15-20 pound challenge? Friends? Supporters? New!

Hi! I'm so excited because today I finally got fed up with unsuccessfully trying and trying to lose this 15 - 20 pounds. I'm tired of looking back into the past saying I could have completed my goals months. So today marked my first day of actually committing to myself, which means I will be trying brand new things which is first reaching out to you all.

So about me! I'm 5'5'' and currently weigh around 162 pounds. I am a 21 year old college senior so school takes up alot of my time. Today I started going back to the gym and plan to go 5 times a week doing both cardio and strength training for about 1 to 1.5 hours. I would like to go down about 15 - 20 pounds but I have started my journey slower to about 10 pounds for now. From my plan in myfitnesspal i will be consuming 1200 calories per day.

I would love to met new people and friends who are one similar journey as me to help me along the way. So feel free to add me and tell me your approach to lose the extra pounds. Also if you have already completed a similar journey I would love to hear about it!!! The more ideas and encouragement the better!


  • Anyone? I would love the support!
  • jkrim941
    jkrim941 Posts: 226 Member
    Add me! I used to be a gym rat, but I've been absent for a few months and am looking for motivated friends to get back in the groove of things with.
  • jessicamc90
    jessicamc90 Posts: 16 Member
    ~Im up for that! Im 22 years old and currently a student too. I have started from fresh now and put my ticker to 0lbs lost as I am starting fresh in Jan 2013 :)

    I have lost 3 stone in the past and put it all back on plus another 1 and a half :(

    I used to love the gym and got addicted that I went 6 times a week! plus swimming and fitness classes. I need to start exercising again but maybe not that much to start with :)
  • kyrious87
    kyrious87 Posts: 26 Member
    You can add me if you;d like as well. I never was a "gym rat", but I used to run every single day and started MMA training (until my gym closed =[... )

    I'm 25 and got my degree a couple years ago. =]
  • kyrious87
    kyrious87 Posts: 26 Member
    Forgot to add tha tI would love to start some new challenges with friends!!
  • MMA? Thats very interesting. I love watch UFC! Maybe we can start a challenge. I am currently challenging myself to lose 10 pounds by January 22.
  • jessicamc90
    jessicamc90 Posts: 16 Member
    what sort of activities you going to do Tiff?
    I done some 30 day shred DVD today as I am going to do the complete 30 days Jan 2nd 2013!
  • That sounds great!! I'd love to join in! Feel free to add me :)
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    When I was in college it was easier to spend the 2 hours at the gym because access was free (and right on campus) and the place was INCREDIBLE!! Now I have less time and don't want to spend money on a gym. If your are pressed for time and money, but still want results - you can find Jillian's 30 DS on youtube and then keeping track of your caloric intake works wonders. I have lost 21 lbs since September and need to lose my final 12.
  • what sort of activities you going to do Tiff?
    I done some 30 day shred DVD today as I am going to do the complete 30 days Jan 2nd 2013!

    In high school I was a varsity cheerleader (a sport that never ends) so I stayed very active all year. However, I have not been too active since I started college. I've complete Insanity two summer's ago. Currently I've been trying to stay committed in going to the gym. Since I rather be more toned than "skinny", I plan to do more weight lifting with a mix of cardio.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 5'4" and my starting weight was 165#. My goal weight is 125#. It was originally 130 but recently I decided I liked 125 better. My current weight is 138.6#, so I have just under 14 pounds to reach my goal. I am doing 1240 calories per day. I have been consistently losing weight. My big failure area is exercise. I really gotta get with it.

    P.S. I have a fairly small frame, and will still not be teeny tiny, even at 125#.
  • sgh10
    sgh10 Posts: 109 Member
    I am exactly in the same situation I weigh 168 though and need to lose another 20lbs at least I have lost 18 so far and am still committed to losing more I am also on 1200 calories a day and watching my carbs so feel free 2 add me
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    Add me! I got the same crappy 15-20 pounds
  • MeeJay22
    MeeJay22 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me, I'm 25 and 162lbs at 5' 6". I'm trying to lose 22 lbs by March 1st. I don't care about really getting skinny- I just don't want to continue buying bigger and bigger clothes and I want my energy back!
  • Feel free to add me. I am 5'4" and my starting weight was 165#. My goal weight is 125#. It was originally 130 but recently I decided I liked 125 better. My current weight is 138.6#, so I have just under 14 pounds to reach my goal. I am doing 1240 calories per day. I have been consistently losing weight. My big failure area is exercise. I really gotta get with it.

    P.S. I have a fairly small frame, and will still not be teeny tiny, even at 125#.

    I do too! I'm saying 15 - 20 for now. But I really don't know the weight I want. I guess I will stop when I like my results. I haven't been 125 since high school, but that might be to small for me because I still love my curves just wanna lose the tummy and tighten up!. But I would love to hear your story and how you manage to go from 165 to 138. Thats amazing. What did you do for workouts, eating, how long did it take? Spill the beans lol
  • Add me, I'm 25 and 162lbs at 5' 6". I'm trying to lose 22 lbs by March 1st. I don't care about really getting skinny- I just don't want to continue buying bigger and bigger clothes and I want my energy back!

    lol i understand. Once Forever 21's large started to snug around my midsection I had enough. We sound like we are in the same boat. Lets do it!
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Hello there!!! I would love to join you in this challenge! I'm also a senior in college but im 22 ! I would love to lose that and some more before May graduation! I'm 5'1 (snooki-sized just a wee bit taller , so I joke!) LOL , elementary ed major! Feel freee to add me ! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm so down! I came back from backpacking in Asia in May. I felt amazing and was in great shape...then 3 weeks back in Canada and I'd put back on all the weight I'd lost! Since then gained even more, and definitely looking to kick it!
  • I'm down. I just laid out my workout routine and diet plan. Time to apply my knowledge!!
  • Adding you right now. Everyone else feel free to add me too!