

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Congratulatons! You've figured out THE BIG SECRET! Nobody really "enjoys" exercise. They like the way they feel after they're done!
    False. I feel like I was dug of a nuclear crater afterward. I enjoy it during.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    No I can't relate to" I would rather give birth than exercize".
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    First thing... have you given birth? I would NEVER chose it over a treadmill. Close though. But the hoo ha stitches are enough to make me chose the treadmill.

    Secondly, how badly do you want your body to change? That's motivation enough.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    do an activity that you forget is actually working out. I dance and as I'm sweating I'm like, "I need to stop playing around and go workout" :ohwell: :huh: haha
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I would rather sew my mouth shut than exercise. I go to the mall and just window shop.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I think "exercise" with that mentality is challenging. I used to lift weights and it seemed like a chore and I hated every minute of it. But I do boxing, walking, biking etc and those are more fun activities to me and so I enjoy doing them and they don't feel like "exercise" but rather physical activities that I enjoy doing. Sure there are times when I have to push myself to do them but I find it easier to motivate myself to do them compared to weight lifting.

    I guess you should try and find activities that you enjoy. Some activites you might enjoy in the begining then later don't like it which is fine. But try to keep finding workouts that you enjoy :)
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I hated it too. I basically forced myself to do some workout three times a week. After about two months it became habit. Now, after four months, my body actually feels uncomfortable if I miss workouts for more than three days. I change things up a lot. Right now I'm on a core power yoga kick. Sometimes it's the stationary bike or elliptical. I get bored without variation. I plug in my headphones and crank up the music loud enough that I don't hear my breathing. People will tell you how much fun different workouts are and hopefully they will be fun for you, but if you're like me you just have to push past it. I tried everything and nothing was fun for me until I became so used to the workouts that they stopped feeling like work. Now I can enjoy them even when they are unbearably hard.
  • anikisa
    anikisa Posts: 39 Member
    Have you tried dailyhiit.com they have awesome 12 min intense workouts with modifications ( their old site was bodyrock.tv so they just move not sure if they have the modification on their new website i know they have on their old on) :D hope this helps!
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Sorry but I'm learning to love it. I can't wait everyday to be done with work, so I can head on over to the gym. I've been working out and eating healthy for about 40 days now and I've gotten great results. I know that everything I'm doing is for my own good. There are other things you can do....

    1. Swimming
    2. Hiking
    3. Walk outside
    4. Ride your bike around your neighborhood
    5. My mom used to walk in the mall
    6. Lift weights at home
    7. I like the treadmill and the elliptical machine. I can't just listen to music though. I have a kindle fire and I have netflix. I watch a couple of episodes of whatever show and by the time I look an hour has passed.

    Good luck to you.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Most people dont like exercise until they get used to it. Then they cant for a couple days. The lightbulb goes off and they realise they cant live without it. Mindset shift. Boom.

    Go get that and your problem will also go Boom.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I don't like exercise..there I said it ..but I know I have to do it How do you get yourself to do it ??I mean I would rather give birth than get on a treadmill or put in a dvd and sweat

    Does anyone else feel this way?? or am I just crazy??? I don't know how to make exercise a habit that I have got to do no matter what, please help!!
    Gotta hate being overweight/fat more than you hate exercise to do it. Thing is once you get to goal, you should still keep exercising.
    People hate what they are bad at or makes them feel uncomfortable. Find a PHYSICAL activity you enjoy and it will be better.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't like exercise..there I said it ..but I know I have to do it How do you get yourself to do it ??I mean I would rather give birth than get on a treadmill or put in a dvd and sweat

    Does anyone else feel this way?? or am I just crazy??? I don't know how to make exercise a habit that I have got to do no matter what, please help!!

    What do you like to do that's active? Do that.

    I hate the treadmill, but I love being outside, so I walk, jog and hike outside. I listen to good music or the radio if I'm alone or have a great conversation if I go with friends.

    I love to swim. I biked 32 miles (first time on a bike in 20-plus years!) with a couple friends. I enjoy rollerblading.

    Even if you're in a cold climate, bundle up and go outside. I used to walk miles in below zero temps and sweat.

    Any sports you enjoy? Join a team.

    Just because it's fun doesn't mean it's not exercise. Just get out there and MOVE!
  • ebrown30
    ebrown30 Posts: 31 Member
    Get a buddy, I'm a total couch potato with out my sister. She is my motivation to get my lazy but to the gym. She and I are best friends and always have something to talk about while we work our so the time goes by faster and it helps to have some one waiting on you so you know you have to show up.

    Good luck.
  • I just talked to my husband last night about this. As I was lying in a sweaty heap on the floor after some circuit training, I asked him, "When people say they 'love' exercising... they don't mean it, right?" He assured me they don't... they like the results and how they feel afterwards. I do legitimately enjoy running though (and not just for the results), so maybe some people really do like doing lunges until their legs are shaking so badly they literally can't stand anymore.

    I would soooo much rather not eat than exercise. If I could look good with no muscles, I would probably sit on my butt all day (except the running, because I looooove racing). And exercise vs. child birth.... hahaha... no competition.
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    you know I hate gym style exercise as well!!! BUT I am a very outdoorsy type of person, so I like to go hiking, I walk my dog twice a day, I walk to work rather than take the bus, in summer play on the beach, frizbee, rounders, football....whatever just find something active you actually enjoy doing and tada...exercise :smile:
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I don't like exercise..there I said it ..but I know I have to do it How do you get yourself to do it ??I mean I would rather give birth than get on a treadmill or put in a dvd and sweat

    Does anyone else feel this way?? or am I just crazy??? I don't know how to make exercise a habit that I have got to do no matter what, please help!!

    You are not crazy, you are totally normal. I did absolutely nothing until I was around 30 and got sick partly due to bad lifestyle choices. I FORCED myself to go twice a week the first winter, didn't honestly put much effort in but I did meet some nice people and find some great instructors. One day it just clicked for me - horrible weekend, nearly crying on the bus travelling to the gym but felt a million times better just one hour later! Eventually I retrained in lifestyle healthcare, my family think it is hilarious.

    Find something you enjoy or get satisfaction from or can tolerate. Volunteer to walk dogs or for 'green gym', dance or go to the park or bowling or ice skating with your children, cycle to work. Sign up to a 5k or 10K fun run for a charity you feel passionate about and tell EVERYONE you are doing it so you will feel ashamed if you don't. Family or workplace pedometer challenge - everyone gets a pedometer and you all aim for your 10,000 step target each day, there are rewards and forfeits. You can check each other's pedometers or take photographs on your mobile phone.

    If you can force yourself into a gym classes are particularly good for those who struggle with motivation, you get a fixed time to attend, social aspect, music and/ or choreography and/ or someone shouting to distract you. I find by the time I really feel like it's a living hell there is often only twenty minutes to go .... of which I tell myself ten is a cool down. Start out with a shorter or slower paced class - abs blast, yoga, Pilates etc - just whilst you develop a habit, or take breaks whenever you need them, keep a drink and towel at the side of the studio. Try different classes and different instructors of the same class type, you might surprise yourself what you enjoy say Boxercise for stress relief even tho you are not at all violent nor sporty.

    There are also some interesting smartphone apps - Zombies Run! which is a game, Gym Pact whereby you get paid if you exercise and log it properly, but have to pay out if you fail to do anything. Many people find it VERY difficult to exercise at home because there are too many distractions, and find it difficult to go out to the gym again once they arrive home tired and sit down - they will go before work, in their lunchbreak or on the way home say. It's a case of working around your own excuses, planning how you will deal with obstacles, making it easy(ish) to exercise by having plenty of clean kit and a packed gym bag in your car or by the front door.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I never liked exercise, either, which is why I never stuck with it before! Treadmills, running, exercise DVDs...not for me! Ugh!

    But I do like kicking and punching on the heavy bag hanging in my shed, "fighting zombies" with my bokken, swinging nunchaku around making Bruce Lee sounds, sparring with my husband, going to class a couple nights a week and hanging with the guys. And there is always that "next level" that I am working toward. There are always tests to pass, tournaments to train for, a new weapon or kata to learn. That's what keeps me going. I've been doing this for ten years now, and I can't see myself ever quitting.

    So yeah, I'm gonna join in with everyone who says keep looking until you find something that lights your fire. There just has to be something out there just for YOU!