Please tell me I am making a mistake by doing this...



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Assuming you are set for .5-1 lb a week, I'd go back to what MFP tells you to do. 1200 + (reasonably calculated) exercise calories.
  • Mary6955
    Are you making sure that you are drinking enough water every day? Seriously - no less than 8 glasses. You might also want to try a detox bath. Hot bath, add 2 cups of epsom salt, 2 cups of baking soda, as much ginger as you can stand (fresh is better, but I also use ground ginger - I just use more of it when it's ground and less when it's fresh). Sit in the tub for 40 minutes. You are going to sweat. After the 40 minutes get out and wrap yourself in a nice warm robe and slippers and keep sweating.

    Make sure you are drinking water during the whole thing, you want to sweat out the toxins but not dehydrate yourself. For some people, this will break a weight loss stall.

    Other things you can try -
    Eat nothing all day until dinner time. Eat a large, lean steak and an apple. (make sure to drink water all day)
    Have an apple day - eat nothing but apples and drink water all day.

    One explanation I got for stalls was that your body has rid itself of the excess fat in the cells, but has replaced it with water. You will stay in a stall until your fat cells release the water - so these are a few ways to get the water to release - but they don't always work for everyone and it's said that when the stall breaks it was usually going to break anyway.

    The first time I did the bath I had a 2 lb. weight loss. The 2nd time I did it I didn't have any. So, who knows, but it doesn't hurt to try.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes!

    Seriously? Do not take this advice! What does this really accomplish long-term? Nothing.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You're looking at a projected eight pound loss. That's relatively insignificant. Less than 10lbs, and you're not even overweight, you need to start looking at a measurement other than weight to determine your goal. Maybe body fat percentage.

    Bodies change, and sometimes we need to reconfigure our expectations. Just because you're finding it hard to get back to 115 doesn't mean you can't have a better body at a different weight. Focus on recomposition and training your body to do new things, and stop looking to the scale to define your success.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    YOu mentioned 30DS and cardio. . .for the intial weight loss. What are you doing NOW? If you aren't doing at least as intense as you were doing then, you may need to look at upping your activity level before you worry about dropping food from your plate.

    And, the folks talking body composition are on to something. . . if you are lean and fit, then maybe 120ish is good. If you stopped working out hard and are softer than you like. . .well. . . it's time to get active.

    I'm not a huge fan of dropping calories when you are already eating sensibly. If you were eating 2500 cals a day, I'd say that might be a problem. But 1400 doesn't sound like too much for an active adult woman.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I wanted to add to what I said earlier. I started on MFP at 122 and yes, am down to 115/6 now, but that was not my ultimate goal. It happened naturally by cleaning up what I was eating, paying attention to portions and changing my workout routine. I lift 3 days a week and add in cardio after that and on other days. I agree with the others that the number isn't what matters but how you want your body to look and feel. I do that through eating right and lifting and naturally that got me to 115. I only put my personal experience in here because are height and weights are similar (although not our age - I am twice your age!). Good luck with whatever you decide to do but I think eating more and changing up your exercise might give you results you didn't anticipate!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I overate sodium yesterday and my scale says I gained a pound. Don't sweat it. Drink lots of water today and eat more reasonably and you'll be fine. The last few pounds are the hardest. Just stick with it! And don't stress about anything for the next couple of weeks. If you still aren't losing by the new year, reevaluate.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I think it a pretty useless exercise to try and hit a certain weight by a certain date. Weight loss is not linear and predictable and it will only lead to frustration, especially when within the last 15 lbs of a goal. Additionally, the focus on weight as the primary marker of health and fitness. I really like what Steve Troutman said on this:

    "I simply don't think it's worth worrying about what your weight should be. Rather, worry about what your health, functionality, performance, and physique should be. Weight will settle where it needs to be once those things are optimized."
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think it a pretty useless exercise to try and hit a certain weight by a certain date. Weight loss is not linear and predictable and it will only lead to frustration, especially when within the last 15 lbs of a goal. Additionally, the focus on weight as the primary marker of health and fitness. I really like what Steve Troutman said on this:

    "I simply don't think it's worth worrying about what your weight should be. Rather, worry about what your health, functionality, performance, and physique should be. Weight will settle where it needs to be once those things are optimized."
    This, perfectly put.
  • Jelenamiia
    Are you making sure that you are drinking enough water every day? Seriously - no less than 8 glasses. You might also want to try a detox bath. Hot bath, add 2 cups of epsom salt, 2 cups of baking soda, as much ginger as you can stand (fresh is better, but I also use ground ginger - I just use more of it when it's ground and less when it's fresh). Sit in the tub for 40 minutes. You are going to sweat. After the 40 minutes get out and wrap yourself in a nice warm robe and slippers and keep sweating.

    Make sure you are drinking water during the whole thing, you want to sweat out the toxins but not dehydrate yourself. For some people, this will break a weight loss stall.

    Other things you can try -
    Eat nothing all day until dinner time. Eat a large, lean steak and an apple. (make sure to drink water all day)
    Have an apple day - eat nothing but apples and drink water all day.

    One explanation I got for stalls was that your body has rid itself of the excess fat in the cells, but has replaced it with water. You will stay in a stall until your fat cells release the water - so these are a few ways to get the water to release - but they don't always work for everyone and it's said that when the stall breaks it was usually going to break anyway.

    The first time I did the bath I had a 2 lb. weight loss. The 2nd time I did it I didn't have any. So, who knows, but it doesn't hurt to try.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes!

    Absolute rubbish.

    I agree! Rubbish! Never do that. If u want to live
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    You are making a mistake by doing this.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Are you making sure that you are drinking enough water every day? Seriously - no less than 8 glasses. You might also want to try a detox bath. Hot bath, add 2 cups of epsom salt, 2 cups of baking soda, as much ginger as you can stand (fresh is better, but I also use ground ginger - I just use more of it when it's ground and less when it's fresh). Sit in the tub for 40 minutes. You are going to sweat. After the 40 minutes get out and wrap yourself in a nice warm robe and slippers and keep sweating.

    Make sure you are drinking water during the whole thing, you want to sweat out the toxins but not dehydrate yourself. For some people, this will break a weight loss stall.

    Other things you can try -
    Eat nothing all day until dinner time. Eat a large, lean steak and an apple. (make sure to drink water all day)
    Have an apple day - eat nothing but apples and drink water all day.

    Don't forget to swing a garland of garlic over your head twice a day. First 30 times clockwise and then 30 times counter clockwise.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Ignore the scale. Measure your body and take pictures to compare. If your clothes are getting looser and you look better in the mirror, what difference does it make what the scale says?

    I personally have gone from a size 16 to 4 by following this advice. It works!!! I don't even own a scale...except for the one I weigh my food on. :)
  • Jelenamiia
    Are you making sure that you are drinking enough water every day? Seriously - no less than 8 glasses. You might also want to try a detox bath. Hot bath, add 2 cups of epsom salt, 2 cups of baking soda, as much ginger as you can stand (fresh is better, but I also use ground ginger - I just use more of it when it's ground and less when it's fresh). Sit in the tub for 40 minutes. You are going to sweat. After the 40 minutes get out and wrap yourself in a nice warm robe and slippers and keep sweating.

    Make sure you are drinking water during the whole thing, you want to sweat out the toxins but not dehydrate yourself. For some people, this will break a weight loss stall.

    Other things you can try -
    Eat nothing all day until dinner time. Eat a large, lean steak and an apple. (make sure to drink water all day)
    Have an apple day - eat nothing but apples and drink water all day.

    Don't forget to swing a garland of garlic over your head twice a day. First 30 times clockwise and then 30 times counter clockwise.

  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    First, if anyone says you are gaining muscle, you are not. You are on a calorie deficit and doing cardio which makes it 100% impossible to gain muscle. You need a surplus and heavy weight lifting to create new muscle.

    Second, as you get closer to your goal, you need to eat more. Upping your calories worked once, it will probably work again. Your estimated BMR alone is 1402 and you are lightly active with 30DS. That alone will put you around 1600 calories a day (if you want to see the math let me know). If you are active outside of your workout, then you will need more calories. I woudl recommend eating 1600-1700 and adjusting your maro's to around 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats.

    Also, there is a reason you failed and stopped doing 1200 calories. So why would you go back to something that in the end didn't work?

    I agree with this. I am 5'2" and have a TDEE of 1750 at 125 pounds. Not that everyone is the same, but I think you should experiment upping your calories again.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I think it a pretty useless exercise to try and hit a certain weight by a certain date. Weight loss is not linear and predictable and it will only lead to frustration, especially when within the last 15 lbs of a goal. Additionally, the focus on weight as the primary marker of health and fitness. I really like what Steve Troutman said on this:

    "I simply don't think it's worth worrying about what your weight should be. Rather, worry about what your health, functionality, performance, and physique should be. Weight will settle where it needs to be once those things are optimized."
    Ding Ding. If you look great, fit the clothes you want and are fit, then why does weight matter?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    The last few lbs. (a.k.a vanity pounds) are notoriously hard to lose because your body is probably happier with them and doesn't want to let them go. Just be patient. Try upping your workouts and upping your calories. Try more high intensity training; especially, something like running intervals or jumprope, or a bootcamp style class. If nothing works, accept that your goal might be unsustainable for you, and set new goals.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    2 pounds? You're obsessing over a measly 2 pounds? REALLY???? Talk to us, when you've stalled with 20 lbs to go.

    If I was 2 pounds from my goal, I'd be dancing in the streets! Keep it all in perspective.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Are you making sure that you are drinking enough water every day? Seriously - no less than 8 glasses. You might also want to try a detox bath. Hot bath, add 2 cups of epsom salt, 2 cups of baking soda, as much ginger as you can stand (fresh is better, but I also use ground ginger - I just use more of it when it's ground and less when it's fresh). Sit in the tub for 40 minutes. You are going to sweat. After the 40 minutes get out and wrap yourself in a nice warm robe and slippers and keep sweating.

    Make sure you are drinking water during the whole thing, you want to sweat out the toxins but not dehydrate yourself. For some people, this will break a weight loss stall.

    Other things you can try -
    Eat nothing all day until dinner time. Eat a large, lean steak and an apple. (make sure to drink water all day)
    Have an apple day - eat nothing but apples and drink water all day.

    One explanation I got for stalls was that your body has rid itself of the excess fat in the cells, but has replaced it with water. You will stay in a stall until your fat cells release the water - so these are a few ways to get the water to release - but they don't always work for everyone and it's said that when the stall breaks it was usually going to break anyway.

    The first time I did the bath I had a 2 lb. weight loss. The 2nd time I did it I didn't have any. So, who knows, but it doesn't hurt to try.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes!

    Absolute rubbish.

    It's not rubbish. "Bath salts" are great for weight loss. Don't know why you want to bath in them.....

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Are you making sure that you are drinking enough water every day? Seriously - no less than 8 glasses. You might also want to try a detox bath. Hot bath, add 2 cups of epsom salt, 2 cups of baking soda, as much ginger as you can stand (fresh is better, but I also use ground ginger - I just use more of it when it's ground and less when it's fresh). Sit in the tub for 40 minutes. You are going to sweat. After the 40 minutes get out and wrap yourself in a nice warm robe and slippers and keep sweating.

    Make sure you are drinking water during the whole thing, you want to sweat out the toxins but not dehydrate yourself. For some people, this will break a weight loss stall.

    Other things you can try -
    Eat nothing all day until dinner time. Eat a large, lean steak and an apple. (make sure to drink water all day)
    Have an apple day - eat nothing but apples and drink water all day.

    One explanation I got for stalls was that your body has rid itself of the excess fat in the cells, but has replaced it with water. You will stay in a stall until your fat cells release the water - so these are a few ways to get the water to release - but they don't always work for everyone and it's said that when the stall breaks it was usually going to break anyway.

    The first time I did the bath I had a 2 lb. weight loss. The 2nd time I did it I didn't have any. So, who knows, but it doesn't hurt to try.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes!

    Absolute rubbish.

    It's not rubbish. "Bath salts" are great for weight loss. Don't know why you want to bath in them.....


    Bath salts might help eliminate water weight, but it won't effect fat loss. It essentially just dehydrates your skin. And it comes back within a few days. If you want long term fat loss, it's all about a calorie deficit and optimizing weight training for muscle retention.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks guys. I guess I know deep down that going back to 1200 calories will not be good for me, but it’s hard! I have been trying to eat cleaner and I struggle to reach 1400 calories a day. Plus I have been trying to eat back my exercise calories too. I know I should add weight training to my exercise routine but I have no idea where to start! I don’t have access to a gym and I only have 5 lb weights right now.

    @nhradeuce- The problem is that I’m not losing weight OR inches. My measurements haven’t changed.

    @FabulousEgo- It’s just a goal I set for myself back in August to keep motivated!

    @Princess41463- Could drinking more water really help? I drink about 4-6 cups a day, so maybe I could try more.

    @Vmgals- I’ve been thinking about trying calorie zig-zagging. It sounds interesting.

    @psulemon- I’ve tried upping my calories some days but I just gain though! I guess you are right about eating at 1200 though. It’s just hard to eat more when you are trying to lose weight.

    @contingencypl- I know I have a small frame though and my body fat was calculated back in September and I was at 27%! I have lost 7 lbs since then so I’m sure it’s a little bit less.

    @sevsmom- I’m still doing the 30DS, Just Dance and other wii games, and pilates.

    @emanyalpsid- Thanks, well at least you are honest.

    @ninerbuff- I still have a high body fat % though.