Hi, I'm Mike, I'm starting myfitnesspal for motivation

Hello everyone,

My name is Mike, I live in Miami FL, and i am 27.I'm joining because I want to recommit myself to losing weight. When I started my career 5 years ago I was 183lbs and relatively fit. Since I started my desk job (er...career), I ballooned to 255 pounds. A decent salary and going out to lunch every day wreaked havoc. To make things worse, I suffer from moderate joint pain which makes activity painful and limits the activities I can do.

Around March of last year, I had enough, and I decided it was time to lose weight. I started paying a personal trainer and I decided this was year I was going to follow through on finishing a triathlon. When I was fit, I used to love to run, and even recently, I was a giant fan of cycling. I stepped up my training and I was able to finish two triathlons! I also managed to drop back down to 228. I was ontop of the world.

I bought a new carbon fiber road bike and almost immediately injured myself. In the first month I put 250 miles on the bike. I developed chronic knee pain due to overuse so I took a bunch of time off. During this time off, I regained 6 pounds. I've seen managed to recover from the injury, and I'm just starting to ramp back up on cycling. I'm hoping to start running and swimming soon. My short term goal weight is 220 pounds, and I would love your help to achieve it. Add me as a friend if you're into cycling, running, swimming, triathlons, or just being healthy :)


  • Well I'm not really into all the super fitness stuff but I do eat as healthy as I can (but seeing as I view this as a lifestyle change and not a diet, I do have treats!)

    I wish you all the best :)
  • freasabreze
    freasabreze Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Mike! :drinker:
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Hi Mike! This site is awesome I been using it for the last few months and have lost 46 pounds it def makes you more aware of everything you put in your mouth. Also from Florida in Naples, but org from HIALEAH. I know its hard to keep healthy especially being from a latin culture I love to eat :) I use to weigh 350 lbs and now I am 166 lbs. So it is still a fight to be healthy and fit. The encouragement and the motivation from everyone keeps you pushing. If you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)

  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    Friend request sent :)
  • bluetrumpet01
    bluetrumpet01 Posts: 131 Member
    I know its hard to keep healthy especially being from a latin culture I love to eat :)

    The rice and beans get me every time :)
  • bluetrumpet01
    bluetrumpet01 Posts: 131 Member
    I've only been on here a few hours, and I can already see how valuable this site is going to be. I'm excited
  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    Friend request send!! Would love to be of support :)
  • go3gurl2go1
    Wow triathlons!! Would love to build up the motivation to train for one someday! Maybe a sprint tri :) My goal right now is to eat healthier too, so feel free to add. The more the merrier