Which one looks nicer for Christmas?

I wanna get these blouses but I don't know which ones to get :-/
Also which one looks nicer with my face?? Thanks dears!





  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I'd go with #1.
  • Nickstery
    Nickstery Posts: 324 Member
    I vote #3
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    since i can't see your face from your profile pic i like no. 1. i personally do not like no. 2 (not my style). No. 3 is very pretty but depending upon your body shape it could look amazing or it could add weight.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    #1, think this will be most flattering.
  • Love #3
  • JenniferEM2012
    JenniferEM2012 Posts: 229 Member
    They are all good choices. I would go with 1 but also buy 3 because it is very pretty.
  • cathmaow
    cathmaow Posts: 37 Member
    vote 3
  • i love 2 & 3.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Definitely number 1 :smile:
  • The first one is cute. I'm not a big fan of the ruffles though. Make sure you unbutton the first three buttons if you get it and pair it with a cute, small necklace.

    The second one is nice, but I don't think the undershirt is suitable. Is that included? If you choose this one, add some bracelets.

    The third one is suits your face the most I reckon - I'm glad you asked that because that's the most important thing, for it to suit you. There's a lot you can do with this one. I'd say go for this!
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    They are all good choices. I would go with 1 but also buy 3 because it is very pretty.

    love this answer! and now that you've changed your profile pic. 1 would be the top to wear and 3 would look great with your coloring and a pair of skinny jeans
  • choface
    choface Posts: 107 Member
    I like 3