For those that have run in 5k races...

Did you use your music?

I am new to it all and planning on targeting my first 5k in April, so was looking at local ones...and noticed they said for safety reasons headphones/earbuds are not recommended but not restricted..

So is that just to cover their butts against morons suing....or do people typically really not use them...

I just cant imagine doing the run without some tunes..even in one ear so I can still pay attention...but something...

So what has been your experience?


  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    I usually go without (although I listen to something any other time I run) but I see plenty of other people with headphones on.
  • I did a 10k and they had that same disclaimer about earbuds and I still wore them. Even though the event organizers had traffic blocked off in one lane so runners can run on the streets there still are cars going by beside the runners the next lane over so runners still have to pay attention to traffic. They organizers said they put that in there so runners still know they have to be aware of their surroundings and not get so into their music and in the zone and get hurt.

    Have fun, it's great feeling to cross the finish line
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I did, and lots of people do. Just keep the volume at a reasonable level so you can hear if anything is sneaking up on you.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Definitely use them. I've done many 5Ks and 10Ks and always use my phone.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I never run with music.

    If you insist on using music in a race, only put one ear bud in. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you, like the emergency crew trying to get by you to the runner that had a heart attack up ahead, or the police officer warning you about something in the road ahead.

    There is so much going on in a race, I think it's a shame to shut yourself off from the sights and sounds by sticking those earphones in.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    If you insist on using music in a race, only put one ear bud in. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you, like the emergency crew trying to get by you to the runner that had a heart attack up ahead, or the police officer warning you about something in the road ahead.

    I don't get this. How loud are people turning their music up? I put both ear buds in and have never had a problem hearing anyone or anything. Apparently people turn their music up WAY too loud :-)
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    If you insist on using music in a race, only put one ear bud in. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you, like the emergency crew trying to get by you to the runner that had a heart attack up ahead, or the police officer warning you about something in the road ahead.

    I don't get this. How loud are people turning their music up? I put both ear buds in and have never had a problem hearing anyone or anything. Apparently people turn their music up WAY too loud :-)

    When I can hear it, it's too loud. :)

    *Disclaimer: I LOVE loud music.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    Most all races here will disquailify you if you run with them.. So you have to concel them.. Even wearing one is not an option. I myself can not exercie without music. Maybe it is because I grew up dancing so unless I am playing basketball or baseball something like that I want music.

    When they started this I just got an arm band and tunr my iphone on low si I can hear it but it is not bothering others.

    I am planning on running sevesl 5ks next year... 13 for 2012 so unless is is a mud run I will have something on me
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Most all races here will disquailify you if you run with them.

    Unless you are in the money, this doesn't matter. In over 30 contests, I've never seen anyone get disqualified, spoken too, chastised or anything else about having headphone on during a race.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I never run with my music for races or fun runs. You need to be able to hear what's going on around you and really, it's 30 minutes out of your life. It's not like running alone on a deserted road, there's lots of people around you, people on the side lines cheering you on, faster runners trying to get by, just too much action to zone out with music stuck in your ears.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Most all races here will disquailify you if you run with them.

    Unless you are in the money, this doesn't matter. In over 30 contests, I've never seen anyone get disqualified, spoken too, chastised or anything else about having headphone on during a race.


    "In 2008, the U.S. Track & Field (USATF) -- the governing body for long-distance running and track & field in the United States -- amended their rule banning headphones and other music playing devices at all USATF-sanctioned running events. The USATF's rule previously had banned the use of headphones by all runners. Now it limits the ban to "those competing in Championships for awards, medals, or prize money."

    Given that my goal is to not come in last, I'm safe wearing my headphones LOL.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you insist on using music in a race, only put one ear bud in. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you, like the emergency crew trying to get by you to the runner that had a heart attack up ahead, or the police officer warning you about something in the road ahead.

    I don't get this. How loud are people turning their music up? I put both ear buds in and have never had a problem hearing anyone or anything. Apparently people turn their music up WAY too loud :-)

    When I can hear it, it's too loud. :)

    *Disclaimer: I LOVE loud music.

    Sorry, you'll have to speak up I'm a little hard of hearing...........:laugh:

    Most of the local race directors here ban them even though I've seen people running with them. I'm with Carson, I don't listen to music when I'm running (or riding my bike) outdoors.
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
    Ok...showing how new I am to all this...for those of you who don't use your phone/ you use some method to track your pace or distance or such?

    Or does that just come naturally with running on a regular basis....

    And those that do use music/phone etc do you use a pacer or such on your normal runs...and what about in a race....

    Just wondering with the craziness of all the other hard it is to pick your pace and not burn out early etc by going with the crowd,....
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Ok...showing how new I am to all this...for those of you who don't use your phone/ you use some method to track your pace or distance or such?

    Or does that just come naturally with running on a regular basis....

    And those that do use music/phone etc do you use a pacer or such on your normal runs...and what about in a race....

    Just wondering with the craziness of all the other hard it is to pick your pace and not burn out early etc by going with the crowd,....

    Garmin GPS watch to track pace, time and distance.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I was new to racing last year and always ran with music. At the end of my 1/2 marathon I needed an extra push and ripped them out and had the crowd/other runners help push me threw the last 2 miles and I'll never regret it. I plan on not using music for much of my races in 2013, it's more fun and you meet new people easier this way by not having yourself shut off to the world.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Ok...showing how new I am to all this...for those of you who don't use your phone/ you use some method to track your pace or distance or such?

    Or does that just come naturally with running on a regular basis....

    And those that do use music/phone etc do you use a pacer or such on your normal runs...and what about in a race....

    Just wondering with the craziness of all the other hard it is to pick your pace and not burn out early etc by going with the crowd,....

    I just started running last November and absolutely had to have music. I wore earbuds in my first four 5Ks and my first 10K. I stopped running with music when I started doing my long runs with a friend. I ran my last two 5Ks, 10K and half marathon without any music and, surprisingly, did just fine. I use a Garmin HRM with watch and footpod and everything to track my pace and mileage and stuff. I'll still listen to music every once in a while but I like carrying less stuff.

    No one ever said anything to me at a race about wearing earbuds.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Ok...showing how new I am to all this...for those of you who don't use your phone/ you use some method to track your pace or distance or such?

    Or does that just come naturally with running on a regular basis....

    And those that do use music/phone etc do you use a pacer or such on your normal runs...and what about in a race....

    Just wondering with the craziness of all the other hard it is to pick your pace and not burn out early etc by going with the crowd,....

    I use a phone app called Jog Log. I run with intervals (run 3, walk 1) so I need something to count them out for me. It uses GPS to track my route and does all the calculations. Run Keeper is good too (and free, Jog Log costs about $2)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Ok...showing how new I am to all this...for those of you who don't use your phone/ you use some method to track your pace or distance or such?

    Or does that just come naturally with running on a regular basis....

    And those that do use music/phone etc do you use a pacer or such on your normal runs...and what about in a race....

    Just wondering with the craziness of all the other hard it is to pick your pace and not burn out early etc by going with the crowd,....

    Garmin GPS watch to track pace, time and distance.

    ^^ This.........pace, time, distance & heart rate
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    I use Garmin to track my distance and pace. I know there are some apps (but I have a circa 2000 blackberry and hence no apps).....a favorite of my friends is Endomondo and I think Nike Plus has something too.

    Good luck...

    re: music - someone said run with one earbud in...that's what I do too. You have to be aware of your surroundings but at the same time...if I'm running for 10 miles, i need something to 'tune' into.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The only time I didn't run with music was the Warrior Dash, because I didn't think my mp3 player would survive the mud.

    I have it low enough that I can still hear traffic, other runners, dog tags jingling, people running vacuum cleaners inside their houses, and sparrows farting.