Chocolate Oreo Cake



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I was going to stay out of this discussion, however, I just have to defend them. Paul is my husband and Katheranne is my daughter. They are a bit overly adamant on this, perhaps not being able to hide their emotions. You see, we just lost one of our dearest friends, and then my Aunt in the same day. Both of them were very overweight, and regardless of attempts to teach proper eating habits, chose their own paths. Dying of cancer at 70 (my Aunt) is horrible, and dying at only 44 of a massive heart attack (our friend) is just insane! So, please excuse their emotional outcry, but I think it is understandable!!!

    The young lady who did this recipe is trying to help. For that, she should be commended! Let me help a bit more, by trying to make sure the cake has all natural ingredients and is therefore more healthy for you. I will try to figure out what can replace what and give you an option. Please give me a while to figure this out. Personally, I would like to see you eat only a few bites of cake with a lot of calories, than a whole plate of cake with few calories, but a lot of poisonous chemicals. While it is true, that dessert is eaten infrequently, these chemicals are all over our "food" supply, slipping into your body by many different sources. Over a very short period of time, every cell in your body is affected adversely. Here's an analogy for you: You can ingest or absorb a little arsenic every day and die slowly and painfully. Please watch: Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America's Greatest Threat You can view it on Netflix (Watch it now), or own it. Be prepared, though. It will make you angry, especially when the Surgeon General talks about how he was forced to edit his speeches on the rising threat of obesity in America! And then take a look at the movie All Jacked up. While you are at it, Food, Inc. is a great reference movie as well. is a great resource and is our family site to help people learn more about healthy eating.

    What we are trying to avoid: ALL Hydrogenated oils, MSG, Sodium Nitrates, Aspartame (and other artificial sweeteners), High Fructose Corn Syrup, bleached flour and refined sugar.

    In the meantime, I would love to help figure out how to change this recipe into a healthy one, so that you can have your cake and eat it to! What is the soda pop supposed to do?

    Please do not get upset with us. We just want to help. We are going through a particularly painful time right now. And we don't want anyone else to suffer this way!!!!

    Bumping for later (after work). I'm very interested to watch those videos.
  • melissaptx
    There's a lot of preachy people on this post.

    Kudos to anyone who tries to offer a lower calorie option to desserts.
    Thanks, OP!
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Oh goodness. Things in life aren't all or nothing. That's how diets (or getting healthy) fail! If you have to make a cake for a birthday party, something that is sneakily lower in calories will work! As you get healthier you crave healthier foods and will discover or create more and delicious "healthier" options. But fretting over one recipe that IS a step in the RIGHT direction for healthier mindsets isn't helpful.

    All things in moderation, including moderation.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    There's a lot of preachy people on this post.

    Kudos to anyone who tries to offer a lower calorie option to desserts.
    Thanks, OP!

    I agree. Low cal isnt always going to mean healthy. I commend anyone who wants to change up recipes so that indulgences can be enjoyed every once in a while.

    I may not wish to eat cake again, but that's my choice. I really dont think I have the right - unless asked - to try and convince people of what they should or shouldnt be eating. Im here to change how *I* eat and live, not how everyone else does.
  • demma1961
    sounds too good to be good for you
  • CoachKarlaHelps
    CoachKarlaHelps Posts: 19 Member
    It took me a LONG TIME but I did find something! I was at services, with family, etc. so please forgive my tardiness. I still cannot figure out what the soda pop does, so I gave up on that part. I am guessing all everyone wants is some low cal chocolate cake, right?

    So, if I could get a BIT of help here, what do you think of:

    3/4 cup smart balance,
    1/4 tsp concentrate stevia powder,
    2 1/2 tsp egg replacer (I AM DOING THIS TO INCLUDE VEGANS),
    2 tsp vanilla, 2 cups cake flour, 2 tsp baking powder,
    1/3 cup cocoa,
    1/4 cup boiling water,
    1 cup water (room temperature)

    Instructions: Cream smart balance and stevia. Add egg substitute and vanilla, mix for 1 minute. In a separate bowl, dissolve cocoa in boiling water. Add flour, baking powder, dry milk (OR REPLACEMENT) and cocoa mixture to batter. Slowly ad in room temperature water and beat until smooth. (I AM THINKING IF YOU USE RICE MILK, YOU MIGHT NOT ADD THIS EXTRA WATER?) Pour into 9" non-stick flex pan, bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Place on wire rack to cool.

    The reason I wanted to use Stevia is because this ingredient is a 0 calorie sweetener that is not artificial. Info about Stevia - Native to subtropicall/tropical South America and Central America, stevia sweetens whatever it is added to without adding calories. Research shows a regulating effect on the pancreas and has been used to help stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore useful to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. It may lower elevated blood pressure, aids in digestion, reduces gas and stomach acidity. It has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.

    I will try this recipe as soon as I can, and get back to you about what it tastes like. I just wanted to get it to you as soon as I could, and didn't have time to bake it yet. Maybe I can convince my daughter to give it a try. If anyone knows of anything that SHOULD BE replaced in this recipe, feel free to post it. I don't know all, and REALLY appreciate it when people take the time to educate me further! I just couldn't figure out how to pick this one apart.

    Lastly, no one is trying to be preachy. I DO believe we are our brother's keeper, and if we can help people, we should.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    WoW! This is considered diet food? Whom ever came up with this recipe and called it food has no knowledge about nutrition. Just because something does not have a lot of calories does not make it diet food, or even what I would call food for that matter. If you want to lose weight to become healthy you have to not just limit calories, you must also eat food that is healthy for you. This may have few calories, however it also has little if any real nutritional value. if you want to lose weight don't go on a "DIET" eat healthy and excersize. If you want to learn a little about nutrition you should check out They have some great information on ingrediants you should avoid in your diet. and some info about what you should be eating.

    no one said it was good for you, it's a freaking dessert for heaven's sake, lighten up, you don't want to eat it, don't make it, but not everyone wants to axe dessert from their diets completely...geez!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    It took me a LONG TIME but I did find something! I was at services, with family, etc. so please forgive my tardiness. I still cannot figure out what the soda pop does, so I gave up on that part. I am guessing all everyone wants is some low cal chocolate cake, right?

    So, if I could get a BIT of help here, what do you think of:

    3/4 cup smart balance,
    1/4 tsp concentrate stevia powder,
    2 1/2 tsp egg replacer (I AM DOING THIS TO INCLUDE VEGANS),
    2 tsp vanilla, 2 cups cake flour, 2 tsp baking powder,
    1/3 cup cocoa,
    1/4 cup boiling water,
    1 cup water (room temperature)

    Instructions: Cream smart balance and stevia. Add egg substitute and vanilla, mix for 1 minute. In a separate bowl, dissolve cocoa in boiling water. Add flour, baking powder, dry milk (OR REPLACEMENT) and cocoa mixture to batter. Slowly ad in room temperature water and beat until smooth. (I AM THINKING IF YOU USE RICE MILK, YOU MIGHT NOT ADD THIS EXTRA WATER?) Pour into 9" non-stick flex pan, bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Place on wire rack to cool.

    The reason I wanted to use Stevia is because this ingredient is a 0 calorie sweetener that is not artificial. Info about Stevia - Native to subtropicall/tropical South America and Central America, stevia sweetens whatever it is added to without adding calories. Research shows a regulating effect on the pancreas and has been used to help stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore useful to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. It may lower elevated blood pressure, aids in digestion, reduces gas and stomach acidity. It has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.

    I will try this recipe as soon as I can, and get back to you about what it tastes like. I just wanted to get it to you as soon as I could, and didn't have time to bake it yet. Maybe I can convince my daughter to give it a try. If anyone knows of anything that SHOULD BE replaced in this recipe, feel free to post it. I don't know all, and REALLY appreciate it when people take the time to educate me further! I just couldn't figure out how to pick this one apart.

    Lastly, no one is trying to be preachy. I DO believe we are our brother's keeper, and if we can help people, we should.

    You are absolutely being preachy. I'm glad you want to help people, but maybe being an attack dog isn't the best way to do it, people don't tend to respond well to people who think they're better then others....IMO only.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Take a cake mix and some egg whites, and a diet soda, and you can make a "Healthier" version of a cake than if you made it following the directions on the box.

    Since some people new reading this don't know, here was the thread that people have given their cake mix and diet soda combinations.

    The diet soda and egg whites replaces the 2 Full eggs and 1/2 cup of oil and water.
  • CoachKarlaHelps
    CoachKarlaHelps Posts: 19 Member
    You are absolutely being preachy. I'm glad you want to help people, but maybe being an attack dog isn't the best way to do it, people don't tend to respond well to people who think they're better then others....IMO only.

    I am sorry you think that I was trying to attack. I was trying to explain why there were a couple of posts that sounded like an attack. This followed the death of a close friend and then a family member. Yes, obesity and poor nutrition contributed to both. The man you quoted before is my husband, and my daughter also got into this. I saw it and felt bad for the lady who posted this recipe. So I came on trying to explain what happened. It is grief, not "holier than thou". Then I tried to find a recipe that would be yummy AND healthy to help out. Some people seemed to want an alternative. This took a lot of work, but I THINK I found a good one. The chemical additives are what we are trying to avoid. I don't think I sounded preachy, but if you think I did, I apologize. I was only trying to help. is a great resource.