Do you count housework towards your daily cals.



  • Allegra_Williams
    Yes. It's not allot, but since it's over my BMR, I count it. :)
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy

    I got fat even when I was cleaning my house, and even when I was DEEP CLEANING my house I was still fat. It's CLEANING, it's not a WORK OUT.
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    I think it depends on what you have your lifestyle set as. I have mine set to sedentary. So, when I clean house, I do log it. I don't always log the full time because I'd rather err on the side of caution & not make myself believe I can have a piece of cake tonight just because I cleaned my house. :) I love chocolate so you can bet I'd probably try to do that if I added in every second I cleaned. I usually will log 60 mins cleaning no matter if I did 1 hour or 4 hours. For my actual workouts that I do with dvds or sports, I try to get super close to the actual time I did the workout because I know for certain that's above & beyond a sedentary lifestyle.
  • cajungirltx
    cajungirltx Posts: 147 Member
    I do if its like spring cleaning or something. Otherwise, I do not count my everyday chores.
  • 2BeFit4Jesus
    If you have a HRM I would, otherwise I wouldn't because the online calculations are not going to be remotely reliable.
  • annicins
  • KAA1982
    KAA1982 Posts: 90 Member
    You could get a hrm and that will tell you how many calories you've burned. With all the mixed opinions here I think that would be your best bet.

    That is what I do, this way know what I am actually burning and then decide if I want to log it. I only do this on Friday's when I clean the entire house, which takes about 2 hours.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I guess I just don't get the point. Is it logging because you are worried that you'll be nutritionally deficient from one day of extra activity and need to eat more to replenish that, logging to impress you friends that you put in 8 hours of housework or some other motive I'm missing?

    The people we call "naturally thin" don't go around all day wondering if the cleaning they did counts or if their job earned them an extra cookie. The endless search for extra things to log as activity baffles me.

    I do not think that she is trying to impress her friends....maybe she is just trying to hold herself accountable and get used to keeping track of what she does...when you are trying to make a habit of exercise and eating healthier maybe it is her own motivation...why does everyone have to judge negatively right positve.

    Thank you for saying what I was thinking! I log my exercise.. My activity level is set at sedentary. I have a mood disorder, and I need all the encouragement to keep active that I can get. By logging my cleaning, pet care, walks, it helps motivate me to not sit and read all day. I usually do not eat the calories back. I don't know why everyone feels they have to judge other people. My mom taught me "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I wish more people had been taught that. this is supposed to be for support!
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    At the end of he day you are moving and it is all exercise so yes I log it in it's various forms, eg. light, moderate etc. I log all my cleaning just as much as I do all my other exercise.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    It is not a daily chore, nor a weekly one. You do it once a month with a huge amount of effort. By all means log those calories burned. It is a full on workout. I should know as I have done move out cleaning more than once. Just because other people say that it's not a work out mean 1 of 2 things; 1/ they have never given their place such a thorough clean or 2/ they are just plain judgmental. 8 hours is a long time to be cleaning. I'd would mix it up between light and heavy cleaning for calories burned.
  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    I have 3 stages of cleaning ; picking up here and there which I don't log and I do it everyday. Moderate cleaning where I get the house looking and smelling good I do that about 2-3 times a week, then I have deep cleaning where I sweep, mop, dust, organize etc I do that once a week generally on a saturday. I log my moderate and my heavy because I actually do start to break a sweat and I can feel my body moving and stretching, I can feel my heart starting to pound.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Get a maid. Problem solved.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    I've always been kind of divided on this topic.
    On one hand, no, it just doesn't seem "exercisey".

    On the other hand, if you are busting your rear, breaking a sweat, maybe even panting a little, then it's a bit of a "maybe".

    In some of the people I've seen in the past, I kind of felt that it was a way of cheating one's self. Of course, in a funny anecdote to this topic, I have seen a guy list "Sex" as an exercise. I can't remember how much time or how many calories he burned, but I laughed my *kitten* off when I saw it on my feed.
  • Kaydee1084
    Kaydee1084 Posts: 4 Member
    I will count it if I feel it a couple hours later or am sweating at the end. Our house is really big so deep cleaning it takes 4 hours or so but I only log 1-2 of those hours I clean never the whole 4. Thats just like i'm a toddler gymnastics coach and I have to show them what to do first and thats a workout, my class is 45 mins long but I only log it under "coaching" for 20 mins.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I'm actually taking notes here, hoping to one day have a regular cleaning routine.
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    I dont count the normal straightening up etc through the week, but i do count my once a week good clean on the weekends. I put on my HRM and its normally a good couple of hours.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Yes, I do. When you go to log in cardiovascular activity and you type in "cleaning" then cleaning comes up, one for moderate and one for vigorus. I usually log it to be moderate activity. I know when I clean my house I get some exercise!
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member
    I guess I just don't get the point. Is it logging because you are worried that you'll be nutritionally deficient from one day of extra activity and need to eat more to replenish that, logging to impress you friends that you put in 8 hours of housework or some other motive I'm missing?

    The people we call "naturally thin" don't go around all day wondering if the cleaning they did counts or if their job earned them an extra cookie. The endless search for extra things to log as activity baffles me.

    But that was the question, I think. And yes, I would count that deep cleaning. What we used to call "Spring Cleaning," it's difficult and trust me, it's work. Sure, I'd do it for the extra cookie. But then I'm not "naturally thin." That's why I have to log everything I eat, forever. If I don't, I'll face once again the prospect of having to lose 97 pounds. If I burn it, though, I earn it--the cookie that is, as long as I am always within mmy calorie levels.