In search of 2009 me!!

I have renewed my vow to be healthy TODAY! In 2009, I started the C25K (couch to 5K) program and started seeing a nutritionist who put me on an appetite suppressant and a low carb, high protein diet. In 8 months in that lifestyle, I was feeling GREAT and just about to cross over into ONEderland and out of the 200s! Then my husband lost his job and my stress level went through the roof! In 2011, we opened our own business and the stress just seemed to be pretty constant from 2009 until now.

I have learned how to live with a minimal amount of stress and have changed my work options to allow for a safety net.

I weighed in this morning at 254. I've told myself all my life I'd never be 250 pounds. Well, today is the day. I got up last night in the middle of the night and started writing. Writing all the reasons I would be happier in a healthier body. It wasn't hard to come up with them. So, onward and upward in the search of 2009 me!

Feel free to add me! :)


  • lauren1802
    i am back to my highest (from 2001) i was at my lowest in maybe 2004?

    i am getting married in 9 months and it's now or NEVER
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is free to add me, I was 425 on the first of July of this year and I've lost 112 in under six months... That's right 313 still got a long way to go but I've changed a lot and have really mastered quite a few things... If you'd like some ideas my food diary is open to friends...
  • jsdholland
    jsdholland Posts: 77 Member
    feel free to add me too...I have 60 pounds gone and about 40 to go...started at a high of about 243...would love to support you and have some more support. Battling through these holidays right now...but keeping up my workouts!
  • jjj1988
    jjj1988 Posts: 97 Member
    Your title really hit me because I've been searching for the 2010 me! I was rocking triathlons and half marathons back then, at 125 pounds (was not heatlhy though, dealt with eating disorder issues). That being said, I would love to be part of 2010 me again (minus the eating disorder). i clocked in at my highest weight ever today (175). UGH. feel free to add me, I log everyday and could always use support