Anti-depressants and weight loss?



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    this mechanism of action will increase noradrenaline levels --> weight loss or will counter the weight gain that would be caused by its additional increase in serotonin levels. I'm a pharmacology major, I was also on it for almost a year, soon as I stopped taking it I gained about 5kg.

    Can you dumb this down for me? What was the reason you gained 5kg after coming off it?
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    When I'm depressed I don't want to do anything. When I'm on the meds I feel loads better. It can't hurt, right? Also, the sedating anti-ds are usually the ones associated with weight gain. Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil etc should be fine (but ask your psychiatrist).
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    SSRIs can have weight gain side effects, but those could be that when depressed some people don't have an appetite, so when they feel better, they put some weight on due to the appetite returning.

    I'm on Mirtazapine and it made me ravenous in the first few months and I put on 15 pounds, but through controlled calories and exercise I've lost this weight again. It's been very difficult, but the hunger is slowly coming back to normal and the hunger pangs have calmed down. Feeling so much better has enabled me to be in control of my life more, including my diet.

    Good luck with your medication and if this one doesn't suit you, please do get back to your doctor and try something else. I hope you feel much better soon.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Some medications can make you gain weight (not just through being more tired or eating more), but generally, you aren't going to find that happen with SSRI's. Any weight gain would almost certainly be minimal. If you find yourself gaining too much too fast, your doctor can always try another med.
  • breezylee75
    breezylee75 Posts: 101 Member
    I have been on anti-depressants for almost a year now, and I have still been able to lose. I was to the point where being depressed (actually PMDD), was causing me to not be successful. I am not saying that you need to be on them, but they sure did help me, and I haven't had any weight gain. I think it's up to the person really-mind over matter ya know? :) You can always try them, and if it doesn't work out, at least you know.
  • watcheronthewall
    I started taking my med before I began losing weight and it hasn't hindered me at all. It might be a case of trying things and if they adversly affect your weight then stop and ask to try another.

    I don't think you should have to pur up with gaining weight in order to treat your depression.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    The only one I've ever been on has been celexa and I do believe I gained a little bit of weight while on it but nothing major....I was on it for about a year before I started to wean off.

    I feel right now like I need meds but usually thats just after eating junk food or a sugary dessert....I find when I exercise regularly and limit my grains and cut waayyyy back on sugar, my mood is greatly improved. So hard to remember that when the treats are being passed around.

    I'm curious to read thru the thread to see if there are any consistently mentioned that people have been able to lose weight while on.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I was taking Well-Butrin. Once I started working out, I stopped taking it. I didn't notice any changes with my weight.
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    YES, Paxil has weight gain as a side effect...PAXIL is also very dangerous if you are of child bearing age...because of birth defects associated with use during pregnancy....some insurance companys won't even pay for it if it is prescribed!!!! I am on Paxil myself, and have discovered I am allergic to to figure out how to get off it, without having major side effects from withdrawal... I have read that this medication, in particular, has very serious withdrawal symptoms and issues....if you want to learn more about your question..I suggest you go online and GOOGLE won't even want to try it....

    and take it form someone who has been taking it for about 14 is NOT WORTH IT...if you can find something natural,by all means try that first....if you need to, go to a naturepath DR....they can guide you...a nutritionist will just tell you what to eat....

    anytime you want ot know something... .GOOGLE IT...there is a lot of information out there....

    This is some of the worst advice I have ever heard. Listen to your doctor, not some stranger on a message board telling you to google things. This is your life you're talking about.
    Nothing wrong with talking to your doctor and doing your own research in order to make an informed decision.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Run - it does wonders for depression and weight loss.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    This is some of the worst advice I have ever heard. Listen to your doctor, not some stranger on a message board telling you to google things. This is your life you're talking about.
    Nothing wrong with talking to your doctor and doing your own research in order to make an informed decision.

    If I had listened to my doctor who is a GP and thus is not trained to know everything about everything I would have already killed myself or a bunch of other people because they tried to tell me I needed some psychotropic drugs to deal with the stress in my life..Half the doctors out there these days are so deep in the pockets of the big Pharma companies they will try to get you on any drug they can whether you need it or not. Every time I have some little issue they try to drug me..It's sick. Every issue I have ever had has GONE AWAY since I have changed my diet and started losing weight.

    My boyfriend who used to be on some serious prescriptions has got his life back by finding other alternatives. There are many natural things that can help and many diet things also but these are not things that any GP will tell you. You absolutely NEED TO RESEARCH yourself! If you want to set yourself up for potentially nasty things then by all means just go about your life blindly following what people tell you without bothering to at least do some checking on your own.
  • Dani_Davies23
    Hi there.
    I've been on different SSRI's in the past and never magically gained weight, what I mean by that is weight that just appeared on my body with no correlation to my diet or exercise. That being said, I'm on Seroquel right now which many people claim to gain tons of weight on (it tends to turn you into cookie monster after taking it, i.e. extreme hunger).
    I just munch on some fruits and veggies and I'm good to go.
    I'm losing weight.
    I understand the concern of medication helping you but at the same time hurting you.
    Weight gain and feeling bad about oneself does not help depression. I would give it a go and just watch what you are eating and how much you are moving around. If by three months you find yourself with extra, unexplained poundage, I would talk to your doctor about finding something new.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    I am on anti-depressants since my Mom passed away, and I have lost 90 lbs and have kept it off.....It can be done......Some of them help lose weight, but their are some they u can gain, but I am doing ok on them...Good Luck
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    This is some of the worst advice I have ever heard. Listen to your doctor, not some stranger on a message board telling you to google things. This is your life you're talking about.
    Nothing wrong with talking to your doctor and doing your own research in order to make an informed decision.

    If I had listened to my doctor who is a GP and thus is not trained to know everything about everything I would have already killed myself or a bunch of other people because they tried to tell me I needed some psychotropic drugs to deal with the stress in my life..Half the doctors out there these days are so deep in the pockets of the big Pharma companies they will try to get you on any drug they can whether you need it or not. Every time I have some little issue they try to drug me..It's sick. Every issue I have ever had has GONE AWAY since I have changed my diet and started losing weight.

    My boyfriend who used to be on some serious prescriptions has got his life back by finding other alternatives. There are many natural things that can help and many diet things also but these are not things that any GP will tell you. You absolutely NEED TO RESEARCH yourself! If you want to set yourself up for potentially nasty things then by all means just go about your life blindly following what people tell you without bothering to at least do some checking on your own.

    Yeah. Right, sorry, you sound totally stable and not paranoid or crazy at all... I struggled for depression for about 20 years trying every alternative therapy I could before I just bit the bullet and started taking the medication. And now I can actually function. I wish I could get those 20 years back. You should not be telling anyone who says they need to be on medication for depression that they don't. She said she needs it. There is already enough of a stigma about mental illness and a feeling in patients that they can work or think their way out of it. Depression kills people. Do you want someone's life on your conscience?
  • Dani_Davies23
    I agree. People need to stop being so judgmental about mental health. It is a medical issue just like anything else and an issue that can have dire consequences if left untreated. You wouldn't tell a cancer patient to rely on weight loss and natural supplements, so why would you tell someone suffering from depression? I understand there is a positive connection between exercise and diet on overall mood, but usually medication is the first line of treatment. Who wants to suffer?
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    thank you to everyone for your replies! You've all really helped me. I think in the future I will start medication (at one point, and after trying natural things). I do run, and my workouts and healthy lifestyle have greatly helped my anxiety and depression. My issues are leaning more towards anxiety, but as anyone with that knows depression closely follows it wherever it goes. :laugh:

    Thanks again!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    There is loads you can do for clinical depression and anxiety with healthy eating and physical activity - omega-3s from oily fish, magnesium rich foods (pumpkin seeds, cocoa powder, green veg, bran), foods containing B vitamins, vitamin D (especially if seasonal) and zinc, avoiding sugar/ white refined/ high glycaemic index carbs, caffeine and alcohol. Exercise wise don't overtrain because it does cause release of stress hormones, aim to get your 10,000 steps or do gentle yoga on active rest days, work on your sleep quality through relaxation and sleep hygiene.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I understand this completely because I am going through the exact same thing. My problem is anxiety, but anxiety & depression kind of do the medications given for them. I had a heart to heart with my doctor & he was awesome. He understood because he lost over 100 lbs himself before he got into med school. I was on Lexipro during vet school. I can not begin to tell you how much it helped me. I honestly do not think I could have passed the Boards without it. At that time, insurance didn't cover it & the doctor didn't want to put me on a generic b/c I already had a weight issue. The good news is that there ARE some medications for depression that are better with that side effect than others. The bad news is that you have to at least try the ones that may before insurance will cover it & even then, you will have to pay extra for them. The first time I went back on something with weight gain in mind, my doctor tried Vibryd. It is the newest thing out there & it is supposed to be the best for not causing weight gain. One of the side effects is possible diarrhea for up to 2 weeks. I had diarrhea for like 5 weeks...even after I quit taking it. It was awful. I am talking...I can't ever be far from a bathroom kind of diarrhea...AND I DIDN'T EVEN LOSE WEIGHT....I know...not a healthy way to lose weight, but geez, if I have to go through that at least give me a perk...I tried to talk to my doctor about it & she didn't really listen to I fired her went to the doctor I have now...who is AWESOME. He basically said that you just have to try one until you find one that works for you. I went back to the Lexipro..,. & now I am actually taking the generic. I have gained a little weight, but honestly...I have not been eating well at all. The holidays just present too many temptations. I also hurt my knee, so I had to cut back on my activity too, which isn't helping. It is disappointing that I have gained...this coming from the girl who gained a pound on WW & cried all the way home....but I can NOT blame the medicine for that. All medications have side effects. The only way to know which medication works...or which one doesn' to try them. Find a doctor that you trust and have a heart to heart with him/her. Please try the medication if you need it. Be know if you need it...the difference for me was night & day. That is my wish for you too.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    SSRIs can have weight gain side effects, but those could be that when depressed some people don't have an appetite, so when they feel better, they put some weight on due to the appetite returning.

    I'm on Mirtazapine and it made me ravenous in the first few months and I put on 15 pounds, but through controlled calories and exercise I've lost this weight again. It's been very difficult, but the hunger is slowly coming back to normal and the hunger pangs have calmed down. Feeling so much better has enabled me to be in control of my life more, including my diet.

    Good luck with your medication and if this one doesn't suit you, please do get back to your doctor and try something else. I hope you feel much better soon.

    Are you on Mirtazipine for depresson/anxiety? Just curious...I am a veterinarian, & we use Mirtazipine for cats that won't eat as an appetite stimulant. I don't know much about human medicine, but I just thought that was interesting. BTW...great point about SSRIs making you feel better & so you get your appetite back. I had not really thought of that. I am an emotional eater though...when I am anxious, I am a hoover...never understood those people that are too nervous to eat...or better yet...forget to eat...I never forget to eat :)
  • xxvogue
    xxvogue Posts: 172 Member
    I was on fluxotine and lost weight - only a few pounds - with the highest dose I was ever on (40mg) a day for my own anxiety disorder (OCD). I was told that this meant I was on the right dosage for my body. I guess one of the reasons might be because I didn't feel the need to eat my anxiety, which is a problem that anxiety sufferers tend to have more than depression ones I reckon.

    As far as natural approaches, they simply might not work for you. Sometimes our brain chemistry just gets out of line, and needs help. I'm completely off pills and therapy free these days, but a few summers ago I was crying in the middle of CPR classes for no reason!