C25k rest days

Hi all!
For those of you who have done or are doing a running programme like c25k or c210k, do you run every day or do something else on the days between runs?
I walk and swim etc, but it's so tempting to just go out and get another run in, when the programme says only 3 days per week.
I actually do every other day, but is this too much as well? :wink:
Advice appreciated please ;0) xx


  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    I run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and swim on the days in between. I find my old leg pegs need time to recover from the runs...... no I do NOT have an upset tum tum Lesley!!!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    When you're first staring to run your body goes through a lot of adaptations and these require recovery time in between runs, one of the reasons the conventional wisdom is to run every second day.

    The most frequent cause for running injuries is trying to do too much, too soon, too fast. Running is an exercise in patience. As your fitness improves then, by all means consider running 4 or 5 days per week (there are runners who run every day, year in year out - IIRC the record is somewhere around 40 years without missing a day). If you are planning on running that frequently the key is to misx up you runs in terms of distance and intensity. Most of them should be at a pace at which you can carry on a conversation and you should include one long(er) slow(er) run weekly as a way to build endurance.

    Don't forget to cross train - it's a good way to address muscular imbalances (eg biking uses quads, running uses hamstrings) and help prevent injuries. It also keeps you mentally fresher.

    Have fun with your running, it is highly addictive.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I do strength training (lunges, squats, push ups, rows, presses, etc.) and ab exercises with some cardio intervals in between.
  • MattN1972
    I run Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I strength train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Or at least that my plan, cant say it always works out that way.
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Hey Lesley,
    Trust the programme. I found that if I ran 2 days in a row,
    I ended up with painful knees. I went to the gym on the
    other days.
    Good luck with the programme and enjoy.
    Nicola xxx
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    C25k and sqwattttttss day A and then just lift weights for upper body day B