


  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Mine are definitely deflated, although in SIZE they actually haven't gone down at ALL, just fell some. I went from a 42DD to a 36F (pretty much the same size, respectively). They look pretty damn good in a bra,

    For the record, I have two sons, nursed the first for 4 1/2 months, and the second for 2 1/2 years., but that was years ago, and they never sagged until I started losing weight. *sigh*
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    First of all YES, when you label an article like that you know we are interested. To a guy, they are boobs, they are great. I can see where you are coming from ,however, you are on this site because you want to look good. I think if when you are ready, you might want a boob job, go for it. We are all about pride and there is nothing wrong with that. You have a very pretty face, so you should think obout it.
    I'd like to add you to my friend list.

  • trm981
    trm981 Posts: 42 Member
    I got a breast lift and implants last August when I was within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I was obese during adolescence and was an F cup by 7th grade. When I lost the weight they sagged terribly. 3 pregnancies in 3 years with a combined 3 years of breastfeeding and going from 190 pounds to 127 made them worse than I ever thought possible. Pushups bras didn't even work because there was so much extra skin all it did was push up the wrinkles to to the top.

    So, I got them fixed. I'm still getting used to them and the scars from the lift will take awhile to fade but they look great. I was very concerned with them looking fake too but they don't, at least with clothes on. With them off they are a little too perky for their size to be real. :wink: . I got silicone and it took me up to a full C/small D cup which is what I was before I had kids so it fits my body well. My husband is honestly amazed at how real they look and feel and is really, really happy with the results.

    To me, yes, it was worth it. All the exercise in the world wouldn't fix the damage and it crushed my self confidence. If you can afford it and it and will help your self confidence, I say go for it. However, if I had small cute perky boobs or just had to live with minimal sagging, it would not have been worth it to me to do it and have to worry about the surgery, recovery, cost and long term maintenance.

    ETA: I would for sure wait until you were done having kids to consider it though. They can stretch back out and ruin your results, plus it is possible for the surgery, especially a lift, to interfere with your ability to breastfeed.
  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    When I lost all my weight a few years ago (before gainig it back My boobs DID get smaller but I loved that since I'm sooo BUSTY ANYWAY!! . At a size 5 and 125 lbs I was a full C cup, at 140 and a size 7 I'm a 34D, and right now at 179 and a size 12 I'm busting out of a DD!! :ohwell:
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    ack! reading the phrase "empty boob sack" is making me terrified of ever becoming pregnant and breast feeding. i have nice perky B's and i want them to stay that way forever!! how do i have the best of both worlds? :laugh:
  • I got a breast lift and implants last August when I was within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I was obese during adolescence and was an F cup by 7th grade. When I lost the weight they sagged terribly. 3 pregnancies in 3 years with a combined 3 years of breastfeeding and going from 190 pounds to 127 made them worse than I ever thought possible. Pushups bras didn't even work because there was so much extra skin all it did was push up the wrinkles to to the top.

    So, I got them fixed. I'm still getting used to them and the scars from the lift will take awhile to fade but they look great. I was very concerned with them looking fake too but they don't, at least with clothes on. With them off they are a little too perky for their size to be real. :wink: . I got silicone and it took me up to a full C/small D cup which is what I was before I had kids so it fits my body well. My husband is honestly amazed at how real they look and feel and is really, really happy with the results.

    To me, yes, it was worth it. All the exercise in the world wouldn't fix the damage and it crushed my self confidence. If you can afford it and it and will help your self confidence, I say go for it. However, if I had small cute perky boobs or just had to live with minimal sagging, it would not have been worth it to me to do it and have to worry about the surgery, recovery, cost and long term maintenance.

    ETA: I would for sure wait until you were done having kids to consider it though. They can stretch back out and ruin your results, plus it is possible for the surgery, especially a lift, to interfere with your ability to breastfeed.

    i sent you a PM but i also wanted to add that i am done having kids - we have been neutered. mauahaha :)
  • ack! reading the phrase "empty boob sack" is making me terrified of ever becoming pregnant and breast feeding. i have nice perky B's and i want them to stay that way forever!! how do i have the best of both worlds? :laugh:

    feed your baby formula. MUAHAHAHAHA :)
  • losing weight and especially breast feeding can change the shape/fullness of your bonbons.
    since theyre not something you can work out, i'd suggest do the best you can with getting to your goal weight, making sure you incorporate chest exercises (it can give them a little lift) and then assess whether you'd like breast augmentation.
    not everyones looks fake... of course the first year theyre perkier than normal breasts, but i know a few of my girlfriends that only went up a cup size and they look amazing.

    i completely support any route you choose whether it be augmentation or not.
    feeling good about yourself makes the love you give to others a little sweeter. jeez im cheesy.
  • Breastfeeding does NOT cause boob sag; it's the pregnancy hormones.

    You just notice more after your body reverts back when you stop breastfeeding.

    Edit to say: Push up bras work wonders and find a real man who loves your body for whatever shape its in. My best friend had a boob job, which her husband was against 10 years ago, and now she regrets the hard rocks on her chest. Not the same for everyone, just sharing her experience.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I lost my boobs about 40lbs ago
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    My boobs are so beyond hope. Being 50, having lost 104 pounds (with 59 more to go), my boobs are a lost cause.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    It's funny how so many guys are going to click on this just because of the subject.

    Anyway, so I'm wondering how many women here have reached their goal weight and lost their boobs in the process?! I haven't reached my goal weight yet and my boobs are already......not how they were before. Lol. I'm in my early 20's and I have 2 kids - a toddler and a 5 month old. I breastfed my first son for 2 weeks and could not continue. After the milk went away, my boobs started sagging a little bit but it was still like, eh, okay. With my 2nd son, I breastfed him for 3 months and stopped. Now my boobs are these deflated, ugly looking pancakes and it makes me feel like less of a woman. It just does NOT look good. I'm thinking that once I reach my goal (35lbs to go), they're not gonna look any prettier. So I'm wondering if anyone else who HAS reached their goal weight, has had any problems with boob deflation (lol) or if they noticed any change at all...? Has anyone gotten a breast lift or gotten implants after they achieved their goal weight? Would you consider getting implants/breast lift if this DID happen to you?

    Btw I'm not a superficial person, I hate how fake some breast augmentations can look but at the same time, I'm considering it because I don't want to spend the rest of my life with pancakes hanging off my chest.

    *Have not had any breast augmentation.
    *I would consider it - the more non-invasive the better. Expected to need it in my 30s - still "No." Thought to need it during this weight loss journey - still a "No."

    Breast deflation was amongst my biggest fears because of the obvious - the size + volume, but surprisingly throughout the past few months as from the month September - they have reduced some, only without the loss of elasticity, or as my sister refers to it - "the snap-back," for she checks to make certain, as her form of keeping a check of any likely "damages." From what I understand from what she'd shared - it is possible for women who are large-breasted or women who are large-breasted as a result of pregnancy, to experience what some doctors term as a natural "bounce-back." They say genetics, proper introduction to brassieres from whence your breasts started to gain the volume, to the levels of breast care and maintenance, directly affect the state of aesthetiques of one's breasts.

    I must however share that there just might be some truth@genetics, for I'd never quite understood how women who'd birthed a dozen children or more, would prance about looking as right as rain - relatives of mine. But having read of how damaging pregnancy is on the body - threatening the beauty of our breasts - I am honestly quite perturbed, for I'd always assumed wrong sizing, bad diet, ...

    When I'd exploded (gaining weight) my sister insisted I wear sports brassieres to bed on top of the maintenance, for breast-beauty is pretty much up there, as a consequence of the bare traditional outfits we adorn.

    It is a strange result on my person, for many articles have alluded to slow weight loss equals "the pair's" bounce-back. I on the other hand, would qualify in the fast weight loss category.

    Edited to add: * points.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Now my boobs are these deflated, ugly looking pancakes and it makes me feel like less of a woman.

    I think that views like this can be quite damaging. The state of each woman's breasts after weight gain and loss and after pregnancy and breastfeeding are going to vary greatly. A lot of it is genetic. But to attach a feeling of "womanhood" to the change of breasts over time is not something that I personally think is healthy. After all, they are functionally created for breastfeeding, so if they serve that function and afterwards are different, well, they have specifically served their function and it hardly detracts from being a woman. And if they change and sag a little with age, that's part of the natural order of things as well.

    If you want to have a breast lift/augmentation that is a very personal decision. I only know two women personally who had it done. The recovery for both of them was painful and more than a decade later they both had them removed. The recovery from that was horrific. But, there are obviously plenty of women who have work done and are very happy they did and had no or minimal complications. So just do your research and make an informed decision that you think will make you happy. That's what it comes down to. Just, please, try not to let the state of your breasts detract from how you feel as a "woman." Altering your body to give yourself more confidence, as I said, is a very personal decision that you need to make on your own. In the meantime, you're a woman because that's simply what you are. There are a lot of things that can define being a woman and the idea of what those things are can vary greatly. I just don't think the natural changes in our bodies as we go through life events should be one of those things.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I've been wanting to have my breasts lifted "forever" (at least 10 years) 'cause they've always 'sagged' whether I do or not depends on how things are when I reach goal.
  • I've lost a total of about 13 lbs in the past two years, and I've lost a couple inches around my bust. Though the loss of fat in the breast area can be less evident in some people, there is always some. When you loose fat you loose it everywhere, so it can kinda become a downside in the process of getting fit.
  • akadrea
    akadrea Posts: 85 Member
    I lost 40 lbs - and my boobs! (I had breastfed all 3 of my kids up to 3 years!). I got a lift and implants - I just couldn't take the empty tissue hanging on my chest....and now I have another baby, LOL! Gonna have toget another lift probably, but for me, it was worth it. Some may call me superficial, but I hadn't worked that hard to get in shape to still feel poorly about my body!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    At my weight, 145, I'm a 38 DDD. When I was 120, they were only down to a D. They did, yes, look a little more deflated, but I felt more confident with them being smaller (as opposed to now.) I am also, given my age (31), considering a tit lift in the future, should I ever have the money for one.

    Part of me dreams for a perky set of C's, but I know my body. I will never be lower than a D. At my absolute lowest in adult years, 115 pounds, they were still D's.

    I love my big boobs, but I would like them to not take up my entire torso. A D still does, but not as much as a triple D!

    (Also, women love to talk about their bewbs. We really don't get the chance to do so very often!)
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I have always had larger breasts for my frame, and I told my bf that when we decided to have a babu that we may as well start a boob fund, cus I figured they would deflate and become pancakes and be way less perky, if perky at all. Well, i had my son...and they are not pancakes yet, but def lost their perk! :/

    I WILL most likely at least get a lift once I am done having babies and as soon as I hit my fitness goals there after.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I only clicked on this thread because I thought it was about congress.
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    I'm half way to my goal weight and already lost 2 cup sizes. I'm gutted. I want fake boobs already :(