Do any other ladies experience this?



  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    Yep, and also other odd days when I don't have my gift.

    Once or twice EVERY week I deal with "hungry days" or "really don't wana go to the gym" days =( Just gotta push through it
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have not heard of these symptoms during menstruation. Please see your doctor.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I get bloated, but weirdly enough I lose my appetite to begin with. I don't think I eat more than usual, but I am more likely to eat chocolate if it's offered!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    I don't just get the munchies, I eat and eat and eat and eat and my stomach STILL growls like I haven't eaten in a week. I allow myself a bit more calorie on those days and just try to minimize the damage and to make healthy choices. The hunger part for me lasts about two or three days and backs off. The bloat is a different matter.... all I can do is drink lots of water and keep my sodium intake down.
  • Yep, and also other odd days when I don't have my gift.

    Once or twice EVERY week I deal with "hungry days" or "really don't wana go to the gym" days =( Just gotta push through it

    i would go to the gym today to work off my munchies i have today but sadly their close on sundays :/
  • You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    I don't just get the munchies, I eat and eat and eat and eat and my stomach STILL growls like I haven't eaten in a week. I allow myself a bit more calorie on those days and just try to minimize the damage and to make healthy choices. The hunger part for me lasts about two or three days and backs off. The bloat is a different matter.... all I can do is drink lots of water and keep my sodium intake down.

    yay im not alone, i tend to never get full either lol. i'll drown myself in water then so i dont eat anymore junk i had today LOL
  • Totally normal. The only thing that varies for women is salty vs. sweet at that time. Myself, I choose both (double bad). And can't find it in myself ever to regret it.
  • I've been eating a ton of cheetos and soda.

    ...excuse me while I puff up for a bit.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I eat a cookie every time one of these threads is posted. I feel bloated just from today, and I've gained 8 pounds in the last month....
  • I never understood why it's considered a "monthly gift". Because I kind of want to shoot that gift giver in the face.

    It's a sarcastic title, lol. Add a sneer to your voice when you say it and roll your eyes.

    As a single person not wanting to have kids for a very long time, I consider it an insurance policy.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Totally normal. The only thing that varies for women is salty vs. sweet at that time. Myself, I choose both (double bad). And can't find it in myself ever to regret it.



    My favorite is chocolate-covered pretzels!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    You can mitigate against the entire hormonal fluctuation/ PMS thing with targeted healthy eating throughout the month. Aim to keep your blood sugar levels stable, plenty of fibre to sweep waste hormones out of the body, long chain omega-3s from oily fish for hormone production, anti inflammatory effects and mental wellbeing, foods rich in a raft of micronutrients from magnesium to zinc to B complex vitamins to vitamin D. Limit or avoid sugar, white/ refined carbs, caffeine, alcohol, higher intakes of omega-6 fats.

    If you want chocolate go for it - cocoa is super rich in many minerals. Just choose low sugar high cocoa options, not sugary milky rubbish which puts the body into a state of stress. Salt cravings can be sign of magnesium or potassium deficiencies/ imbalances, they rarely mean you need more sodium. Some people find it helpful to realise they are self medicating feeding carb cravings with junk food, no different to how many people with mental health problems self medicate via drug or alcohol abuse.
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    No you are not the only one. I always want pizza and carrots with peanut butter... :)

    For the bloat I have been told to drink 8oz of Pineapple juice a day... It worked this month, for me!
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    You can mitigate against the entire hormonal fluctuation/ PMS thing with targeted healthy eating throughout the month. Aim to keep your blood sugar levels stable, plenty of fibre to sweep waste hormones out of the body, long chain omega-3s from oily fish for hormone production and anti inflammatory effects, foods rich in a raft of micronutrients from magnesium to zinc to B complex vitamins to vitamin D. Limit or avoid sugar, white/ refined carbs, caffeine, alcohol, higher intakes of omega-6 fats.

    If you want chocolate go for it - cocoa is super rich in many minerals. Just choose low sugar high cocoa options, not sugary milky rubbish which puts the body into a state of stress. Salt cravings can be sign of magnesium or potassium deficiencies/ imbalances, they rarely mean you need more sodium. Some people find it helpful to realise they are self medicating feeding carb cravings with junk food, no different to how many people with mental health problems self medicate via drug or alcohol abuse.

    Great advise! That is what I strive for every week...
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    i usually crave chocolate and soda which is HORRIBLE lol, so i just try to avoid it....i do usually feel bloated though, so i just try to eat salads, drink a ton of water, and walk a lot
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    Yea my stomach increases by about 3 inches, which is significant.
  • CDeRuyter
    CDeRuyter Posts: 75 Member
    Munchies? NAH! I have full out "tear through the pantry" food trips. Chips, followed by chocolate and washed down with a coke. Lord help me if I'm near a fast food joint.

    Bloating? Hell yes. I can see and FEEL (ladies you know what I'm talking about) the swelling of 'particular' areas of my anatomy.

    Mother Nature is a FREAKIN' Bee-ATCH.

    ....Oh yeah, add perimenopause on top of that. Sweetie, we are all in the same boat...That is why I did 90 minutes of cardio on my supposed day of (takes a swill of coke)....

    It's part of life. A majority of us deal with it regularly and the blessed few don't know what we are talking about (LOATHE).
  • cyberletat
    cyberletat Posts: 8 Member
    I never understood why it's considered a "monthly gift". Because I kind of want to shoot that gift giver in the face.

    Lol, best description ever!
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    Yep! I have severe PMDD and can bloat as much as 3 dress sizes and look 6 months pregnant at TOM. I also get uncontrollable urges to binge eat 2-3 days a month. On these days I wear an elasticated skirt and accept I will look like a whale for several days.

    In terms of binge eating I used to crave white carbs like there was no tomorrow. Now I drink loads of protein shakes, eat loads of protein and lots of dairy (which contain tryptophan) which my gyno recommended. Took a few months to fight the urge not to eat refined carbs and junk but I am a lot better these days when the munchies kick in :)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Great advise! That is what I strive for every week...

    Thanks, it does work: there is some decent research, I have experienced it myself and seen it with nutrition clients. Not 100% cure for everyone of course, but any improvement is worth having right? We like to blame Mother Nature, but the reality is we in the west totally ignore what our body evolved to eat and do, we don't exercise enough, we are overweight, we rely too much on our cars and we eat all the wrong things. I often see people claim they don't have any health problems or symptoms as a result of their lifestyle, but they do - stuff like PMS or low energy! I have a number of minor to moderate health issues that are linked to low levels of magnesium and omega-3 so I have to concentrate on selecting foods rich in these.