What age would you let your child go shopping on their own?

diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
edited January 6 in Chit-Chat
Following on from the 'what age would you leave your child at home?'

This weekend my 11 year old's friend called and said her dad would pick EJ (my daughter) up at 11 am drop them off in town where they could do some shopping get lunch then walk out of town to my shop(about half a mile with 2 busy roads). My daughter wasn't too keen (Neither was I) and I said I could take them later in the afternoon shopping. This little girl was adamant they were going alone, and said my daughter was 'ridiculous' wanting to go with me, and then told my daughter she thought I was ridiculous for saying she couldn't go out on her own.

My daughter's friend is 10.

Town is busy atm, there is a temporary market, lots of people and it is very busy. I don't think it's safe for a 10 and 11 year old to be out on their own.

edit to say This girl's father was presumably ok with her daughter being out on her own, he didn't ask if it was ok with me!
What age have you let your children go off shopping on their own?


  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Mines 4 now...So I won't be dealing with this yet.

    But honestly probably not until she can drive herself.
    I used to go to the mall with my friend and her mom would sit and read and we had to check in every hour or so.
    I think that is something I will do for my daughter also, esp with this crazy world getting worse each day.
  • I've gone to the mall with my daughter and friend (11) and let them go to a store on their own, while I sat in the center part. Not exactly in my sight at all times, but close enough that if there were a fuss I would see. They do want to be grown up and independent but they don't realise how young they are. They seemed to like the compromise. The kids all have phones these days so I do text to say "Watcha doin?" but really I want them to reply so I know they can reply...if you know what I mean.

    Tough being a dad these days... :o/
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Nope, not a chance. At home alone with a locked door, OK. Out with the creeps, nah.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I offered to go with them and check in occasionally, but this child was adamant they were going alone! I wasn't sure if I was being over protective!
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