What is a good heart rate monitor to buy on a budget?

Looking to spend under $40. I can find a few for that price online but I'm not sure if they are good or accurate and I don't want to waste money on something that doesn't work and end up buying an expensive one anyways. Has anyone bought one around this price that works well?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You do not need a HRM to get into shape. I'd you are on a budget then save your money for something else. Buying a low budget hrm is the same as setting two $20 bills on fire
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    A Polar FT4 is the cheapest model I'd go for. If you can't find one on sale or on Ebay I'd save until you can afford it.
  • priyamarie
    I am just sick of guessing with the huge difference between my treadmill, MFP, and other online calculators. I like things as exact as I can get them so I'm hoping this will help me. I'll wait a couple weeks and save up. I'll look for the FT4 on EBay. Thank you
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I am just sick of guessing with the huge difference between my treadmill, MFP, and other online calculators. I like things as exact as I can get them so I'm hoping this will help me. I'll wait a couple weeks and save up. I'll look for the FT4 on EBay. Thank you

    then pick the lowest number and use that. or pick the highest number and use that. it doesn't matter one bit.

    to lose weight, all you need is a to track your calories and to look at the number on your scale. if after 2-3 weeks the scale number is going in the wrong direction, you adjust the calories. *adding an hrm to this just muddles the process*. there is no reason on earth to add another step to the process. eat, check weight, adjust.

    if you have $100s to spare I wouldn't care. go ahead and get the toy. hrms are cool toys. really cool toys. i almost got one myself. but since you're on a budget, do not waste money on a device you don't need.

    eat, check weight, adjust
  • priyamarie
    OK thanks for the advice. I started at 148 and lost 6 lbs in the first 3 weeks and now on a plateau but still doing exact same diet and exercise as in the beginning. So I was wondering if my workout wasn't enough and wanted to have a better estimate. I just wish there was an exact formula to be able to lose X amount of pounds in certain number of weeks. I won't waste the money though if it isn't a necessity like some made it out to be.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you've been at this 3 weeks you aren't at a plateau yet so try not to get frustrated. The weight loss happens rapidly in the first couple of weeks because calorie restriction causes water loss. After that it slows down quite a bit. You need to keep going a couple more weeks or so to determine if you need to make an adjustment.

    Track your calories and exercise using and weigh yourself once a week on the same day at the same time. If you're losing around a pound a week you're doing well. If not, consider upping your exercise intensity or decreasing your cals by a small amount. Keep adjusting until you find the right balance.

    Trust me, this will work. It always works. You just have to be diligent with your adjustments and the results will blow you away
  • priyamarie
    I adjusted my work out to be longer and at a higher intensity and am back to losing. Thank you!