Anyone here do yoga? (mini-rant included)

I've done yoga on and off since I started college (I'm a junior now), and my strength and flexibility always get better when I do it. I believe more advanced practitioners could easily use it as their sole form of strength training. But a lot of people here are just into lifting heavy and think everything else is wrong. I've seen people create entire topics dissing yoga and talking about how "easy" it is and how it does nothing. The advanced poses are nowhere NEAR easy. If you don't like yoga, that's fine, but to minimize the experience by saying its easy or stupid is insulting.

Anyway, I wonder if anyone on here besides me actually likes yoga and makes it a part of their routine? I plan on doing it all week to get back into the swing of things with exercise, and it'd be great to have friends on here who are into it, too.


  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i do yoga!

    i used to do it as my primary form of exercise, and now that i've been bitten by the strength training bug, i use yoga to round out my routine :) i realized a few months ago that i was losing flexibility in my shoulders and hips, so started doing about 2 hours of yoga per week. it's helped a lot!

    yoga is by no means easy... sure, it may not get your heart rate up, but that doesn't mean its a walk in the park. even in those "easy" poses, you can go deeper or further and end up working really hard!!
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    Good for you! Take whatever comments you can use and toss the rest aside. Check out the groups for those doing yoga. I don't do it myself right now as I have limitations with my legs but I do have a dvd for those who need to do it "bedside" and I have tried it and will incorporate it into my life. I was an Xray Tech and one of my favorite patients was a 75 year old woman who was incredibly toned and flexible - she was wonderful. I have great admiration for those who can master the poses!!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I try to do yoga at least once a week. It keeps me flexible and prevents injury in sports. I also lift and compete in sports. :)
  • orangelobster
    I want to...does that count? I just need to find the right program etc. I'm a little intimidated by the whole thing.
    My workouts are 1/2 and 1/2 cardio and weights hard core at this point and I *really* need some stretching and flexibility.

    I posted earlier today (but got no response) if anyone can recommend any good yoga sessions on DVD or you tube. I'd like to go to classes but I'm already really struggling with time constraints.
  • BigRich822
    I get at least one hour or two secession in once a week. I love it
  • slboston
    I also do yoga! I love it. I can literally feel myself gaining strength day by day.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I want to...does that count? I just need to find the right program etc. I'm a little intimidated by the whole thing.
    My workouts are 1/2 and 1/2 cardio and weights hard core at this point and I *really* need some stretching and flexibility.

    I posted earlier today (but got no response) if anyone knows any good yoga sessions to be found on you tube.

    I wish I could help. :( I don't know any YouTube videos, but Rainbeau Mars and Rodney Yee both make good DVDs you can get for cheap on Amazon and other websites. :)
  • koolmum
    I love yoga! I do it once or twice a week as a compliment to heavy lifting and running. I find I can get a deeper squat and just feel generally "lighter" since practicing yoga.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Me I love yoga! I've been doing it for about 15 years. I'm convinced that the only time in my life I gained weight (and why I started here) was when I took a small break from a regular yoga practice. I've never heard anyone (who actually has any experience with yoga) call it easy. It kicks my butt and I love it. I also think yoga bodies (and minds) are absolutely gorgeous. :)
  • healthylife56
    I love yoga. Yoga gives me mental peace. It helps me clear my head in this stressful and crazy world.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you're using the words "yoga" and "rant" in the same sentence, methinks you're doing it wrong. I spend a ginormous amount of time trolling.....errrr, I mean contributing to the F&E forums, and I don't recall seeing anyone saying yoga is easy or yoga is worthless. Yoga isn't lifting, sure. But doesn't have benefits? No one says that anywhere.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I've just started Bikram (hot) Yoga. Early days yet, as far as results go, but I totally love it :)
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    I do it and yes it is hard! I totally get my sweat on too. It's an exercise that makes my back pain not so intense.
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    I want to...does that count? I just need to find the right program etc. I'm a little intimidated by the whole thing.
    My workouts are 1/2 and 1/2 cardio and weights hard core at this point and I *really* need some stretching and flexibility.

    I posted earlier today (but got no response) if anyone can recommend any good yoga sessions on DVD or you tube. I'd like to go to classes but I'm already really struggling with time constraints.
    I do Jillian Michels yoga melt down. It has an easy workout and an advanced workout. To be honest the easy one is still tough, but I really like it.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    If you're using the words "yoga" and "rant" in the same sentence, methinks you're doing it wrong. I spend a ginormous amount of time trolling.....errrr, I mean contributing to the F&E forums, and I don't recall seeing anyone saying yoga is easy or yoga is worthless. Yoga isn't lifting, sure. But doesn't have benefits? No one says that anywhere.

    It isn't lifting. However, I've done both lifting and yoga, and I'd venture to say advanced yoga is a heckuva lot harder.

    That being said, I prefer the results I see from lifting. That's not to say the same results can't be achieved from yoga, I just enjoy lifting more. But I'd never venture to say yoga is "worthless".

    Oh, and I think you and I don't visit the same forums. Cardio is the name of the game here in MFP land.
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    Yoga is one of my main forms of exercise. It has made me stronger, leaner, and sane. Not only that, I continue to lose weight week after week. I think the best part of it is that it makes you want to change your whole lifestyle. I have found it easier to lose weight while doing yoga because I want to nurture my body and I can only do that by feeding it well, sleeping well, and exercising.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I don't do yoga regularly, but part of the reason is that I find it incredibly challenging!! I do like it when I do, but I'm not advanced. I think strength training i.e. lifting weights and what not is a lot easier.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    If you're using the words "yoga" and "rant" in the same sentence, methinks you're doing it wrong. I spend a ginormous amount of time trolling.....errrr, I mean contributing to the F&E forums, and I don't recall seeing anyone saying yoga is easy or yoga is worthless. Yoga isn't lifting, sure. But doesn't have benefits? No one says that anywhere.

    I wish I could link you to the thread I saw, but it was a week ago and it's too far gone. But there was a girl on here who started a thread about how she hated yoga and thought it was pointless. And a bunch of other MFPers chimed in and said yoga was useless in terms of exercise. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean the thread wasn't there.
  • NaughtyForties
    I lift weights, play squash, treadmill and use the cross trainer every week, so by the weekend my muscles are taut to say the least. This weekend I added yoga to my routine to stretch and loosen my body.

    Yes I'll gain some strength from yoga but for me it's not one is better than the other but how they compliment each other that counts. They are routed in two different camps, so the way I see it, both have a purpose but as with most things everyone has an opinion therefore each to their own.

    I guess it all depends on your goals and what works for you.
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    I do Yoga once or twice a week and have done it for about 12 years. I also do spinning three or four times a week and
    weight training 3 to 4 times a week. A year ago I decided to quit Yoga for a while and do more weight training rather than
    do them both. When I went back to Yoga I could tell how tight my muscles were from not doing it. It is definitely a hard
    workout but I feel it rounds out all the other things that I do.