I got my dad to agree to lose weight with me but...

ok last forums I posted that I was worried about my diet because my dad doesn't want to buy healthy foods. After a lot of begging and convincing I got him to agree we should eat healthier. So he said after new years he'll start buying healthier foods and cook healthier meals for his new years resolution. which is great because hes really overweight and has high blood pressure and migraines and I always told him losing weight would help a lot with those things.

the only problem is he says ''I'll eat healthy but I dont know how we're gonna afford it'' I dont know if hes already making excuses or if its true. How do I prove to him that eating healthy can be cheaper then fast food and frozen dinners? Anybody got any good stores to go to? I live in the U.S.

Also how do I make sure he sticks to it? Its gonna be hard because I know he loves his cakes and oreos etc. I really think this will be a great thing for father and daughter to get in shape together. I just hope hes as determined as me.
any tips are appreciated! Thanks!


  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Research healthier options at fast food places they all have them. Offer to do the shopping for him or with him and do your research and make a shopping list. Veggies are more expensive than mac and cheese or top ramon but can be cheaper than some fast food. Someone will need to cook which can be a fun learning and bonding experience to do it together. You have two weeks for a plan of action. It will have to be easy tasty filing food or he will throw in the towel easily. So be prepared for that and perhaps you may need to focus on yourself and he may follow after seeing your results. Good luck.:smile:
  • Xarina
    Xarina Posts: 25 Member
    Most likely the afford it part is bull. Me and the Hubby buy healthy foods for 100-150 dollars a month. If we stopped eating out completely that would add another 50-150 to that amount monthly. That's for 2 people, if you eat out a lot, there's the money you need right there.

    We mainly shop our foods at Rulers, Schnucks and Walmart.

    We buy a lot of the fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables, fruit, tuna in water, pasta and boneless skinless chicken at Rulers. Olive oil at schnucks or Walmart. Spices at all three places depending on what we need. Just to give an idea. You just really need to look at what's in your area and compare who's got what for the cheapest amount.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    take him to the local farmers market for veggies and fruits. they're muuuuch cheaper than the grocery store.
  • xFitnessFlirt
    thanks everyone! I'll try my best. but he has to want it too.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    the only problem is he says ''I'll eat healthy but I dont know how we're gonna afford it'' I dont know if hes already making excuses or if its true. How do I prove to him that eating healthy can be cheaper then fast food and frozen dinners? Anybody got any good stores to go to? I live in the U.S.

    By trying it for a couple of months and comparing grocery bills. We have Whole Foods but honestly they're not inexpensive. You can go to any grocery store, even Walmart, to buy fresh produce. It's the prepackaged stuff that really destroys the grocery bill.
    Also how do I make sure he sticks to it? Its gonna be hard because I know he loves his cakes and oreos etc. I really think this will be a great thing for father and daughter to get in shape together. I just hope hes as determined as me.
    any tips are appreciated! Thanks!

    I think it's important that you understand that you're his daughter, not his parent, and as an adult, he has to make his own choices. You can lead this horse to water (hurr) but try to avoid feeling RESPONSIBLE for him as a separate human being. You're doing the best you possibly can, you can't use force on an adult, and you're going to be disappointed by some of the choices he's going to make. It's inevitable. Focus on yourself.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eating healthy can be cheaper, but if he's living on fast food and frozen dinners now it's probably more for convenience than cost. It is hard to eat healthy on a budget unless you cook your own meals. If you don't already do the cooking, you could offer to prepare meals for the both of you.

    Frozen vegetables, brown rice, barley, dried beans, white fish (tilapia, cod, haddock, pollock), and canned tuna are usually some of the cheapest foods in the store and are all healthy. Buy fresh produce and lean meats when on sale. Build your menu around what cheapest each week. Stock up on non-perishables when they are on sale.

    I usually shop at a Kroger and they often have 'manager's specials' on vegetables that are nearing their sell buy date. I snatch these up. They are often less than 1/2 the regular price. Often they stay good for several days, but soups and stews are a great way to stretch a food budget and use up any veggies that need eaten quickly.