How do I loose weight?



  • missyfitter
    missyfitter Posts: 11 Member
    The easiest advice I ever got was to multiply the weight you want to be by 10 and that will give you the calories you need daily. For example, if you want to weigh 160 then 160x10=1600 calories per day.

    Also try to get moving for 45 mins per day (whether gym, walking, playing, or shopping ;)).

    I'm trying to 'reset' my metabolism too after being a frequent yo-yo dieter and taking a perscription with weight gain as a side effect (bleah!).

    Good luck and stay positive. (PS: whoever has NEVER made a spelling mistake before can be judgemental otherwise I'm hoping that they're just trying to be helpful)
  • Ramshots
    Ramshots Posts: 13 Member
    The minimum points WW gives you is 26. That's roughly 1040 calories. You then have your 0 point foods which is a selection of 5 fruits and veggies. If you meet that then you are getting at least 200 or more calories depending upon your selection. That puts you at 1240 or more. If you were only eating 1000 calories, then you weren't doing WW, you were doing a modified WW plan.

    I'll never understand the people that say WW doesn't work for them but MFP does. They both do the same thing. They track and limit calories. WW just converts calories into a number called points and encourages you to make better/healthier choices by making fruits and veggies 0 points. The calories are built into the program before they give you your goal. If they didn't do that your minimum points would be 30 or so. Make no mistake. Points are calories. If you go over the recommended 5 servings of fruits and veggies then DUH. One guy was eating 7 bananas a day along with other fruits and veggies and he wasn't losing weight. That's not the WW program. A little common sense will go a long way. I'm switching to MFP because I don't want to pay WW anymore. That doesn't mean I think it's a bad program or doesn't work, because I know it does if you actually do the program.

    If you actually eat 1000 calories a day, I don't see how it's possible to not lose weight. I've never seen someone with a lap band or gastric bypass not lose weight. Those are just forced calorie restriction solutions. If you take in less calories than it takes for a body to function, you have to lose weight. It doesn't work any other way.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The easiest advice I ever got was to multiply the weight you want to be by 10 and that will give you the calories you need daily. For example, if you want to weigh 160 then 160x10=1600 calories per day.

    Also try to get moving for 45 mins per day (whether gym, walking, playing, or shopping ;)).

    I'm trying to 'reset' my metabolism too after being a frequent yo-yo dieter and taking a perscription with weight gain as a side effect (bleah!).

    Good luck and stay positive. (PS: whoever has NEVER made a spelling mistake before can be judgemental otherwise I'm hoping that they're just trying to be helpful)

    The only time you multiply your weight by 10 is if you are sedentary. If you are active, it's more like 12-14 depending on how active you are.

    Also, if you want to reset your RMR, then make sure you eat high protein, do heavy weight training and eat at maintenance for a month or two. You should still see some minor recomposition but this will allow you to effectively go through a cut phase.