Exercising at home when you live on the second floor

I tried an exercise video on youtube yesterday and I stopped at jumping jacks because it's making a lot of noise and I don't want to disturb my neighbours (Who have already gotten angry at us for other noise issues) Is there anything I can do about that? Will a mat help? Tips appreciated!

Edited to add, I have wood floors so it makes more noise than if I had carpet.


  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    This explains my situation exactly. I do turbofire & p90x as a hybrid workout, so there are times I make a lot of noise. My suggestion is to work out at respectable times, if your schedule allows it. I will do my p90x weight lifting routines at 7 in the morning, because I make very little noise... but I always save the jumping around for 5-7pm, when no one is in bed.

    Also, I exercise with no shoes on, so this probably makes things quieter. And yes, a mat would definitely help. Two would probably help even more, as long as you don't buy the super spongy ones.

    If you are going to go barefoot, ease in slow so your legs can get used to it. Good luck!!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    is joining a gym not an option?

    pushups, planks, situps. squats, db work, etc doesn't make much noise.
    Just don't be jumping around
  • LiveLoveHunt
    I live on the third floor and yes I am always worried about making noise on my treadclimber. It's the green version so you have to propel it yourself. I joined a gym though so I don't use it much. I just keep an eye out for my neighbors car and take advantage of the times when he's not home and it seems to work.
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    Are your neighbors nice enough that you can ask them if it's ok that you workout at a certain time or certain days?
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    It's your house; I can tell you no amount of complaining ever changed the lives of our upstairs neighbors...they had twins who threw each other off the furniture and two horses (great danes) and we lived in itty-bitty 2 bedroom apartment; it was all of 900 square feet.

    Anyway, we bought a house and moved after 3 months.... just sayin' I wouldn't let it keep me from exercising.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Plank-jacks or mountain-climbers (doing a plank pose and then jumping your feet in and out laterally, or stepping them in towards your stomach) are options that are similar to jumping jacks that I would imagine create less noise since less of your weight is hitting the ground at once.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I have a gym membership, but I moved in October and it's too far to walk. I used to live 5 mins from the gym. The buses were off the road for 6 months but now that they are back I can go but not as much as before because it take about 40 mins each way to get there on the bus and I am a single parent so if I DO have a sitter...an hour and a half commute plus my hour of workout time is a bit much. I already figured out that I can go on friday nights when my dad has her but that's about it. So I need something to do to keep me active the rest of the week.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I did 30 Day Shred with a cranky puppy on the first floor and me on the 2nd floor. If I woke him up and made too much noise, he would bark and whine and generally be a nuisance to the entire neighborhood. We have all hardwood floors and they're old heart pine so they're extra flexible and creaky. I started exercising without shoes on, concentrated on being more graceful in my landings (great for your abs) and had that not worked, I would've gone to one of the big box hardware stores and gotten some cheap carpet by the foot to work out on. I used a yoga mat but it wasn't much help for me. The carpet probably would have been more help but I didn't have to go that far.
  • gaylelynnmc
    I am in the same place as alot of you...I usually double my time running around at work...and then sometimes I hit the walking track we have in town...I only do yoga and tai chi at home...when I know all the neighbors are gone that is when I drag out my fav Richarch Simmons! It is tough trying to get fit when others are a challenge! Keep up the good work though and keep on working thru this issue...to bad our neighbors didn't want to join us!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Tell your neighbors what you are doing and ask them if there is a best time for you to be a little noisier.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Bribe them :) Beer works for my neighbors. I let them know the times I usually workout. And they were completely supportive. They told me to plyo to my heart is content. We actually became pretty good friends from me just knocking and being nice.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I tried an exercise video on youtube yesterday and I stopped at jumping jacks because it's making a lot of noise and I don't want to disturb my neighbours (Who have already gotten angry at us for other noise issues) Is there anything I can do about that? Will a mat help? Tips appreciated!

    Edited to add, I have wood floors so it makes more noise than if I had carpet.

    do them anyway. it was their descision to live on the first floor.
    Edited to add:my fitness and health arent going to be derailed due to my neighbors desire for comfort. i jog at night and a guy down the road raises labs. they go crazy-but im on the road. its HIS dogs being noisy-i can run any damn time i want. if the neighborhood complains about barking-its on him. not me.
  • rapidisimo
    Proper time, thick foam gym mat, no shoes and jump like a cat. Land on your toes :)
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    State laws are a wonderful thing. Here in Oregon from like 7 or 8am to 10pm it is open time for you to do as you please. Exercise, play music, whatever you want (obviously you can't blare music like a crazy person but if it is loud enough to hear over a vacuume than that is still appropriate). I would say *kitten* your neighbors. Between these certain times in many states you are allowed to do normal daily life activities at a higher noise level and they can't say anything. If they do call the cops or the landlord, explain that you were exercising and not doing anything above the ordinary. They can't control your damn life because they are ****s who want it perfectly quiet. If they wanted that they shouldn't live in apartments.

    Ps- I am downstairs in my apartment complex and understand that noise happens.
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I also live on the second floor. I Zumba for 60 minutes/day at the same time. When it comes to jumping, I just do a squat or lunge instead (not really sure how effective it is physically, but it keeps the noise down). I also do a CrossFit program that includes lunges, mountain climbers (I can't do enough to get a noise complaint yet), bicycle sit-ups, and squats. I also work with resistance bands (no jumping required) and alternate with a UFC Trainer program. Maybe you could ask your neighbors if there is a time they are gone (to work, etc) each day so that you can schedule your workout you can be sure not to disturb them.
  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    Maybe you could ask your neighbors if there is a time they are gone (to work, etc) each day so that you can schedule your workout you can be sure not to disturb them.

    This! I'll workout right when I get home because my downstairs neighbor isn't home from work yet.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I tried an exercise video on youtube yesterday and I stopped at jumping jacks because it's making a lot of noise and I don't want to disturb my neighbours (Who have already gotten angry at us for other noise issues) Is there anything I can do about that? Will a mat help? Tips appreciated!

    Edited to add, I have wood floors so it makes more noise than if I had carpet.

    do them anyway. it was their descision to live on the first floor.
    Edited to add:my fitness and health arent going to be derailed due to my neighbors desire for comfort. i jog at night and a guy down the road raises labs. they go crazy-but im on the road. its HIS dogs being noisy-i can run any damn time i want. if the neighborhood complains about barking-its on him. not me.

    I would absolutely hate to live below you. Sure it was their choice to live on the first floor but there could be many reasons why: It was the only apartment available at the time, they didn't want to climb stairs because they're elderly or not in good health. I lived on the second floor and I was very cognizant of my (very elderly and sweet) downstairs neighbor and extremely respectful when it came to walking around. It's called respect and for the record if your downstairs neighbor complains about the noise you're making upstairs it's on YOU not them because you're the one making the noise. Seriously dude it's called respect and maturity.

    To the OP: I would do what some people here suggested and let your neighbor know that you're going to be working out at X time and there will be a lot of jumping and noise going on. If they say that's fine then give them a little something in return for being accommodating to you. They might just end up being a good friend.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I had that problem. Before I moved, I would do the strength portions properly, but do other things for cardio (mountain climbers for example). And if it REALLY bothered my neighbors, I went for a jog. It's still possible to do in the cold. It just takes a few more layers of clothes. :)
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I have been wondering the same myself. We have carpeting in our living room, where I exercise, and I guess there are cement blocks between the units... but I still worry :)

    That being said, I think I may go for Insanity or another high-intensity work-out soon. As others said, as long as you aren't doing this exercise at all hours of the night, I think you should be fine. Also, you may not want to workout over someone's bedroom, if you can help it (Depending on the time of day, of course).

    Personally, I would definitely not consider working out barefoot, as I've had trouble with plantar fasciitis and need more support for my feet when I work out. I am no expert on the topic, but I probably would not do that even if I had no previous foot issues. Here's an article on the topic... working out barefoot seems like a pretty controversial topic: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB114955290339472060.html
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    State laws are a wonderful thing. Here in Oregon from like 7 or 8am to 10pm it is open time for you to do as you please. Exercise, play music, whatever you want (obviously you can't blare music like a crazy person but if it is loud enough to hear over a vacuume than that is still appropriate). I would say *kitten* your neighbors. Between these certain times in many states you are allowed to do normal daily life activities at a higher noise level and they can't say anything. If they do call the cops or the landlord, explain that you were exercising and not doing anything above the ordinary. They can't control your damn life because they are ****s who want it perfectly quiet. If they wanted that they shouldn't live in apartments.

    Ps- I am downstairs in my apartment complex and understand that noise happens.

    That is all fine and good but if they work nights it can disrupt their sleep and when they get home and you are sleeping they can turn around and do things to annoy you. I know where I am there is the noise law between 11pm and 6am are quiet times, however when I worked nights and lived in an apartment building and i had noise complaints because I would get home at 4am and "make excessive noise when I would get home" (basically my shower made noise and it irritated them when they slept.) I calmly went to to the neighbor that complained and explained the situation and they were completely understanding and we worked out times that worked for both of us and didn't cause problems.

    OP have you tried talking to your neighbors to see if they have a time when they are out and you are home, or maybe even explain what you are doing?