Exercises for a bad back - Scoliosis

Hey guys,
Because of my back problems I have been sticking to mainly running and cycling to lose weight but it doesnt seem to be doing the trick. I am currently 154lbs and 5'8. Most of my weight is around my stomach and I would like to know what are some effective core exercises I can do without hurting my back? Also how long should I run for? Should I switch it up and run/ walk on incline? Any tips on losing weight fast ? I eat really healthy so im hoping that by increasing my exercise game I will lose the weight I want to lose. PLZ HELP!

Goal weight 125lbs


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    It would probably depend on the severity of your scoliosis.
    Have you spoken with your doctor about if you can weight train without causing injury?
  • I forget what the angle is exactly but my doctor only wants me doing physio and light cardio as exercises. The pain has diminished since I started physio so I feel like I am capable of doing more. The scoliosis is close to my neck so sit ups are a no no :(
  • i have scoliosis too and pilates really works for me
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Butterfly kicks
    Leg lifts with a stability ball
    Medicine ball oblique twists

    Maybe modify them if they are uncomfortable - also running/walking on an incline/up hill is a great way to increase a cardio workout and increase fat burn...can't spot reduce but reduce overall fat %.

    Have fun!
  • awesome :) thanks guys :):)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    If you're already running, slow down so you're into fat burning mode. If you don't have a HRM, figure out what your heart rate should be for fat burning. I too, have tummy fat that needs to go and running doesn't burn fat as efficiently as walking does! I still want to run though, so I'm just doing it slower, even at 3.5mph (yep, I'm short!) and I can walk faster than that. lol
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Hmmm...I have scoliosis, and have never been told I couldn't do certain workouts or movements. Are you sure you have a correct diagnosis for your back issues? I know anytime I let my muscles get really tight I have back pain, but I think that's true for most people. I do go to a chiropractor 1x/month to align me and help keep me limber and loose.

    Since I've been doing weight training (circuits, and CrossFit), I feel like my back is stronger and healthier than ever because I'm doing full body movements, which just strengthens everything, especially the core. When I was doing yoga a few years ago, I could definitely tell a difference, too -- I felt very loose, and my muscles stayed flexible even between yoga sessions.

    I do run as well, and found that if I did not properly stretch (before and after), the muscles around my hips pulled on my lower back and made me feel like I had injured my lower back. As long as I kept those muscles flexible, my back was fine.

    I also seem to carry a lot of weight in my stomach area, but this issue is also exaggerated because of my curve -- it pushes out my abdomen while my shoulders are a bit sloped forward. Once I got to a lower BF% and strengthened the core, this was less of an issue.
  • yes, my scoliosis is in between my shoulder blades near my neck. It was effecting my nerves and muscles but now that i have been doing psysio and going for acupuncture for the last two years I seem to be able to relieve it on my own with little exercises. I also lost a lot of muscle when the scoliosis started to effect me. All i really want is some effective core exercises that wont strain my back.
  • I think you should need to Dr Kevin Lau, he is expert of <a href="www.hiyh.info/lang_sg/media-appearances.php">Scoliosis treatment singapore</a> since 9+years ago.