: 143 Member
    Good luck and feel free to add me.

    I started 2 years ago at 320lb got down to 174lb but started to look like the walking dead so I spent this year weight training and running and eating a lot and got back up to 196lb and I look much better, I plan next year to get back down to 180 to see if I like the look this time.

    I do not have much to lose this time around but I am very focused and obsessed with logging my food and exercise lol
  • ccnv
    ccnv Posts: 3
    You can add me if you like. I too have a lot to lose and trying for 1.5 lbs per week. I would enjoy talking with you and support each other.
  • ccnv
    ccnv Posts: 3
    You can add me as a friend if you like. I have about 100 lbs to lose. We can support each other.
  • oneblumsy
    oneblumsy Posts: 16 Member
    I understand completely. the same two pounds keep leaving and coming back. When I start doing well, something comes up (get-together, dad wants to eat at the greasiest cafe in town, office snacks, etc.)

    Add me, and maybe we can encourage each other.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey Suzanne...you can add me! I would def take some of the weight off before getting pregnant. The healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be!
  • Hey there! I had a big problem with portion sizes as well. I invested in a food scale and it's been a HUGE help. Good luck and please feel free to add me if you wish. My food diary is wide open :smile: