Top 10 Things I Hate About the Gym!



  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    1. People who come up to you and want to give advice on your exercise routine. i.e."You should really work on your delts."....
    2. Women who dress up to come workout.
    3. People who drop weights.
    4. Excessive grunting.
    5. Sweaty people who don't clean their machine.
    6. Men who stare at the mirror and flex as they walk by.
    7. People who touch their mouth to the top of the water fountain.
    8. No bra wearing females.....and sometimes males.
    9. The Krispy Kreme across the street..that just happens to be visible from the cardio machines.
    and finally::::
    10, People who talk to you in the locker room while they are naked.

    Hahah, maybe that last one doesn't happen to everyone, but I have had it happen way to many times!!

    What do you hate!?:-)

    i work out at planet fitness so the grunting thing is not allowed nor is the dropping weights. i love it there.

    however, here are MY ten things i hate about the gym:

    1 - the women that are SUPER thin, OBVIOUSLY not having a reason to even BE there, walking around scoping out the guys. (seriously, ive seen this three times where there are younger girls that are obviously NOT there to work out, except walk around and look at guys)

    2 - some of the machines are BORING.

    3 - being stared at because my large amounts of tattoos...what? its not ok for a chick to have alotta tattoos??? ( i have 16 but only 11 are visable but theyre rather large)

    4 - the guys in the free weight area STARING at themselves while theyre lifting...( i dont hate this, i just dont understand it)

    5 - feeling awkward in the free weight area cause its all men and no women, even when im with my trainer (even though i know its probably just me and i have no reason to be self conscious, im just not used to doing free weights)

    6 - seeing people TEXT while on the machines...Really?! you cant take an HOUR or even a half hour away from your texting and cell phone while working out? ( the other day i was circuit training and i was waiting to use the row/deltoids machine and there was a guy that i thought was resting between, he was sitting AT the machine TEXTING.....i finally had to move on and go back when i saw him get up....THIRTY MINUTES LATER)

    7 - people who take WAY to long on the circuit training my gym, there is a 30 minute express workout. it has a red light and a green light. when the green light goes on, you're supposed to do as many of whatever it is in ONE minute then stop when the red light goes on and move on to the next machine and do the same thing...........the other day, i was in there, and there was a guy that was hogging three of the machines by doing three or four minutes on each machine....the drives me nuts.

    hmmmm....thats all i can think of at the moment but theyre pretty big ones.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    1. The fact that the music is SO LOUD that I can't hear my freaking ipod and get a headache from the competing noises. This doesn't happen all the time, but some of the aerobic instructors like the really pump up the volume. CLOSE THE DOOR and we would all be happier.

    2. People who carry around cell phones when they work out. I don't know why this bugs me, but it does. LOL.

    3. I go to a small gym. I really really miss the steam room. boo
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I was at the gym MANY moons ago, and found myself staring unbelieving at a very large man who'd parked his hiney on a weight bench and was eating McDonalds. true story...
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    It's kind of strange but most of these issues would go away if the people who ran the gym would....let's see...oh yeah...RUN THE GYM!!!!
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    I can't stand to see women in full make-up...I never see them sweating it off either. If I worked out with make-up on, it would be in a puddle on the floor. lol

    I can't stand it when ppl have soft drinks and coffee with them while they are working out...come on!!!

    Ladies...the "girls" needs lots of support! Buy a good sports bra, PLEASE!!!
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    I absolutely LOVE they guy I call the "mini-Punisher". Here's the story:

    At a previous gym, there was a guy who had to put a 60-lb weight in front of the Reebok Body Mill machine before he used it because if he didn't, the machine would walk across the floor! He'd get on the machine, wrap his arms around the top of it, hold on for dear life, and then pump his legs like no tomorrow! (For those who aren't sure, the Body Mill is a very old-style elliptical machine). I think he had it on a resistance level of -5! Anyway, I called him "The Punisher" because of all the abuse that poor Body Mill had to endure with him on it.

    At my current gym, there's a guy who's very similar. He's the one I call "The mini-Punisher". He works out on a Precor Elliptical. While he doesn't wrap his arms around it like a long-lost love, you can totally tell that he's hanging on for dear life! Then, his legs flail madly about as he proceeds on his workout. I managed to see the resistance level today when I was on the weight machines behind the ellipticals. Level 1 (the lowest), wouldn't ya know? Geez!

    Someone from work suggested that maybe he doesn't know how the whole resistance thing works and that maybe he needs instruction. Well, I'm surprised that the people who actually WORK at the gym don't gently ask him if he needs assistance. It's not like it's not noticeable! Of course, nobody ever said anything to the other guy, either. Not even me. But then again, if a guy is that mean to a machine, what would he do to another person in the gym? I figured that these guys must be completely crazy, so I try to steer clear of them.

    ...yet I can't help but watch. It's what Josef Conrad called "The fascination of the abomination", I guess...
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    my list:

    1. People who interrupt you to chat, or ask for help while i'm in the middle of my sets..this drives me c'mon can't you see i'm lifting?? the word is WAIT until I put my weights down, i'm not here to socialize.

    2. Weight hoggers, the people who take a set of 20, 30, 40 and 50 and hog em, then they don't put them back when their done.

    3. Guys who stare at my my boobs...c'mon now, you've never seen boobs before?

    4. If someone is using the machine you want to use, please wait for your turn. Don’t keep asking them whether they are done, don’t stand on top of their head and stop tapping your foot. Seriously, go do something else until i'm done...just because you're breathing down my neck, won't make me get off any sooner.

    5. This is usually a man thing, but they do have a habit of standing right in front of me when i'm using the mirror to check out my stance, did you not SEE me there? yes you're pretty, but i'm trying to maintain proper form here buddy!

    6. gym pretties, the ones that wear the lulu lemon pants super cropped bra tops, full make up, puma fashion shoes, yet never seem to ever lift a weight or heaven forbid get on a peice of cardio equipment and sweat their prettiness off...this isn't a bar, or a singles club, you're taking up valuable bench space with your pretty buns...move on.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I would prefer grunting from a hard workout to people talking on their cellphones while on the cardio equipment! People might disagree with me, but the same goes for texting and reading on the machines. I mean, workout or don't workout. Stop phoning it in! Get in a HARD workout in 30 minutes instead of lollygagging on the machines for an hour reading a gossip magazine.

    Also, seeing people hold themselves up on the stair climber. I'm not impressed with how fast you are going when you are supporting 40% of your weight with your arms! You are only cheating yourself (and annoying the crap outta me!).

    But really, I just get annoyed by the crowds at my gym. I like to circuit train and I just can't move quickly enough from exercise to exercise when I have to fight the crowds. I've been working out in my living room with very minimal equipment and getting as good (if not better) results than when I belonged to a gym.

    I do miss the sauna though!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I absolutely LOVE they guy I call the "mini-Punisher". Here's the story:

    At a previous gym, there was a guy who had to put a 60-lb weight in front of the Reebok Body Mill machine before he used it because if he didn't, the machine would walk across the floor! He'd get on the machine, wrap his arms around the top of it, hold on for dear life, and then pump his legs like no tomorrow! (For those who aren't sure, the Body Mill is a very old-style elliptical machine). I think he had it on a resistance level of -5! Anyway, I called him "The Punisher" because of all the abuse that poor Body Mill had to endure with him on it.

    At my current gym, there's a guy who's very similar. He's the one I call "The mini-Punisher". He works out on a Precor Elliptical. While he doesn't wrap his arms around it like a long-lost love, you can totally tell that he's hanging on for dear life! Then, his legs flail madly about as he proceeds on his workout. I managed to see the resistance level today when I was on the weight machines behind the ellipticals. Level 1 (the lowest), wouldn't ya know? Geez!

    Someone from work suggested that maybe he doesn't know how the whole resistance thing works and that maybe he needs instruction. Well, I'm surprised that the people who actually WORK at the gym don't gently ask him if he needs assistance. It's not like it's not noticeable! Of course, nobody ever said anything to the other guy, either. Not even me. But then again, if a guy is that mean to a machine, what would he do to another person in the gym? I figured that these guys must be completely crazy, so I try to steer clear of them.

    ...yet I can't help but watch. It's what Josef Conrad called "The fascination of the abomination", I guess...

    The gym I go to is all female...and you can always tell a person whose never used an elliptical before..because their bottom half is a movin' and their top half isn't!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    1. People that work out in jeans. Really how can that be comfortable especially when you have to pull them up because they are 10 times too big and falling off?

    2. People that take up machines in the cinema while listening to their headphones when it is busy. Go out into the main area so I can have a machine.

    3. People in the floor exercise room that do not put equipment back so free weights, balls, steps and mats are spread every where and you have to pick up stuff just to make a spot to do some core work.
  • mmains
    mmains Posts: 7
    What is it with the naked thing? I tell my husband about it all the time...really uncomfortable. I hate when the gym is so crowded you have to wait for machines!! Then you feel like you are being watched and not doing it right.
  • People who walk out the gym without even looking like they've broken a sweat!!!
  • ldupless
    ldupless Posts: 26 Member
    Ohhh you all have made my day! I'm glad to see I am not the only one with a "list" haha. You guys are awesome!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Reading this list made me appreciate my gym even more! Sure I've seen guys checking themselves out in the mirror, and heard the grunting, but never have I heard them go like "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" :laugh:

    I'm lucky I go at a time where it's not so busy, usually around 11am. I once went after 5:00 and it was so packed and annoying.
  • Also this morning in the cardio room, it there was maybe 8 - 10 people there and there was a man using one of the brand new bikes (we only have 2 of the new new ones) and he was barely moving, like barely! He was drinking a star bucks and watching the tv and he kept stopping to listen to the tv, I noticed like 3 ppl waiting to try out the new bikes but one women had just started on one and this guy was on it the whole hour I was there, just watching tv...drinking coffee...

    A friend of mine works at a gym and the other night he couldn't leave work because one guy was in sitting on a bike hardly moving and watching the football. Turned out he'd had a row with the wife about hogging the TV, and she'd banned him from going to the pub to see it, so he turned up at the gym! Cheeky swine.

    The people who annoy me at the gym tend to be the dolly birds and the tanorexic posers but then those are the people who annoy me outside the gym too.

    Pet hates include people who don't wipe the sweat from their *kitten*-crack off the seats, mobile phone use (you can't be radio silent for an hour?) and 1000 year old trainers (buy new shoes and stop gassing us all).

    I feel bad complaining about nudity because to be honest if it's someone with a great body it doesn't offend my eyes, so I refuse to be embarrassed when the older and larger are walking about in the buff - fair play to them. I do find myself staring at the ceiling however, if someone is walking about with an untrimmed lady-garden on display, ha ha ha

    The most annoying thing ever for me though, and I have only come across this once in my life, was a woman who never brought her own products and had the nerve to ask strangers if she could borrow theirs. I watched her once ask the woman next to her for moisturiser, foundation and then mascara and the poor woman she asked was presumably so taken aback she obliged! She asked me for some cleanser once, I told her to bring her own.
  • shinybonnie
    shinybonnie Posts: 357
    I live in a really small town and we only have one gym. All the same it is very rarely busy. From like 6-8 a.m. seems to be the busiest time. So I go before or after those hours if I can. We don't have showers; I wish we did, I would shower there for sure! But I WOULD NEVER let anyone see me naked! haha!

    In college, we had a great gym in my town and it was always really busy. There were individual showers and group showers. Ew. Would you believe some of the older women seemed to prefer the group showers?! WHY!? why oh why!? They'd stand there naked, scrubbing all the crevices, chatting with their old lady friends about whose daughter in law said what. EW! I hope that I never lose my sense of modesty and go walking around naked, embarrassing everyone. I would shower in the individual showers, dry off and get COMPLETELY dressed before exiting the shower stall. I did have a friend my own age who went with me to the gym once and came out of the shower completely naked and put on her makeup and stuff all naked ..... very un-nerving!

    Okay, my only pet peeve about the gym is the social awkwardness. Like, there are very few people ever there. If I am at the gym alone (they give you a key card so you can enter the building after hours), and someone walks in, and we are the only 2 in there, I want to make eye contact and smile, sort of check them out to make sure they are not a freak or anything, maybe just say good morning so its not awkward. But people do not meet your eye at the gym. I feel bad if I am the only one in the gym, someone comes in, and like 2 minutes later I leave. I don't want them to think I left because of them. Or worse, if the new-comer goes straight to an area that I was about to use. Like, we only have 2 elipticals. If the new-comer goes to the elipticals and 2 minutes later, I go get on the one beside her, I think, "oh man, she probly thinks I'm copying her or something" and then she is just watching tv or something and won't meet my eye contact... oh, it's all just so awkward! haha!

    Don't get me wrong, 95% of my gym experience is me concentrating on working out. But I am aware of the people around me more than they seem to be aware of me!
  • I hate guys that smell really bad also! I know you are working out and aren't going to be smelling fresh, but some people smell like they have no deodrant on at all!

    I work out in Cardio Cinema room where it's a movie theater screen with machines. I hate when people come in there talking to each other loud or on the phone. It's hard enough to hear some parts with the machine running.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I want a Cardio Cinema in my gym! :ohwell:
  • I want a Cardio Cinema in my gym! :ohwell:

    It's the best! They play a different movie all day. Makes the time fly by while you are working out.
  • I would prefer grunting from a hard workout to people talking on their cellphones while on the cardio equipment! People might disagree with me, but the same goes for texting and reading on the machines. I mean, workout or don't workout. Stop phoning it in! Get in a HARD workout in 30 minutes instead of lollygagging on the machines for an hour reading a gossip magazine.

    Also, seeing people hold themselves up on the stair climber. I'm not impressed with how fast you are going when you are supporting 40% of your weight with your arms! You are only cheating yourself (and annoying the crap outta me!).

    But really, I just get annoyed by the crowds at my gym. I like to circuit train and I just can't move quickly enough from exercise to exercise when I have to fight the crowds. I've been working out in my living room with very minimal equipment and getting as good (if not better) results than when I belonged to a gym.

    I do miss the sauna though!

    Hey I read magazines when I am on the stair machine.. Makes time go by faster.
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