Horse People, where are you? Whinny if you can hear me!



  • FloEd
    FloEd Posts: 15 Member
    Neigh! I would love some more friends so feel free to add me! I started out riding hunters when I was a kid but I switched to dressage after college and love it. I was having trouble fitting in both my tall boots and my half chaps so I decided I had to make a change. I began CrossFitting and watching my diet. I really had no expectations from CrossFit but it has really helped my endurance and core stability while I ride, which these days is only once a week :-(
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    Neigh baby, neigh!

    I've been riding since I was twelve. I started off riding english, but once I got to college and joined the equestrian team, I switched to western. I competed on the team for the four years I was there and had so much fun.

    I don't own my own horse, and haven't ridden since April (I'm in serious withdrawal, guys. Its painful). Lessons are just so expensive, and since I'm still living at home, looking for a job, its just not feasible for me money-wise. I'm thinking of volunteering at a barn, and in return I would be able to do some riding, but the barn is kinda far away from me.

    As for advice, I can give you some on how to get a better seat. RIde without stirrups! Seriously, it helps so much. There was one semester where my coach (who is a 6 foot tall amazon woman) didn't have a saddle with stirrups that went short enough for me. So for practically the entire semester, I rode stirrup free. Man, by the end of that semester my seat was EXCELLENT. My butt would stay in the saddle no matter what.

    I volunteered at a boarding ranch for two years. I didn't have the opportunity to own my own horse, but be around them consistently satisfied my soul. I met a lot of great people there and made a bunch of lasting relationships with people my age. In return for working I got to ride some of the owner's horses, even my friends horses! Since the barn owner's daughter was the trainer I got some free lessons out of the deal too! It was an incredible experience. If you have the opportunity to volunteer I highly recommend it. Feel free to add me too!
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    NEIGH! lol I am a IHSA rider for Midway College :happy: Add me if you want. Being able to stay riding on the team is great motivation for me to loose the weight. I ride western, but I spend alot of my time bareback. Its a great back and core excersice.
    Any Quarter Horse, Arabian, or Palomino lover's out there?!
  • foodcart
    foodcart Posts: 42 Member
    I ride too although a little less than I used to. Good to see so many horse people here! To the OP: I find that yoga really helps with my riding, especially if I practice more than once a week.
  • Chrysy87
    Chrysy87 Posts: 56 Member
    Hurrah for horsie people! I just bought my first horse this year but have been riding off and on since I was a kid. I am currently at a jumper barn so am riding english but have done a few years western as well. I prefer western for sure! So much more laid back, wonderful atmosphere. Everyone feel free to add me if you would like another horsie friend. :D We are few and far between on this site it would seem.
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Woo horses :) I currently own 3 horses; a 23 year old AQHA/Buckskin double registered mare, a 17 year old Arabian gelding that does NOT act his age...he's mentally maybe about 2 lol, and a 18-19ish multiple mix mare that we rescued from an auction. I had another registered quarter horse, but she died a couple of years ago from cancer and colic complications.

    I ride mostly hunt seat now, but I did a lot of competing in barrels, poles, and saddle seat riding. I'm on my university equestrian team, doing hunt seat flat work since I'm not a jumper.

    Riding and equestrian team are my motivation right now to stay in shape/get into even better shape. I want to make sure that I don't out-grow my hunt seat clothing since we all know that show clothing is expensive! I also want to know that I can still handle myself and my horse without hurting myself or anyone around me, and I can't do that if I'm not in shape!

    My favorite exercises to prep for riding are some ankle stretches, ab workouts to keep my core tight and strong so my posture is correct, jumping jacks to help my cardio, and riding my stationary bike to help work my legs, because as an English rider, I'm posting a lot, and the stronger my body is the longer I can go.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    This should be a more active board since I know we must have many more horse lovers.

    For me I am finding it more difficult to get my calorie burn without all the riding I did in the summer and Fall. :sad: To my credit I did ride in 10 degree weather last weekend, but only for 20 minutes and only in my pasture.:drinker: Hey, I was on a horse :wink:

    Oh if I could only afford an indoor arena!!
  • MrsHoback
    Whinny!!!! I am a horse lover! I just started learning to ride this fall, which was a dream of mine since I was little. My husband team ropes so I am learning through him. We have three horses total. 2 Roping horses and 1 for me. Right now I am struggling a bit with my confidence so any tips are appreciated. Please feel free to add me as a friend as well!
  • Workingonme83
    I never owned a horse but rode since I was 5. I miss it tremendously but I have to lose 23lbs so I can ride again as the weightlimit is 200lbs :-(

    I love seeing the horses and their owners and hopefully in the near future I can ride again.
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    I rode for pleasure a lot as a kid. We always had a horse or two. Since then my father got out of the horse owning business and gave us the one horse he had left. She is Arabian and absolutely beautiful. We treat her much like a dog....running and playing with her - never riding her. She is a big ol pet!
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I have no memories of learning how to ride a horse- apparently my first ride I was 2. :) I love horses, though I miss them terribly right now since I don't have the time or space for one of my own. My family has a ranch in TX where I used t ride and help train... and help gentle and halter train the new foals each breeding season. :)

    My husband has recently discovered the joy horses bring, and he's hooked. :laugh: It's only a matter of time... lol
  • msalowit
    msalowit Posts: 15 Member
    In! DW boards and trains, and I'm the tractor driver.... my belgian's the only horse on the farm more out of shape than I am.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Not a very busy board here. Well, since I last posted here my horse threw me and broke seven of my ribs. I had been contemplating selling him because he had grown taller than I wanted. I only ride bareback and really need to be able to get on easily shorter is better. Plus at my age I'd prefer to fall closer to the ground. Well, I did sell him and have now bought a 15.1 hand 12 year old gorgeous gelding. However, I can't ride at more than a walk yet because my ribs are still healing. Plus I gained almost all the weight I'd taken 9 months to lose back again. But I'm back on the horse again and plan to take the next 9 months losing it again.
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    I own a mare named Lady, I ride for fun and exercise, I love everything to do with horses :blushing: I am one of those people who talks about her horses all the time lol....

    my daughter owns a 2.5 year old Arabian/fjord and we ride together for short periods right now until he is older.
  • Domane1963
    Domane1963 Posts: 85 Member
    Not a very busy board here. Well, since I last posted here my horse threw me and broke seven of my ribs. I had been contemplating selling him because he had grown taller than I wanted. I only ride bareback and really need to be able to get on easily shorter is better. Plus at my age I'd prefer to fall closer to the ground. Well, I did sell him and have now bought a 15.1 hand 12 year old gorgeous gelding. However, I can't ride at more than a walk yet because my ribs are still healing. Plus I gained almost all the weight I'd taken 9 months to lose back again. But I'm back on the horse again and plan to take the next 9 months losing it again.
    Ouch! I feel your pain.... I was thrown last year onto a tarmac road and busted and displaced six ribs, damaged my spleen and had a "leaky" lung for a while. I was in hospital for 4 days being monitored in case my spleen ruptured - and I thought initially that I'd just winded myself!! lol I was wearing a body protector, luckily, as the doctor said it saved my life! I just want to give you hope that you WILL be able to ride again. I got a new confidence-giving pony later last year and now feel more confident than I have for a long time. I still get the occasional tweak from my ribs but I'm pretty well healed now... they took aaaaaages because they were displaced!! Take it easy and give it some time... x
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Mine were displaced too and I am ending my 12th week. I still have to sleep in a chair and it still hurts to bend and twist and such. It actually doesn't hurt to ride my horse, I am just being very cautious as I don't want to do anything that could cause my ribs to take longer. How long before you had no pain at all? Doctors kept saying 6 to 8 weeks so I am feeling like I'm taking too long to heal.
  • Aprilsdanes
    Aprilsdanes Posts: 17 Member
    Add me to the list of horse crazy gals on here! Would also love to have some support from fellow horse folks. :)

    My family combined total is 8, but my main guys are Dominc, Bandit, and Bullet.

    Dominic is a 13 year old mustang, Bandit an 8 year old PMU Percheron cross, and Bullet a 4 year old black leopard Appaloosa.

    I'm an avid trail rider and really enjoy trips into the back country, packing mules and all that. I'm not a competitive rider, I don't want to be judged doing something that makes me so happy. :)
  • ShrinkingGinger
    ShrinkingGinger Posts: 16 Member
    Hey all. I have a 5yo Canadian Warmblood mare who is on the petite side (~15.2hh, hopefully still growing!) and I'm, well... not so petite anymore! My weight has prevented me from riding her much so I'm hoping to lose some weight over the winter so we can start strong in the spring. My mare is quite green at the moment - my fault, lack of time/fitness - but we will be competing in the hunter/jumper rings when the time comes.

    Horses are one of my biggest motivators to lose weight, so I'd love to have other equestrians to chat with and motivate on the journey. Feel free to send an invitation my way!
  • PinkGlitterSam
    Hello! Glad to see some fellow equestrians! :-)

    Haven't ridden in about 5 months but do own a lovely little pony, Missy, who keeps me active everyday! Luckily, I have been invited for a Christmas ride on a friend's pony so that will be brilliant!

    Hope to get a ridden horse in the future - although, if I get down to my target weight, I should be able to ride Missy!
  • Wetterdew
    Wetterdew Posts: 142 Member

    I took a horse riding course a year ago. It was pretty fun.