What would be the best exercize for a "beach body"?



  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    starting strength or stronglifts 5x5. Ditch cardio. Eat more.

    This or 5/3/1 is another good program. You're try to gain muscle mass so the cardio is counter productive to your goals. Eat at a moderate calorie surplus gain some muscle (and sadly some fat too) and then do a cut before summertime. Your program at the moment is pretty rigorous and unnecessary. You'll get much better results sticking to a modest program 3-5 times a week.
    Vouch for 5/3/1, doing it now and seeing some good gains
  • impojr
    impojr Posts: 52
    Wow, guys! Thanks for all the replies!

    I just woke up, so that's why I haven't replied.
    This or 5/3/1 is another good program. You're try to gain muscle mass so the cardio is counter productive to your goals. Eat at a moderate calorie surplus gain some muscle (and sadly some fat too) and then do a cut before summertime. Your program at the moment is pretty rigorous and unnecessary. You'll get much better results sticking to a modest program 3-5 times a week.

    eheh. Funny thing. I can't cut before summertime because it is summertime (ahhhhhh!)
    I'm in Australia and the heat's just starting - I'll increase my eating for now and and decrease running and make it HIIT training
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    at your age you need to grow and maximise the gains that you can make now. I'd be eating at a moderate surplus of around 10-15% above maintenance and lift heavy things. (big compound movements)

    You should be bulking for the majority of the year and just do short term cuts when required. For me I do this when I get close to 15% body fat.