Hip Bones

I have the worst bones ever. But my Hips drive me crazy because they stick out. My hip bones protrude so much that if I try to lay on my side there's a good chance it will cause a ton of pain.

That didn't use to matter, because I was always a back sleeper, but now I'm much more comfortable on my side...except for when i'm having a bad day and the pain starts up. it's been happening more often than not. i don't know what to do, but it's affecting my sleep.

the part that sticks out that hurts is the very top of the bone on each side, directly under and to the side of my waist. does anyone else have a problem like this?

My ribs also stick out, but they don't cause me any pain or discomfort, they're just annoying.


  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    That seems weird given your weight doesn't seem super super skinny/underweight. Are you super tall/low body fat?

    The times I had this issue was when I was underweight.

    Even at a normal weight sometimes my computer bothers my hip bones. But in a comfy bed it doesn't !

    I don't really know what to tell ya

    Maybe get a body pillow or just get used to having less padding. I'm sure it'll happen over them! 54 Lb's less is something to get used to
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ohhhh I am so happy that this is not a pro-ana thread idolizing hip bones!!!!
    (however, I won't be suprised if it takes that turn)

    Anyway, I don't have that specific issue, but I so have other sleep-position issues. I have this really great little dog-bone neck pillow (at least that's what I originally bought it for) but it is like a perfect shape for a variety of different issues- most notably supporting my hip/arch of mu back when I'm laying on my side, so that it lines up comfortably. Maybe give something like that a try? It just changes the angle of my hip a little bit when I'm on my side. I'll find you a link.

    ETA: http://www.amazon.com/DogBones-NeckBones-Chiropractic-Pillow-Jester/dp/B0006MQC9K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355895501&sr=8-1&keywords=dog+bone+pillow
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    That seems weird given your weight doesn't seem super super skinny/underweight. Are you super tall/low body fat?

    The times I had this issue was when I was underweight.

    Even at a normal weight sometimes my computer bothers my hip bones. But in a comfy bed it doesn't !

    I don't really know what to tell ya

    Maybe get a body pillow or just get used to having less padding. I'm sure it'll happen over them! 54 Lb's less is something to get used to

    they've actually stuck out for years, long before I lost weight. it just didn't bother me because I slept on my back.

    I'm 5'7 and I don't have low body fat. I just have weird bones :\ my husband says my bone structure is germanic, which I don't agree with because other parts of me are really small (my extremities).
  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member
    hey I'm 5'7 and I have the exact same thing!
    i carry most of my weight around my hips and butt, but my hips protrude horribly when I am thin!
    Also my shoulder blades stick out when I am skinny (not even underweight) and I look like a cricket!
    Can't help bone structure though, what can you do? I most certainly DON"T want to look annorexic when I hit my goal weight...
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    hey I'm 5'7 and I have the exact same thing!
    i carry most of my weight around my hips and butt, but my hips protrude horribly when I am thin!
    Also my shoulder blades stick out when I am skinny (not even underweight) and I look like a cricket!
    Can't help bone structure though, what can you do? I most certainly DON"T want to look annorexic when I hit my goal weight...

    I'm researching surgical bone shaving...which i didn't know existed until today. it sounds ridiculous but it's absolutely maddening. i just want to make them not stick out, so i can sleep on my side without a problem.

    Nowadays i find myself rolling from side to side trying to figure out which side hurts less.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Have you talked to a doctor about it? Did they give you any suggestions/options that you might be able to do?
  • NocturnalGirl
    When I lie down on my side, my hip bones also hurt. I have a large frame, that could be why for you too? I keep a pillow near my hips and legs which makes it more comfy.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Have you talked to a doctor about it? Did they give you any suggestions/options that you might be able to do?

    I haven't, because I don't even know what doctor I would talk to about it, or how to bring it up.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I'm so sorry about your pain, but I am SO HAPPY this is not pro-ana either. So many people think protruding bones are desirable; I hope they get sucked into this thread and learn that's not always the case.

    Good luck to you in finding a solution.
  • faeriewings1
    faeriewings1 Posts: 98 Member
    My hips hurt when I sleep on a bad mattress, have you considered the quality of your mattress?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Have you talked to a doctor about it? Did they give you any suggestions/options that you might be able to do?

    I haven't, because I don't even know what doctor I would talk to about it, or how to bring it up.

    I would start with your GP. They usually can recommend a specialist if need be for you to talk to.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    My hips hurt when I sleep on a bad mattress, have you considered the quality of your mattress?

    Our bed is pretty new and we have a good quality mattress, so I don't think that is the problem.
  • dragunfly
    I personally wouldn't suggest the surgery only because once you have that scar the scar tissue is quite bothersome. I had a surgery and have a scar along my hip bone and it has been 3 years and whenever I lay on my side and my husband lays his arm on my hip it hurts! You may want to think about that too!

    Maybe just maybe you need a better bed! Like a softer top or memory foam bed or maybe even an air bed! Just an idea...
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I personally wouldn't suggest the surgery only because once you have that scar the scar tissue is quite bothersome. I had a surgery and have a scar along my hip bone and it has been 3 years and whenever I lay on my side and my husband lays his arm on my hip it hurts! You may want to think about that too!

    Maybe just maybe you need a better bed! Like a softer top or memory foam bed or maybe even an air bed! Just an idea...

    Well I really don't know anything about the surgery, so i'm certainly not prepared to make any kind of a decision. the mattress that we have was the only one that I found comfortable...and i tried them all. but the pillow tops and plush mattresses were too soft and the memory foam was too hard. apparently I am Goldilocks...but this mattress is fantastic. my hips, however, are the devil.

    oh and my husband actually told me the other day that having hips that stick out mean that they are wide hips which are good for childbearing. he said a baby would just slide right out. i told him i'm not a freaking waterpark. he is no help.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Now that I've lost most of the extra weight, I find that my knees are bony and rub together. So I use a pillow between them. (I'm a side sleeper)

    I would try various ways of positioning a flat pillow. When I was pregnant I had this amazing pillow called the Snoogle and it was the ONLY thing that helped me sleep! Not that you need one of those, I'm just saying that pillows can help. Good luck! :happy:
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    Ohhhh I am so happy that this is not a pro-ana thread idolizing hip bones!!!!
    (however, I won't be suprised if it takes that turn)

    Anyway, I don't have that specific issue, but I so have other sleep-position issues. I have this really great little dog-bone neck pillow (at least that's what I originally bought it for) but it is like a perfect shape for a variety of different issues- most notably supporting my hip/arch of mu back when I'm laying on my side, so that it lines up comfortably. Maybe give something like that a try? It just changes the angle of my hip a little bit when I'm on my side. I'll find you a link.

    ETA: http://www.amazon.com/DogBones-NeckBones-Chiropractic-Pillow-Jester/dp/B0006MQC9K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355895501&sr=8-1&keywords=dog+bone+pillow

    Haha that's EXACTLY what I thought it was gonna be
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    My problem is my ribs. When I sleep, the bottoms protrude out enough that it gets annoying when I sleep on my chest. And if I sleep on my back, my hands can feel the bones and it feels gross...
  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member

    oh and my husband actually told me the other day that having hips that stick out mean that they are wide hips which are good for childbearing. he said a baby would just slide right out. i told him i'm not a freaking waterpark. he is no help.

    OH GOLD!
    snap! have heard this all my life (probably why I stubbornly don't have kids!)
    Also, about your small extremities - SNAP.
    are we...are we the same person?! *cue twilight zone music*
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    My problem is my ribs. When I sleep, the bottoms protrude out enough that it gets annoying when I sleep on my chest. And if I sleep on my back, my hands can feel the bones and it feels gross...

    i can feel my ribs sticking out right now, so i know how you feel. they're huge. infact, if they didn't stick out so much, my entire front would look so much smaller. i've managed to lean in such a way that my ribs don't bother me too much when sleeping. but the hips are just...a mess.
  • Today414
    Today414 Posts: 118
    When i lay on my side it's not the front of my hip bones that hurt, but the sides. I toss and turn all night because they hurt so bad and sometimes I have trouble walking in the morning. I'm 218 lbs and 5'7". But i'm VERY apple shaped and my hips are quite small (I had to have a c-sec cuz my sons big head got stuck in my pelvis). There is very little flesh on the sides of my hips. Maybe some strength training in that area? Not that I know of any, but if you figure something out, lemme know!!!