Question for the ladies about......eek..... cellulite



  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I can hardly see any cellulite on my legs anymore since I've lost my weight. I cycle and work on leg strength a lot. It was pretty gross when I was at 160 and now I can only see a teeny-tiny bit on my butt.
  • SaraBiston1
    SaraBiston1 Posts: 45 Member
    There are some easy and effective way to remove cellulite. Take a proper diet food. Go for Yoga and deep breathing is an exercise that you can practice to help you smooth out cellulite.

    To help you reduce the cellulite, build muscle with the employment of resistance coaching. you’ll do lunges, squats, leg curls and presses. Exercises like swimming, walking, stair stepping and even dancing will facilitate burn calories and these exercises can help remove cellulite from the legs. You’ll do any exercise that increase muscle and burn calories.

    Try cellulite massages. The treatment is fairly easy and is way sort of a normal massage. You need to apply a moderate to heavy pressure to the cellulite area, using the palms, fingers and or knuckles to firmly massage the area. The massage can increase blood circulation permitting the body to scrub out the toxins victimization the bodies natural waste system.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I always lose the cellulite off my butt and thighs when I lose weight. It's not so much about lifting at the same time that does it for me, more just being active
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm using a cellulite cream my doctor recommended (although he recommended particular ingredients that "may" help with skin tightning not a particular cream). Apparently exfoliating and using ingredients that moisturize and increase blood flow can help some peoples skin tighten a little bit faster. It just happened to be a cellulite cream that had the combo, so i am putting it on my thighs too! LOL i'm skeptical but I'll let you know if it does anything.

    So far so good I guess. Skin is softer (but a good moisturizer will do that). It definitely is increasing blood flow. Anyplace you put the cream is more pink/red after about an hour (not in a irritated way more like a "just got out of a hot shower way"). I guess only time will tell if it actually does anything for cellulite, but I like it so far. It isn't greasy, rubs in really well and kind of has a powder feel after it's dry. My doctor said it's the increased blood flow that "may" help tighten the skin (basically helps the cells regenerate faster). But he did say it works for some and not for others so there's no promises. (I'm using Biotherm Toning Cream for anyone interested). It's the same theory behind massage (increased blood flow). The worst part is that as I continue to lose and exercise, I will not know if it's that or the cream that helps with the cellulite. I hope it helps tighten the skin around my belly though. I really don't want a tummy tuck!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Exercise is the only thing that helps me. I can be the same weight but when I do not exercise for awhile, my thighs get all dimply. Consistent exercise makes it go away.
  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    There's a point during weight loss when your cellulite can appear to get much worse for a bit. (I'm not sure why, but possibly it's because some of the fat overlying it has gone, or maybe it's because your skin's a bit looser temporarily.) It improves after that though.