I must be crazy!!!

I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    start planning your meals beforehand. come to MFP before you eat, and log it.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    start planning your meals beforehand. come to MFP before you eat, and log it.

  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    I agree, I log my food for the day in the morning so I have a map of how my day will turn out. Plus, once I set up a healthy day I feel guilty swaying from it and helps me keep on track. It's terrible to take a good day and add a piece of cake or something to it. Welcome aboard :) MFP is a good tool/resource but make sure you do your own research as well. There are a lot of conflicting opinions because what works for some doesn't work for other, vice versa. As long as you stay focused, don't get caught up in the numbers of the scale, and don't beat yourself up for having a less than stellar food day occasionally you'll do awesome :) Consistency is key.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??
  • You can do it! Celebrate the victories, no matter how small. They have something here called Non Scale Victories (NSV) - so don't get too caught up in the #s on the scale. And don't beat yourself up for having a bad day. Best wishes and Happy Holidays to you.
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there! I too am just starting a diet but do to drs orders. I have wanted to lose weight for a while now but i always get side tracked. With 4 kids (2 boys and 2 girls, 11-8-4-2) it gets tough eating right when they are constantly snacking. But I have found that they can eat just as healhty as me and benefit from it. I too have alot to lose. I currently weigh 195.8 and the dr wants me to lose 20 by June 5th but I would love to lose at least 40 pounds. But realistic goals first lol. I am here for you if you need any support or motivation :smile: Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??

    Now now... don't attack her just yet, she's only been here 5 days... Maybe she started smoking again after the baby. She could've been smoking for 6.5 weeks...
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Not crazy - sounds like you're ready for change. Why NOT today?

    If you really want it, you can do it. Seeing our kids grow up healthy is a wonderful motivator to get ourselves healthy.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??

    Now now... don't attack her just yet, she's only been here 5 days... Maybe she started smoking again after the baby. She could've been smoking for 6.5 weeks...

    who's attacking her?

    if she quit ten months ago, then she shouldn't be talking about needing to quit now.
  • I do not feel like that was an attack. Yes I should have quit than, I tried to. I ended up cutting back only. My blood pressure was getting to high and staying high, and when that happens it is called preclampsia . It is very dangerous for the baby. So that is why I am quitting now.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??

    Now now... don't attack her just yet, she's only been here 5 days... Maybe she started smoking again after the baby. She could've been smoking for 6.5 weeks...

    who's attacking her?

    if she quit ten months ago, then she shouldn't be talking about needing to quit now.

    I'm just saying the only two things you contributed to this thread were negative and all she is saying is that she's making a huge change at a really awkward time since it's the holiday's. Just chill out on her. She could've quit and then started again, consider that...
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??

    Now now... don't attack her just yet, she's only been here 5 days... Maybe she started smoking again after the baby. She could've been smoking for 6.5 weeks...

    who's attacking her?

    if she quit ten months ago, then she shouldn't be talking about needing to quit now.

    I'm just saying the only two things you contributed to this thread were negative and all she is saying is that she's making a huge change at a really awkward time since it's the holiday's. Just chill out on her. She could've quit and then started again, consider that...

    why don't you chill out on me.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Lots of changes but you can do it! One day, sometimes one Hour at a time! its hard with the lack of sleep too, but you can do it!

    Congrats on your Adorable addition to the family!!!!!

    remember, if you're breastfeeding, you need at least 500 extra calories a day. :) Certainly helps.

    Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I'm just saying the only two things you contributed to this thread were negative and all she is saying is that she's making a huge change at a really awkward time since it's the holiday's. Just chill out on her. She could've quit and then started again, consider that...

    actually the first comment was to pre-log instead of logging after eating something, which is great advice to a newbie and not at all negative!
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??

    Now now... don't attack her just yet, she's only been here 5 days... Maybe she started smoking again after the baby. She could've been smoking for 6.5 weeks...

    who's attacking her?

    if she quit ten months ago, then she shouldn't be talking about needing to quit now.

    I'm just saying the only two things you contributed to this thread were negative and all she is saying is that she's making a huge change at a really awkward time since it's the holiday's. Just chill out on her. She could've quit and then started again, consider that...

    Wow, hypersensitive much. It's a legitimate question that he asked, not an attack. Kinda crazy to be that wound up.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    To the OP:

    Quitting smoking while trying to lose weight and raise 3 children, one of which is a newborn.
    I think it's a lot to take on at once.

    Maybe small changes - logging food, watching your portions etc etc
    Cutting back on smoking - cold turkey may not be the best idea

    There are apps for reducing how many cigarettes you smoke during the day that might help

    Gum, gum and lots of gum will help as well
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!!

    Not to mention only 4 days until the world ends. Talk about procrastinating.
  • Not2thin
    Not2thin Posts: 3 Member
    There are always so many reasons NOT to start: holidays, stress at work, etc., I can think of a thousand reasons to start Tomorrow, but I really want to prove to my 15 year old that I can get healthy. I'm with you!

    Also, I too decided to start my day by adding up my "planned" meals. When I did it, I realized that my plans for dinner would surpass what I had set as limits (on fats and carbs), and, I just adjusted breakfast because they were having a free holiday breakfast at work - walked past the french toast and waffles and went for the eggs!

    Readjusted the remainder of the day - planning on finally making a change (after more than 30 years of saying I would). Seems like so many folks have done it that it is possible -without being drastic, but by being healthy!

    Good luck! I'm with you in spririt.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    IMHO, the smoking should go first before the weight. I'm not saying you can't do both, but as the previous poster said, that's a whole lot to try to tackle at once.

    Smoking around your babies is terrible for them, especially the newborn. The fact that you continued to smoke while pregnant which lead to preeclampsia is a very bad sign for you. It means your addiction is a whole lot worse than you seem to let on, so if I were in your situation, I'd make getting off the cigarettes for life priority #1. Access whatever resources you need to do it, but do it now.

    If you are worried about gaining after quitting, then try to start tracking your calories just to maintain your weight first while you get through quitting. Get into the habit of prelogging your food (log your food for the day in the morning or the night before so you know what you can fit into your calorie budget before the stay starts instead of winging it), and try to just hit that goal every day. Setup some weekly or monthly goals for yourself (non-scale goals are best). Start exercising as much as possible (even walking will do a lot of good).

    Start slow and get control over your addiction first. Use the tools you learn along the way to quitting in your weight loss later.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    You made the right choice. Keep logging everything, drink lots of water and exercise as much as possible. Having a new Baby, could be challenging to find time for exercising, but put some time aside for yourself. YOU CAN DO THIS.........