Looking for cyclists



  • CyclngChick
    CyclngChick Posts: 57 Member
    I raced bikes for 8 years in high school and college, but then got a real job and had to focus on that. Now trying to get back into shape to race again. Any fellow cyclists can friend me!
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    I bought a road bike two years ago to start biking to work and loooved it (my profile pic!) Would be about a 25km ride each way. I only had one stretch of "shared road" with cars which I used to sprint. I HATE roads here as the focus has been on building bike paths more for recreation rather than purpose which is fine however they should really revise this when they are rebuilding roads, more people would bike to work instead of using their cars. This year they closed a crutial part of the bike path (the only way around is by about 5km on a high speed boulevard with no space for bikes = guaranteed accident) and I have not been able to bike to work I value my life too much lol! and all I really miss it.
    I don't mountain bike however....something about going downhill fast with bumps scares the s*&t out of me!!! But I get it!!!
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    I dabbled in biking last year, and late July i decided to upgrade my bike and start doing it more regularly. I've biked 585 miles since then and have done a couple events in the last couple months, including my first Duathlon two weeks ago. :D

    I prefer to bike in the heat, (can't stand the wind chill) so I haven't been htiting the road as hard since it's cooled down the last month or so, but I do plan on doing my first century by next summer, so I'll be riding regularly again soon!

    I use the Strava app for all my cycling stat needs. I love it for finding local routes and people to compete against. I'm also a member of this group, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/344-bicycling-road-and-mountain. They're a good bunch of people.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I do a bit of cycling. Final push now to ge the 296 miles required to hit my 2012 target of 15000 miles

    A daily commute of 40 - 50 miles and at least two club rides a month have certainly helped. Have managed to put in 5 century rides including a 128 mile ride with 5500 feet of climb, even mananged to have a fast 5 miles towards the end with an ex-racer.

    Might ease off next year and have more than 5 days off the bike....but where would the fun be in that?

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  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I'm struggling right now with my bike adjustment. My hands are falling asleep and my rear is killing me after about 15 or 20 miles.
    I've been making small adjustments myself because I hate the idea of paying all that money for the bike shop to do it.
    I'm supposed to be doing a metric century in the middle of January but if I don't get this adjusment figured out, I'll never be able to finish 60 miles.