Model shaping up.

I guess my profile explains it all.
I'm a professional model trying to lose weight and get in better shape with the goal of gaining more work and furthering my career.
I have struggled with an eating disorder for the past 2 years, having severe bulimia in 2011 and currently an EDNOS in that I obsess over calories, restrict my diet and experience strong anxiety and panic attacks over food. I tend to restrict to 500 - 800 calories per day, and try and burn as much as possible with exercise.
I'm aware that what I am doing is unhealthy, but I am trying to be as healthy as possible. I have managed to abstain from purging (self-induced vomiting) for most of this year with the exception of a few relapses.
Seeing people who have lost weight healthily encourages me to try and eat better, and I'm truly trying to change my relationship with food, which right now, to me, is the enemy.
